





curl executable - You will get a pre-built 'curl' binary from this link (or in some cases, by using the information that is provided at the page this link takes you). You may or may not get 'libcurl' installed as a shared library/DLL.

libcurl development - This is for libcurl development - but does not always contain libcurl itself. Most likely header files and documentation. If you intend to compile or build something that uses libcurl, this is most likely the package you want.

libcurl - This is a pure binary libcurl package, possibly including header files and documentation, but without the command line tool and other cruft. If you want libcurl for a program that uses libcurl, this is most likely the package you want.

source code - You will not download a pre-built binary from this link. You will instead get a link to site with the curl source, adjusted for your platform. You will need to have a compiler setup and working to be able to build curl from a source package.

Show All - Display all known package types.


比如libcurl dev就没有windows平台的。









libcurl (MIT)

    a highly portable and easy-to-use client-side URL transfer library, supporting DICT, FILE, FTP, FTPS, GOPHER, HTTP, HTTPS, IMAP, IMAPS, LDAP, LDAPS, POP3, POP3S, RTMP, RTSP, SCP, SFTP, SMTP, SMTPS, TELNET and TFTP. libcurl also supports HTTPS certificates, HTTP POST, HTTP PUT, FTP uploading, kerberos, HTTP form based upload, proxies, cookies, user+password authentication, file transfer resume, http proxy tunnelling and more!

libghttp (LGPL)

    Having a glance at libghttp (a gnome http library), it looks as if it works rather similar to libcurl (for http). There's no web page for this and the person who's email is mentioned in the README of the latest release I found claims he has passed the leadership of the project to "eazel". Popular choice among GNOME projects.

libwww (W3C license) comparison with libcurl

    More complex and harder to use than libcurl is. Includes everything from multi-threading to HTML parsing. The most notable transfer-related feature that libcurl does not offer but libwww does, is caching.

libferit (GPL)

      C++ library "for transferring files via http, ftp, gopher, proxy server". Based on 'snarf' 2.0.9-code (formerly known as libsnarf). Quote from freshmeat:

"As the author of snarf, I have to say this frightens me. Snarf's networking system is far from robust and complete. It's probably full of bugs, and although it works for maybe 85% of all current situations, I wouldn't base a library on it."

neon (LGPL) comparison with neon

    An HTTP and WebDAV client library, with a C interface. I've mainly heard and seen people use this with WebDAV as their main interest. This is one of the two alternatives used by the Subversion project.

libsoup (LGPL) comparison with libcurl

    Part of glib (GNOME). Supports: HTTP 1.1, Persistent connections, Asynchronous DNS and transfers, Connection cache, Redirects, Basic, Digest, NTLM authentication, SSL with GnuTLS, Proxy support including SSL, POST data. Not portable. Lacks: cookie support, NTLM for proxies, GSS, gzip encoding, trailers in chunked responses, portability and more.

mozilla netlib (MPL)

    Handles URLs, protocols, transports for the Mozilla browser.

mozilla libxpnet (MPL)

    Minimal download library targeted to be much smaller than the above mentioned netlib. HTTP and FTP support.

wget (GPL)

    While not a library at all, I've been told that people sometimes extract the network code from it and base their own hacks from there.

libfetch (BSD)

      Does HTTP and FTP transfers (both ways), supports file: URLs, and an API for URL parsing. The utility


      that is built on libfetch is an integral part of the


    operating system.

HTTP Fetcher (LGPL)


a small, robust, flexible library for downloading files via HTTP using the GET method.


http-tiny (Artistic License)


a very small C library to make http queries (GET, HEAD, PUT, DELETE, etc.) easily portable and embeddable


wininet comparison with libcurl

"The Windows Internet (WinINet) application programming interface (API) enables applications to interact with Gopher, FTP, and HTTP protocols to access Internet resources."

XMLHTTP Object also known as IXMLHTTPRequest (part of MSXML 3.0)

    (Windows) Provides client-side protocol support for communication with HTTP servers. A client computer can use the XMLHTTP object to send an arbitrary HTTP request, receive the response, and have the Microsoft® XML Document Object Model (DOM) parse that response.

QHttp (GPL)

    QHttp is a class in the Qt library from Troll Tech. Seems to be restricted to plain HTTP. Supports GET, POST and proxy. Asynchronous.

ftplib (GPL)


a set of routines that implement the FTP protocol. They allow applications to create and access remote files through function calls instead of needing to fork and exec an interactive ftp client program."

