
The Fields object represents a collection of columns in a table. The term field is synonymous with column. Each table in a database has an ordered collection of fields, there is always at least one field in a table. The ordered collection behaves like a list, so it is possible to access individual fields by a numbered position (or index) in the list.


Field The field at the specified index in the fields collection.
FieldCount The number of fields in the fields collection.
FindField Finds the index of the named field in the fields collection.
FindFieldByAliasName Finds the index of the field with the alias name in the fields collection.

Classes that implement IFields

Classes Description
Fields ESRI Fields object.


The IFields interface provides information about a Fields collection and also provides access to individual fields. When using IFields::FindField, remember that there are equivalent methods on IClass and ICursor—they are shortcuts which save you having to get the Fields collection.

When programming with ArcMap, there is a distinction between IFields and two other interfaces, ILayerFields and ITableFields. ILayerFields is particular to an ArcMap layer, so for example, an alias name belongs to the field as defined in that layer rather than being stored with the underlying table.

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