Ansible playbook 根据条件动态设置变量

  1. 首先新建 inventory,主机列表如下:

    node-01 ansible_host=
    node-02 ansible_host= [app]
    node-01 [db]
  2. 然后新建一个 test.yml,新增如下内容:

    - hosts: db[0]:app[0]   # 支持索引取值
    - Role: "{{ 'db' if 'app' in group_names else 'app' }}" # 动态设置变量
    - Ports:
    app: 4503
    db: 4502 pre_tasks: # 默认tasks只能在roles执行完后才执行,而pre-tasks可以在roles之前执行
    - name: Debug
    msg: This is a test message. roles:
    - testrole
  3. 新建 roles/testrole/defaults/main.yml

    RESTLink: 'http://{{ inventory_hostname }}:{{ Ports[Role] }}'
  4. 新建 roles/testrole/tasks/main.yml

    - debug:
    msg: "Final URL is {{ RESTLink }}"
  5. 执行该 playbook

    ansible-playbook -i inventory test.yml


    PLAY [db[0]:app[0]] ******************************************************************************************************************************************* TASK [Gathering Facts] ****************************************************************************************************************************************
    Tuesday 27 August 2019 18:22:30 +0800 (0:00:00.121) 0:00:00.121 ********
    ok: [node-01]
    ok: [node-02] TASK [debug] **************************************************************************************************************************************************
    Tuesday 27 August 2019 18:22:32 +0800 (0:00:02.242) 0:00:02.363 ********
    ok: [node-02] => {
    "msg": "This is a test message."
    ok: [node-01] => {
    "msg": "This is a test message."
    } TASK [testrole : Debug] ***************************************************************************************************************************************
    Tuesday 27 August 2019 18:22:33 +0800 (0:00:00.255) 0:00:02.620 ********
    ok: [node-02] => {
    "msg": "Final URL is http://node-02:4503"
    ok: [node-01] => {
    "msg": "Final URL is http://node-01:4502"
    } PLAY RECAP ****************************************************************************************************************************************************
    node-01 : ok=3 changed=0 unreachable=0 failed=0
    node-02 : ok=3 changed=0 unreachable=0 failed=0


1. When used in this manner, the order of execution for your playbook is as follows:

  • Any pre_tasks defined in the play.
  • Any handlers triggered so far will be run.
  • Each role listed in roles will execute in turn. Any role dependencies defined in the roles meta/main.yml will be run first, subject to tag filtering and conditionals.
  • Any tasks defined in the play.
  • Any handlers triggered so far will be run.
  • Any post_tasks defined in the play.
  • Any handlers triggered so far will be run.


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