Thinking in life(1)
There is always one things we donot notice---time ,which is the most important to all of us.By watching others' life, communicating with the elders,i truely realize that i should not waste any time of my life,even just one second.And in lots of people's eyes,i am young now,i should do as other young people do,like following the trend,being fashion,playing funs day and night...i also did these things,but now i will do it for a little from now on.Apple's pre-CEO,Steve Jobs,has ever said "to live today just like you will die tomorrow,and stay hungry,stay foolish".I know that deeply, 'cause it sounds easily,but just a little person can do as it was said.
I'm twenty one now.Within the past years of me,i have no big goals,no great dreams,no amazing ambitions,and always follow the paths that parents,teachers ,friends and even the strangers made for me.Even if i have no ideas about my future now, it's time for me to change.Change to be a great man with goals,dreams,amditions,knowing how to gain a meaningful life.No one knows how many setbacks are waiting for in the front,but taking my goals,dreams,ambitions,i am not afraid now,and i have the courage,confidence and wisdom to conquer all of them.I will never stop fighting for my future,my own future!!
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