      I stopped using it because it did not evolve and the maintainer did not even answer to my e-mailed patches and forum posts. The web site seems abandoned and the forum is not reachable anymore. It is simpler to use than libcurl, because it is not based on callbacks. But is is also much less powerful. /


ftplib++ (GPL)

    A C++ library for "easy FTP client functionality. It features resuming of up- and downloads, FXP support, SSL/TLS encryption, and logging functionality."

GNU Common C++ library

    Has a URLStream class. This C++ class allow you to download a file using HTTP. See demo/urlfetch.cpp in commoncpp2-1.3.19.tar.gz


    Java HTTP client library.

Jakarta Commons HttpClient (Apache License)

    A Java HTTP client library written by the Jakarta project.

gnetlibrary (LGPL)

"a simple network library. It is written in C, object-oriented, and built upon GLib. It is intended to be easy to use and port"

    . Features a HTTP component. It uses glib, and integrates very well within Gtk+ applications, which require event-driven programming.

Serf (Apache License)

"The serf library is a C-based HTTP client library built upon the Apache Portable Runtime (APR) library. It multiplexes connections, running the read/write communication asynchronously."

    This is one of the two alternatives used by the Subversion project.

qDecoder (BSD)

      qDecoder is a development kit for C/C++ network programming includes simple

HTTP client API








1)    activeperl


2)    openssl

“openssl/ssl.h”: No such file or directory



1.配置:openssl-1.0.2h>perl Configure VC-WIN32 --prefix=E:\openssl (我们不需要汇编asm,所以不用这个方案)

perl Configure VC-WIN32 no-asm --prefix=E:/openssl/



3.换用vs的命令行工具,切换到根目录,然后,输入:nmake -f ms\ntdll.mak


cryptlib.obj : error LNK2001: 无法解析的外部符号 _OPENSSL_ia32cap_P

cryptlib.obj : error LNK2019: 无法解析的外部符号 _OPENSSL_ia32_cpuid,该符号在函数 _OPENSSL_cpuid_setup 中被引用




nmake -f ms\ntdll.mak test


nmake -f ms\ntdll.mak install


3)    Zlib





切换到zlib目录,然后输入nmake -f win32/Makefile.msc


4)    libssh2



5)    pthread





1)    配置libcurl依赖库的头文件路径

2)    配置libcurl库的lib路径

3)    修改依赖的库



4)    生成libcurl

5)    同样,修改curl的lib

6)    生成curl




  1. curl+openssl编译

    curl不支持openssl的静态库,所以编译openssl的时候,应该加上shared 参数,记录一下我亲手编译的参数: ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/openss ...

  2. lua curl动态链接库编译安装

    关于lua curl的资料网上并不是很多.找来找去就那么几个,所以我绝得很有必要把我的经验记下来,以防下次忘记                                              ...

  3. lua curl动态链接库编译安装(二)

    下面再介绍一下lua-curl中的lua-curl-0.2.tar.gz版本的安装方法,可能对于一般的人来说这个很简单,但是对于我们这些菜鸟来说就不一样了: # wget http://files.l ...

  4. 嵌入式 Linux下编译并使用curl静态库

    #x86 ./configure --disable-shared --enable-static --disable-ftp --disable-ipv6 --disable-rtsp --disa ...

  5. centos7.6编译安装php7.2.11及redis/memcached/rabbitmq/openssl/curl等常见扩展

    centos7.6编译安装php7..11及redis/memcached/rabbitmq/openssl/curl等常见扩展 获取Php的编译参数方法: [root@eus-api-cms-bac ...

  6. 解决PHP编译cURL的reinstall the libcurl问题

    今天正好要用到PHP的curl功能,发现服务器上的PHP并没有配置curl,进而查询PHP官方文档,得知编译PHP时需要带上 –with-curl参数,才能把curl模块编译进去.我现在PHP已经编译 ...

  7. Curl的移植编译以及注意事项

    最近需要用curl来发送http请求,遇到了不少问题,查了不少资料,都是零零散散的,现在总结下.   1.移植编译 ./configure --prefix=$(PWD)/build --host=a ...

  8. [转][linux][centos]嵌入式 Linux下编译并使用curl静态库

    #x86 ./configure --disable-shared --enable-static --disable-ftp --disable-ipv6 --disable-rtsp --disa ...

  9. php 未配置curl

    用到PHP的curl功能,发现服务器上的PHP并没有配置curl,进而查询PHP官方文档,得知编译PHP时需要带上 –with-curl参数,才能把curl模块编译进去.我现在PHP已经编译安装进服务 ...


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