using namespace std; int divide(int dividend, int divisor) {
long long n = dividend, m = divisor;
// determine sign of the quotient
int sign = n < ^ m < ? - : ; // remove sign of operands
n = abs(n), m = abs(m); // q stores the quotient in computation
long long q = ; // test down from the highest bit
// accumulate the tentative value for valid bits
for (long long t = , i = ; i >= ; i--)
if (t + (m << i) <= n)
t += m << i, q |= << i; // assign back the sign
if (sign < ) q = -q; // check for overflow and return
return q >= INT_MAX || q < INT_MIN ? INT_MAX : q;
} int main() { cout << divide(-, ) << endl;
return ;

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