Working life p8 Grammar Gerund and infinitive(动名词和不定式)


       1 动词后面接动名词还是不定式没有特定规则,主要取决于语言习惯

2 介词后接动词和动名词

3 动词后多接不定式




+gerund (-ing)

be worth, have trouble/difficulty, succeed in, think about/consider, enjoy, avoid, involve, be used to/accustomed to,dislike

+to + infinitive (to do)

fail, be reluctant, hope/expect, manage, decide, have , be willing/prepared


P9 第5题对应BEC高级听力测试第二题





show loyalty              build loyalty              maintain loyalty                     remain loyalty

win loyalty                brand loyalty:品牌忠诚度   loyalty card:积分卡

customer loyalty 顾客忠诚度

at will: 随心所欲

e.g.   He can’t just fire people at will , can he?

Against one’s will : 违背意愿

Workforce : n. 劳动力

Entire, total, flexible, skilled ~

Cut, educate, increase, reduce, train~

The flipside: n.唱片背面;事物另一面(多指反面)

Flip chart: 活动挂图      flip phone 翻盖手机   flip-flops 人字拖鞋

On the flipside to this . 与此相反

Priority n. 优先(权),优先项目,优先次序

~for ,over, to

priority of taxes: 税收优先权

priority of use: 优先使用

nine to five office-based model of work: 朝九晚五工作制

balance work and domestic schedules: 协调工作与家庭事务

teleworking: n.电子办公

school level:毕业生

at entry level: 入门阶段

be moulded to the needs of : 与…紧密贴合

The lining of the boots moulds itself to the shape of your foot.

Life expectancy:  预期寿命, 生命周期

Call back 回打电话;召回

On the whole : 总体而言

Be more adaptable to a changing environment 更加适应变化的环境

Be more valued 更加重视


1 预读

2 听到什么,补选什么

3 题目和正确选项同意不同词

4 根据语气判断说话人态度

5 听完后多总结,多了解商业场合的语言运用


1 What do HR people do?

e.g. They Take care of employees from recruitment to retirement.

2.Make a list of all the aspects of employment and what HR manager is responsible for.

e.g. recruitment, selection, training, employee welfare, remuneration(salary and bonus), career development, retirement

3. What do you think the most important issue might be in today’s working environment and for the near future?


CVs and Personal summaries 个人简历和个人情况的介绍

CV: n.简历 (= curriculum vitae) [英国]

Resume : n.简历[美国]

Recruit 招人      hire              job hunting 找工作       job interview            employer

Employee           interviewer       interviewee        job opening 职位空缺

Job vacancy职位空缺            position                     education background

Working experience                     personal summary个人简介              diploma毕业证书           degree学历              certificate           graduate            out of job失业

Lay off下岗              application letter求职信       covering letter求职信           job fair人才市场  job seeker     an candidate/an applicant    participant

Q: What is a personal summary?

e.g. A short paragraph, usually at the beginning of a CV, which summarises the positive characteristics and skills of the applicant.

Q: What kind of information that might be included in a personal summary?

e.g.   major, working experience, interests, personalities

Exercise 2

1 This applicant is very confident, perhaps over confident and his/her claims are not backed up by evidence

2 This applicant seems to have the appropriate skills and experience, but what happened to his own company? If he is so successful why is he looking for work in another company? Did he go bankrupt? What type of company was it?

3 This candidate appears to be well qualified and seems modest , but reliable

entrepreneur n.创业者,企业家

someone who starts a new business or arranges business deals in order to make money , often in a way that involves financial risks

subsidiary n.子公司

a company that is owned or controlled by another larger company.

Covering letter: 求职信

A cover letter or covering letter or motivation letter or motivational letter or letter of motivation is a letter of introduction attached to , or accompanying another document such as a resume or CV, it demonstrates your career interests and highlights your most relevant strengths and experiences.


1 briefly introduce yourself(position, where you saw the information etc)

2 explain why you are interested in this type of work

3 explain why you are interested in working for this particular organization

4 indicate a viability for interview


1 Introduction Paragraph           2 Body of letter        3Closing

job opening 包含的信息

1 position

2 vacancy open

3 company / location

4 skill sets

5 job description

6 qualification

7 working conditions

8 introduction of the company

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