JDK 中提供了一些对无状态协议请求(HTTP )的支持,下面我就将我所写的一个小例子(组件)进行描述:

首先让我们先构建一个请求类(HttpRequester )。

该类封装了 JAVA 实现简单请求的代码,如下:

import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.InputStreamReader;
import java.net.HttpURLConnection;
import java.net.URL;
import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Vector; /**
* HTTP请求对象
* @author YYmmiinngg
public class HttpRequester {
private String defaultContentEncoding; public HttpRequester() {
this.defaultContentEncoding = Charset.defaultCharset().name();
} /**
* 发送GET请求
* @param urlString
* URL地址
* @return 响应对象
* @throws IOException
public HttpRespons sendGet(String urlString) throws IOException {
return this.send(urlString, "GET", null, null);
} /**
* 发送GET请求
* @param urlString
* URL地址
* @param params
* 参数集合
* @return 响应对象
* @throws IOException
public HttpRespons sendGet(String urlString, Map<String, String> params)
throws IOException {
return this.send(urlString, "GET", params, null);
} /**
* 发送GET请求
* @param urlString
* URL地址
* @param params
* 参数集合
* @param propertys
* 请求属性
* @return 响应对象
* @throws IOException
public HttpRespons sendGet(String urlString, Map<String, String> params,
Map<String, String> propertys) throws IOException {
return this.send(urlString, "GET", params, propertys);
} /**
* 发送POST请求
* @param urlString
* URL地址
* @return 响应对象
* @throws IOException
public HttpRespons sendPost(String urlString) throws IOException {
return this.send(urlString, "POST", null, null);
} /**
* 发送POST请求
* @param urlString
* URL地址
* @param params
* 参数集合
* @return 响应对象
* @throws IOException
public HttpRespons sendPost(String urlString, Map<String, String> params)
throws IOException {
return this.send(urlString, "POST", params, null);
} /**
* 发送POST请求
* @param urlString
* URL地址
* @param params
* 参数集合
* @param propertys
* 请求属性
* @return 响应对象
* @throws IOException
public HttpRespons sendPost(String urlString, Map<String, String> params,
Map<String, String> propertys) throws IOException {
return this.send(urlString, "POST", params, propertys);
} /**
* 发送HTTP请求
* @param urlString
* @return 响映对象
* @throws IOException
private HttpRespons send(String urlString, String method,
Map<String, String> parameters, Map<String, String> propertys)
throws IOException {
HttpURLConnection urlConnection = null; if (method.equalsIgnoreCase("GET") && parameters != null) {
StringBuffer param = new StringBuffer();
int i = 0;
for (String key : parameters.keySet()) {
if (i == 0)
urlString += param;
URL url = new URL(urlString);
urlConnection = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection(); urlConnection.setRequestMethod(method);
urlConnection.setUseCaches(false); if (propertys != null)
for (String key : propertys.keySet()) {
urlConnection.addRequestProperty(key, propertys.get(key));
} if (method.equalsIgnoreCase("POST") && parameters != null) {
StringBuffer param = new StringBuffer();
for (String key : parameters.keySet()) {
} return this.makeContent(urlString, urlConnection);
} /**
* 得到响应对象
* @param urlConnection
* @return 响应对象
* @throws IOException
private HttpRespons makeContent(String urlString,
HttpURLConnection urlConnection) throws IOException {
HttpRespons httpResponser = new HttpRespons();
try {
InputStream in = urlConnection.getInputStream();
BufferedReader bufferedReader = new BufferedReader(
new InputStreamReader(in));
httpResponser.contentCollection = new Vector<String>();
StringBuffer temp = new StringBuffer();
String line = bufferedReader.readLine();
while (line != null) {
line = bufferedReader.readLine();
bufferedReader.close(); String ecod = urlConnection.getContentEncoding();
if (ecod == null)
ecod = this.defaultContentEncoding; httpResponser.urlString = urlString; httpResponser.defaultPort = urlConnection.getURL().getDefaultPort();
httpResponser.file = urlConnection.getURL().getFile();
httpResponser.host = urlConnection.getURL().getHost();
httpResponser.path = urlConnection.getURL().getPath();
httpResponser.port = urlConnection.getURL().getPort();
httpResponser.protocol = urlConnection.getURL().getProtocol();
httpResponser.query = urlConnection.getURL().getQuery();
httpResponser.ref = urlConnection.getURL().getRef();
httpResponser.userInfo = urlConnection.getURL().getUserInfo(); httpResponser.content = new String(temp.toString().getBytes(), ecod);
httpResponser.contentEncoding = ecod;
httpResponser.code = urlConnection.getResponseCode();
httpResponser.message = urlConnection.getResponseMessage();
httpResponser.contentType = urlConnection.getContentType();
httpResponser.method = urlConnection.getRequestMethod();
httpResponser.connectTimeout = urlConnection.getConnectTimeout();
httpResponser.readTimeout = urlConnection.getReadTimeout(); return httpResponser;
} catch (IOException e) {
throw e;
} finally {
if (urlConnection != null)
} /**
* 默认的响应字符集
public String getDefaultContentEncoding() {
return this.defaultContentEncoding;
} /**
* 设置默认的响应字符集
public void setDefaultContentEncoding(String defaultContentEncoding) {
this.defaultContentEncoding = defaultContentEncoding;


其次我们来看看响应对象(HttpRespons )。 响应对象其实只是一个数据BEAN ,由此来封装请求响应的结果数据,如下:

import java.util.Vector;  

* 响应对象
public class HttpRespons { String urlString; int defaultPort; String file; String host; String path; int port; String protocol; String query; String ref; String userInfo; String contentEncoding; String content; String contentType; int code; String message; String method; int connectTimeout; int readTimeout; Vector<String> contentCollection; public String getContent() {
return content;
} public String getContentType() {
return contentType;
} public int getCode() {
return code;
} public String getMessage() {
return message;
} public Vector<String> getContentCollection() {
return contentCollection;
} public String getContentEncoding() {
return contentEncoding;
} public String getMethod() {
return method;
} public int getConnectTimeout() {
return connectTimeout;
} public int getReadTimeout() {
return readTimeout;
} public String getUrlString() {
return urlString;
} public int getDefaultPort() {
return defaultPort;
} public String getFile() {
return file;
} public String getHost() {
return host;
} public String getPath() {
return path;
} public int getPort() {
return port;
} public String getProtocol() {
return protocol;
} public String getQuery() {
return query;
} public String getRef() {
return ref;
} public String getUserInfo() {
return userInfo;
} }



import com.yao.http.HttpRequester;
import com.yao.http.HttpRespons; public class Test {
public static void main(String[] args) {
try {
HttpRequester request = new HttpRequester();
HttpRespons hr = request.sendGet("http://www.csdn.net"); System.out.println(hr.getUrlString());
System.out.println(hr.getMethod()); System.out.println(hr.getContent()); } catch (Exception e) {

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