Where is __dso_handle defined?

来源  https://stackoverflow.com/questions/34308720/where-is-dso-handle-defined

__dso_handle is a "guard" that is used to identify dynamic shared objects during global destruction.

Realistically, you should stop reading here. If you're trying to defeat object identification by messing with __dso_handle, something is likely very wrong.

However, since you asked where it is defined: the answer is complex. To surface the location of its definition (for GCC), use iostream in a C++ file, and, after that, do extern int __dso_handle;. That should surface the location of the declaration due to a type conflict (see this forum thread for a source).

Sometimes, it is defined manually.

Sometimes, it is defined/supplied by the "runtime" installed by the compiler (in practice, the CRT is usually just a bunch of binary header/entry-point-management code, and some exit guards/handlers). In GCC (not sure if other compilers support this; if so, it'll be in their sources):

Often, it is defined in the stdlib:

Further reading:

__cxa_atexit and __dso_handle




/* Runtime support for C++ */

typedef void (*func_ptr) (void);

/* __dso_handle */
/* Itanium C++ ABI requires that each shared object (*.so) should have its
own __dso_handle, and when that shared object is unloaded, the __dso_handle
is an argument that is passed to __cxa_finalize. For a shared object,
__dso_handle is assigned itself, for the main executable, __dso_handle is 0
#ifdef SHARED
void *__dso_handle = &__dso_handle;
void *__dso_handle = ;
#endif #if 0
#ifdef SHARED extern void __cxa_finalize (void *) __attribute__((weak)); static void __attribute__((used))
__do_global_dtors_aux(void) {
static int completed; if (__builtin_expect (completed, ))
return; if (__cxa_finalize)
__cxa_finalize (__dso_handle); completed = ;
} __asm__ (".section .fini");
__asm__ (".align 8, 0x90");
__asm__ (".byte 0x0f, 0x1f, 0x00");
__asm__ ("call __do_global_dtors_aux");
/* The musl libc is responsible for init_array traversal so there is no
need to keep __do_global_ctors_aux
#if 0
static void __attribute__((used))
__do_global_ctors_aux(void) {
static int completed; if (__builtin_expect (completed, ))
return; completed = ;
} __asm__ (".section .init");
__asm__ (".align 8, 0x90");
__asm__ (".byte 0x0f, 0x1f, 0x00");
__asm__ ("call __do_global_ctors_aux");
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#endif // __cplusplus extern __attribute__((weak)) void *__dso_handle; #ifdef __cplusplus
#endif // __cplusplus

undefined reference to `__dso_handle'  ?

If this is your use case then merely add the command line option to your compile/link command line: -fno-use-cxa-atexit

=============== End

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