WINDOWS下PHP 的pear DB的安装(本地环境:PHP5.4.15+Apache+mysql)
1.下载下面连接的文件go-pear.phar。放到PHP的安装文件下(D:\www\php54) 2.执行php go-pear.phar
C:\Documents and Settings\sun>d:
C:\Documents and Settings\sun>cd D:\www\php54 //以此方式进入到 go-pear.phar存放路径
D:\www\php54>php go-pear.phar //安装go-pear.phar
Are you installing a system-wide PEAR or a local copy?
(system|local) [system] : local //此处输入local
Please confirm local copy by typing 'yes' : yes //此处输入yes,之后一路回车键
Below is a suggested file layout for your new PEAR installation. To
change individual locations, type the number in front of the
directory. Type 'all' to change all of them or simply press Enter to
accept these locations.
1. Installation base ($prefix) : D:\www\php54
2. Temporary directory for processing : D:\www\php54\tmp
3. Temporary directory for downloads : D:\www\php54\tmp
4. Binaries directory : D:\www\php54
5. PHP code directory ($php_dir) : D:\www\php54\pear
6. Documentation directory : D:\www\php54\docs
7. Data directory : D:\www\php54\data
8. User-modifiable configuration files directory : D:\www\php54\cfg
9. Public Web Files directory : D:\www\php54\www
10. Tests directory : D:\www\php54\tests
11. Name of configuration file : D:\www\php54\pear.ini
12. Path to CLI php.exe : D:\www\php54
1-12, 'all' or Enter to continue:
Beginning install...
Configuration written to D:\www\php54\pear.ini...
Initialized registry...
Preparing to install...
installing phar://D:/www/php54/go-pear.phar/PEAR/go-pear-tarballs/Archive_Tar-1.
installing phar://D:/www/php54/go-pear.phar/PEAR/go-pear-tarballs/Console_Getopt
installing phar://D:/www/php54/go-pear.phar/PEAR/go-pear-tarballs/PEAR-1.9.4.tar
installing phar://D:/www/php54/go-pear.phar/PEAR/go-pear-tarballs/Structures_Gra
installing phar://D:/www/php54/go-pear.phar/PEAR/go-pear-tarballs/XML_Util-1.2.1
install ok: channel://
install ok: channel://
install ok: channel://
install ok: channel://
install ok: channel://
PEAR: Optional feature webinstaller available (PEAR's web-based installer)
PEAR: Optional feature gtkinstaller available (PEAR's PHP-GTK-based installer)
PEAR: Optional feature gtk2installer available (PEAR's PHP-GTK2-based installer)
PEAR: To install optional features use "pear install pear/PEAR#featurename"
WARNING! The include_path defined in the currently used php.ini does not
contain the PEAR PHP directory you just specified:
If the specified directory is also not in the include_path used by
your scripts, you will have problems getting any PEAR packages working.
Would you like to alter php.ini <D:\www\php54\php.ini>? [Y/n] : y
php.ini <D:\www\php54\php.ini> include_path updated.
Current include path : .;C:\php\pear
Configured directory : D:\www\php54\pear
Currently used php.ini (guess) : D:\www\php54\php.ini
Press Enter to continue:
** WARNING! Old version found at D:\www\php54, please remove it or be sure to us
e the new d:\www\php54\pear.bat command
The 'pear' command is now at your service at d:\www\php54\pear.bat
** The 'pear' command is not currently in your PATH, so you need to
** use 'd:\www\php54\pear.bat' until you have added
** 'D:\www\php54' to your PATH environment variable.
Run it without parameters to see the available actions, try 'pear list'
to see what packages are installed, or 'pear help' for help.
For more information about PEAR, see:
Thanks for using go-pear!
D:\www\php54>pear list
Archive_Tar 1.3.11 stable
Console_Getopt 1.3.1 stable
PEAR 1.9.4 stable
Structures_Graph 1.0.4 stable
XML_Util 1.2.1 stable
D:\www\php54>pear install DB //安装DB库
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