CAT Caterpillar ET Diagnostic Adapter has a powerful function
As a excellent Professional Diagnostic Tools products, CAT Caterpillar ET Diagnostic Adapter has a powerful not only can Display “Logged Event Codes” to show engine over speeds,High temperatures, fuel consumption but also can view ECM’s current configuration and change user settings,perform diagnostic tests and calibrations, and calibrate.Electro-mechanical and electro-hydraulic components .
This is the only recommended communication device for CAT, and the only datalink device that will allow you to properly communicate with a CAT engine on dual datalinks. Context sensitive help leads operator through every task Cat ET can perform. Data Logger and Data Log Viewer allows recording of ECM signals for delayed troubleshooting capability.Cat “ET Trainer” is now included in ET Program. It allows Users to train and practice using Cat ET without a Communications adapter or Electronic Control Module (ECM).This is a free feature of Cat ET.
It is the latest generation of the CAT Communication Adapter group, and replaces the Caterpillar Tools This is the only recommended communication device for CAT, and the only datalink device that will allow you to properly communicate with a CAT engine on dual datalinks. This function is needed for some CAT ET (Electronic Technician) functions. The PC-based service tools from Caterpillar provide the capability to access Electronic Control Modules (ECMs) from a personal computer. Many job-critical tasks can be performed with an electronic service tool.
The user can display the status of a group of parameters (temperatures, pressures, etc.) simultaneously, view active and clear logged diagnostics, display the current configuration of an ECM and much more. The service tool works with a communication adapter to allow connection to an ECM. The version and identification of the ECM is automatically retrieved and is displayed on a summary screen when the program is started. Diagnostic tests and calibrations can also be performed.
More similar products can be found on and any problem please feel free contact us.
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