July_One_Week—linked list
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h> typedef struct linklist
unsigned int count;
struct linklist *next;
}linklist; linklist* CreatLinklist(int len)
linklist *head = NULL, *pre = NULL;
head = (linklist*)malloc(sizeof(linklist));//头指针。
pre = (linklist*)malloc(sizeof(linklist)); //pre-previous, 前一个;相对于head来说是后一个。
printf("Please input the data:\n");
scanf("%u", &pre->count);
head->next = pre; //head的后一个是pre。
pre->next = NULL; //pre的next是NULL。 for (int i = ; i < len; i++)
linklist* tmp = (linklist*)malloc(sizeof(linklist));
scanf("%u", &tmp->count);
pre->next = tmp; //新加的节点放在pre后。
tmp->next = NULL; //新加节点的next是NULL。
pre = tmp; //新加的节点变成pre,等待下一个tmp。
return head;
} int Outputlinklist(linklist *head)
printf("#### Output linklist.\n");
if (head != NULL)
while (head->next != NULL)
printf("%u\n", head->next->count);
head = head->next;
} int Lenlinklist(linklist *head)
int len = ;
if (NULL == head->next)
return len;
linklist *p = NULL;
p = head->next;
while(p->next != NULL)
p = p->next;
return len;
} int InsertLinklist(linklist *head, int index)
int len = ;
len = Lenlinklist(head);
printf("the length of linklist:%d, the insert index:%d\n", len, index);
if (index < || index > len)
return -;
int cur_index = ;
linklist *p = NULL;
p = head->next;
while(cur_index < index)
p = p->next;
linklist *node = (linklist*)malloc(sizeof(linklist));
printf("Please input the new node data:\n");
scanf("%u", &node->count);
node->next = p->next;
p->next = node;
return ;
} int DeleteNode(linklist *head, int index)
int len = ;
len = Lenlinklist(head); if((index < ) || (index > len))
return -; int cur_index = ;
linklist *p = NULL;
linklist *q = NULL;
p = head->next;
while(cur_index < index)
p = p->next;
q = p->next;
p->next = q->next;
q = NULL;
} linklist *Reverselinklist(linklist *head)
linklist *p=NULL, *pre=NULL, *pnext=NULL; p = head->next;
pnext = p->next;
if(pnext == NULL)
head->next = p;
p->next = pre;
pre = p;
p = pnext;
return head;
} int main(void)
linklist *mylist = NULL; printf("#### Creat linklist.\n");
mylist = CreatLinklist();
Outputlinklist(mylist); printf("#### Insert new node.\n");
InsertLinklist(mylist, );
Outputlinklist(mylist); printf("#### Delete exist node.\n");
DeleteNode(mylist, );
Outputlinklist(mylist); printf("#### Reverse Linklist.\n");
Outputlinklist(mylist); printf("Handle complete!");
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