
sCmdLine=" /c taskkill /f /im \"Frs.exe\"";
nResult=LaunchAppAndWait("cmd",sCmdLine ,LAAW_OPTION_HIDDEN|LAAW_OPTION_NOWAIT);


  1、命令行前 ,记得加上   /c


 STRING scCmd;
STRING sCmdLine; scCmd=WINDIR ^ "system32" ^ "cmd.exe";
nResult=LaunchAppAndWait(scCmd,sCmdLine ,LAAW_OPTION_HIDDEN|LAAW_OPTION_NOWAIT);


 prototype POINTER ArrayToPointer(BYREF VARIANT);
prototype NUMBER ProcessEnd(STRING);
prototype BOOL ProcessRunning(STRING); // Kernel functions. prototype NUMBER Kernel32.OpenProcess(NUMBER, BOOL, NUMBER);
prototype NUMBER Kernel32.TerminateProcess(NUMBER, NUMBER); // Process information functions. prototype NUMBER PSAPI.EnumProcesses(POINTER, NUMBER, BYREF NUMBER);
NUMBER); /////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Structures.
///////////////////////////////////////////////// // Structure to mirror the C/C++ SAFEARRAY data structure. typedef _SAFEARRAY
SHORT cDims;
SHORT fFeatures;
LONG cbElements;
LONG cLocks;
// rgsaBound omitted
end; // Structure to mirror the C/C++ VARIANT data structure. typedef _VARIANT
SHORT wReserver1;
SHORT wReserved2;
SHORT wReserved3;
end; /////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Constants.
///////////////////////////////////////////////// #define PSAPI_FILE "psapi.dll" // Windows NT process DLL
#define PROCESSID_LENGTH 4 // 4 bytes (DWORD) for a process ID // Process information constants. #define PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION 0x400
#define PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS 0x1f0fff
#define PROCESS_VM_READ 0x10 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Function: ArrayToPointer
// Description: Converts an InstallShield array into a C array.
// When an array is created in InstallScript, a VARIANT variable
// is created which holds an OLEAutomation SAFEARRAY. To pass
// such an array to a DLL function expecting a C-style array,
// this function explicitly typecasts the pointer to the array
// to a _VARIANT pointer so that the _SAFEARRAY pointer can be
// extracted. The pointer to the actual data is then extracted
// from the _SAFEARRAY pointer.
// Parameters: structArray - Array variable.
// Returns: POINTER - Pointer to array.
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function POINTER ArrayToPointer(structArray)
_SAFEARRAY POINTER pstructArray; // _SAFEARRAY array pointer
_VARIANT POINTER pstructVariant; // _VARIANT array pointer
// Typecast the pointer to the array to a _VARIANT pointer. pstructVariant = &structArray; // Extract the _SAFEARRAY pointer from the _VARIANT. pstructArray = pstructVariant->nData; // Return the pointer to the actual data from the _SAFEARRAY. return pstructArray->pvData;
end; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Function: _Process_End
// Description: Terminates running processes for the specified application.
// Parameters: szAppName - Name of the application to terminate.
// Returns: >= 0 - Number of processes terminated.
// -1 - Failure.
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function NUMBER ProcessEnd(szAppName)
NUMBER nvReturn; // Number of processes terminated
NUMBER nvProcessIDs(); // Array of process IDs
NUMBER nvBytesReturned; // Number of bytes returned in process ID array
NUMBER nvProcesses; // Number of processes running
NUMBER nvIndex; // Loop index
NUMBER nvProcessHandle; // Handle to a process
NUMBER nvModuleHandle; // Handle to a process module
NUMBER nvBytesRequired; // Number of bytes required to store values
POINTER pvProcessIDs; // Pointer to process ID array
STRING svModuleName; // Module name
STRING svFileName; // Module filename
// The psapi.dll reads the Windows NT performance database. The DLL
// is part of the Win32 SDK. if UseDLL(WINSYSDIR ^ PSAPI_FILE) < then
// Could not load psapi.dll. MessageBox("ERROR: Could not load [" + WINSYSDIR ^ PSAPI_FILE +
"].", SEVERE); return -;
endif; // Get the PIDs of all currently running processes. pvProcessIDs = ArrayToPointer(nvProcessIDs); EnumProcesses(pvProcessIDs, , nvBytesReturned); // Determine the number of process IDs retrieved. Each process ID
