
Footnotes for tables in latex - 为latex的table加上footnotes


  1. \begin{table}[h]
  2. \caption{Example of test session results}
  3. \label{tab:test_results}
  4. \centering
  5. \begin{threeparttable}
  6. \begin{tabular}{|l|l|l|}
  7. \hline
  8. Mutants & CPU\tnote{1} & Memory\tnote{2} \\ \hline
  9. Mutant-1 & 23 & 15 \\ \hline
  10. Mutant-2 & 32 & 11 \\ \hline
  11. \end{tabular}
  12. \begin{tablenotes}
  13. \item[1] Measured in percentages.
  14. \item[2] Measured in kilobytes (KB).
  15. \end{tablenotes}
  16. \end{threeparttable}
  17. \end{table}


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