Reuse Implemented Functionality 重用实现功能
A default XAF solution contains one platform-agnostic (shared) module and platform-dependent modules for each application. This topic describes how to add extra modules and business objects from an external library to the shared module to extend the applications' functionality.
XAF Extra Modules
Use the Module Designer or Application Designer to add or remove extra modules. Double-click the Module.cs (Module.vb) file to invoke the Module Designer from a module project. To invoke the Application Designer, double-click the WinApplication.cs (WinApplication.vb) or WebApplication.cs (WebApplication.vb) file in an application project.
使用模块设计器或应用程序设计器添加或删除额外的模块。双击Module.cs (Module.vb)文件,从模块项目调用模块设计器。要调用应用程序设计器,双击应用程序项目中的WinApplication.cs (WinApplication.vb)或WebApplication.cs (WebApplication.vb)文件。
Follow the steps below to add the Conditional Appearance and Validation module to the shared module and set up how they interact with the business objects.
- Invoke the Module Designer for the shared module in the SimpleProjectManager.Module project.
Drag the Conditional Appearance and Validation modules from the Toolbox to the designer's Required Modules section.
Open the SimpleProjectManager.Module\BusinessObjects\Planning.cs(vb) file. Apply the AppearanceAttribute and RuleCriteriaAttribute to the ProjectTask class, as demonstrated below:
打开SimpleProjectManager.Module\BusinessObjects\ plan .cs(vb)文件。将外观属性和RuleCriteriaAttribute应用到ProjectTask类,如下所示:
using DevExpress.ExpressApp.ConditionalAppearance;
using DevExpress.Persistent.Validation;
using System.Drawing;
// ...
[Appearance("Completed1", TargetItems = "Subject",
Criteria = "Status = 'Completed'", FontStyle = FontStyle.Strikeout, FontColor = "ForestGreen")]
[Appearance("Completed2", TargetItems = "*;Status;AssignedTo",
Criteria = "Status = 'Completed'", Enabled = false)]
[Appearance("InProgress", TargetItems = "Subject;AssignedTo",
Criteria = "Status = 'InProgress'", BackColor = "LemonChiffon")]
[Appearance("Deferred", TargetItems = "Subject",
Criteria = "Status = 'Deferred'", BackColor = "MistyRose")]
[RuleCriteria("EndDate >= StartDate")]
public class ProjectTask : BaseObject {
// ...
Run the WinForms or ASP.NET application and create several project tasks. The added modules affect the applications' appearance and validation logic according to the specified settings.
Some built-in XAF modules integrate the DevExpress WinForms
and ASP.NET visual components into your application. For example, XAF provides modules for common business scenarios with the data grid and editors, navigation, menu and layout, report, chart, pivot grid, tree view, calendar and scheduler
, etc. Refer to the Extra Modules tutorial for more information.
一些内置的XAF模块集成了DevExpress WinForms
Data Models from External Libraries
You can add a business class to your application from the Business Class Library. XAF generates UI elements according to this class' structure. The following steps show how to add the Person class from the Business Class Library and create the Employee navigation item to display Person objects in a list.
- In the Solution Explorer, double-click the Module.cs (Module.vb) file in the SimpleProjectManager.Module project to invoke the Module Designer.
In the Exported Types section, expand the Referenced Assemblies | DevExpress.Persistent.BaseImpl.v19.2 node. Classes included in the Application Model are marked in bold. The Person node is marked in bold because the Application Model has ProjectTask.AssignedTo and Project.Manager properties of this type.
在解决方案资源管理器中,双击SimpleProjectManager中的Module.cs (Module.vb)文件。调用模块设计器的模块项目。
在export Types部分,展开引用的程序集| devexpress . persistence . baseimpl .v19.2节点。应用程序模型中包含的类以粗体标记。Person节点用粗体标记,因为应用程序模型有ProjectTask。AssignedTo和项目。此类型的管理器属性。
To export a type, select the corresponding class and press Space or right-click this class and choose Use Type in Application in the invoked context menu. Rebuild the project after you made changes in the Module Designer.
要导出类型,请选择相应的类并按Space或右键单击该类,然后在调用的上下文菜单中选择Use type in Application。在模块设计器中进行更改后重新生成项目。
Invoke the Model Editor for the SimpleProjectManager.Module project and navigate to the NavigationItems | Items | Planning | Items node. Create a new navigation item and set its Caption property to "Employee" and View to "Person_ListView". Refer to the Add an Item to the Navigation Control topic for more information on how to add a navigation item.
- 调用SimpleProjectManager的模型编辑器。模块项目和导航到NavigationItems |项|规划|项节点。创建一个新的导航项,并将其标题属性设置为“Employee”,将视图设置为“Person_ListView”。有关如何添加导航项的更多信息,请参阅导航控件主题中的“添加项”。
- Run an application. The navigation control shows the new item in the Planning section.
- 运行一个应用程序。导航控件在Planning部分显示新项。
You can also use third-party modules
or create your own reusable modules for use in multiple XAF applications.
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