// is PROCESSID_LENGTH bytes. nvProcesses = nvBytesReturned / PROCESSID_LENGTH; // Get the executable associated with each process, and check if
// its filename matches the one passed to the function. for nvIndex = to nvProcesses
// Get a handle to the process. The OpenProcess function
// must have full (all) access to be able to terminate
// processes. nvProcessHandle = OpenProcess(PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION |
PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, , nvProcessIDs(nvIndex)); if nvProcessHandle != then
// Get a handle to the first module in the process, which
// should be the executable. if EnumProcessModules(nvProcessHandle, nvModuleHandle,
PROCESSID_LENGTH, nvBytesRequired) != then
// Get the path of the module. if GetModuleFileNameExA(nvProcessHandle, nvModuleHandle,
svModuleName, SizeOf(svModuleName)) != then
// Extract the filename (without an extension) from
// the path. ParsePath(svFileName, svModuleName, FILENAME_ONLY); if StrCompare(svFileName, szAppName) = then
// The process module matches the application
// name passed to the function. if TerminateProcess(nvProcessHandle, ) > then
endfor; if UnUseDLL(PSAPI_FILE) < then
MessageBox("ERROR: Could not unload [" + WINSYSDIR ^ PSAPI_FILE +
"].", SEVERE); return -;
endif; return nvReturn;
end; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Function: _Process_Running
// Description: Determines if the specified process is running in memory.
// Parameters: szAppName - Name of the application to check.
// Returns: TRUE - The process is running.
// FALSE - The process is not running.
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function BOOL ProcessRunning(szAppName)
BOOL bvRunning; // Process is running
NUMBER nvProcessIDs(); // Array of process IDs
NUMBER nvBytesReturned; // Number of bytes returned in process ID array
NUMBER nvProcesses; // Number of processes running
NUMBER nvIndex; // Loop index
NUMBER nvProcessHandle; // Handle to a process
NUMBER nvModuleHandle; // Handle to a process module
NUMBER nvBytesRequired; // Number of bytes required to store values
POINTER pvProcessIDs; // Pointer to process ID array
STRING svModuleName; // Module name
STRING svFileName; // Module filename
// The psapi.dll reads the Windows NT performance database. The DLL
// is part of the Win32 SDK. if UseDLL(WINSYSDIR ^ PSAPI_FILE) < then
// Could not load psapi.dll. MessageBox("ERROR: Could not load [" + WINSYSDIR ^ PSAPI_FILE +
"].", SEVERE); return FALSE;
endif; // Get the PIDs of all currently running processes. pvProcessIDs = ArrayToPointer(nvProcessIDs); EnumProcesses(pvProcessIDs, , nvBytesReturned); // Determine the number of process IDs retrieved. Each process ID
// is PROCESSID_LENGTH bytes. nvProcesses = nvBytesReturned / PROCESSID_LENGTH; // Get the executable associated with each process, and check if
// its filename matches the one passed to the function. for nvIndex = to nvProcesses
// Get a handle to the process. nvProcessHandle = OpenProcess(PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION |
PROCESS_VM_READ, , nvProcessIDs(nvIndex)); if nvProcessHandle != then
// Get a handle to the first module in the process, which
// should be the executable. if EnumProcessModules(nvProcessHandle, nvModuleHandle,
PROCESSID_LENGTH, nvBytesRequired) != then
// Get the path of the module. if GetModuleFileNameExA(nvProcessHandle, nvModuleHandle,
svModuleName, SizeOf(svModuleName)) != then
// Extract the filename (without an extension) from
// the path. ParsePath(svFileName, svModuleName, FILENAME_ONLY); if StrCompare(svFileName, szAppName) = then
// The process module matches the application
// name passed to the function. bvRunning = TRUE; goto ProcessRunningEnd;
endfor; ProcessRunningEnd: if UnUseDLL(PSAPI_FILE) < then
MessageBox("ERROR: Could not unload [" + WINSYSDIR ^ PSAPI_FILE +
"].", SEVERE); return FALSE;
endif; return bvRunning;


    if ProcessRunning("Frs") then
MessageBox("Application \"Frs\" is running,will been killed ", INFORMATION);


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