- type node=record
- go,next,c:longint;
- end;
- var e:array[..] of node;
- head,tail,i,n,m,j,tot,max,ans,s,t,x,y:longint;
- w,cur,first,inp,q,h:array[..] of longint;
- can:array[..] of boolean;
- a:array[..,..] of longint;
- procedure insert(x,y,z:longint);
- begin
- inc(tot);
- e[tot].go:=y;
- e[tot].c:=z;
- e[tot].next:=first[x];
- first[x]:=tot;
- inc(tot);
- e[tot].go:=x;
- e[tot].c:=;
- e[tot].next:=first[y];
- first[y]:=tot;
- end;
- function min(x,y:longint):longint;
- begin
- if x<y then exit(x) else exit(y);
- end;
- procedure init;
- begin
- readln(n,m);
- fillchar(inp,sizeof(inp),);
- for i:= to n*m do
- begin
- read(w[i]);read(a[i,]);
- for j:= to a[i,] do
- begin
- read(x,y);inc(x);inc(y);
- a[i,j]:=(x-)*m+y;
- inc(inp[(x-)*m+y]);
- end;
- if i mod m<> then
- begin
- inc(a[i,]);a[i,a[i,]]:=i-;inc(inp[i-]);
- end;
- readln;
- end;
- end;
- procedure topsort;
- begin
- head:=;tail:=;
- fillchar(q,sizeof(q),);
- fillchar(can,sizeof(can),false);
- for i:= to n*m do
- if inp[i]= then
- begin
- can[i]:=true;inc(tail);q[tail]:=i;
- end;
- while head<tail do
- begin
- inc(head);
- x:=q[head];
- for i:= to a[x,] do
- begin
- y:=a[x,i];
- dec(inp[y]);
- if inp[y]= then
- begin
- can[y]:=true;
- inc(tail);
- q[tail]:=y;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- procedure makegraph;
- begin
- max:=;
- for i:= to n*m do
- if can[i] then
- begin
- if w[i]> then inc(max,w[i]);
- for j:= to a[i,] do
- begin
- y:=a[i,j];
- if can[y] then insert(y,i,maxlongint>>);
- end;
- if w[i]> then insert(s,i,w[i])
- else insert(i,t,-w[i]);
- end;
- end;
- function bfs:boolean;
- var i,x,y:longint;
- begin
- fillchar(h,sizeof(h),);
- fillchar(q,sizeof(q),);
- head:=;tail:=;q[]:=s;h[s]:=;
- while head<tail do
- begin
- inc(head);
- x:=q[head];
- i:=first[x];
- while i<> do
- begin
- y:=e[i].go;
- if (h[y]=) and (e[i].c<>) then
- begin
- h[y]:=h[x]+;
- inc(tail);
- q[tail]:=y;
- end;
- i:=e[i].next;
- end;
- end;
- exit(h[t]<>);
- end;
- function dfs(x,f:longint):longint;
- var i,y,tmp,used:longint;
- begin
- if (x=t) or (f=) then exit(f);
- i:=cur[x];tmp:=;used:=;
- while i<> do
- begin
- y:=e[i].go;
- if (h[y]=h[x]+) and (e[i].c<>) then
- begin
- tmp:=dfs(y,min(e[i].c,f-used));
- dec(e[i].c,tmp);
- inc(e[i xor ].c,tmp);
- if e[i].c<> then cur[x]:=i;
- inc(used,tmp);
- if used=f then exit(f);
- end;
- i:=e[i].next;
- end;
- if used= then h[x]:=-;
- exit(used);
- end;
- procedure dinic;
- begin
- while bfs do
- begin
- for i:= to n*m+ do cur[i]:=first[i];
- inc(ans,dfs(s,maxlongint>>));
- end;
- end;
- procedure main;
- begin
- tot:=;
- s:=;t:=n*m+;
- topsort;
- makegraph;
- dinic;
- writeln(max-ans);
- end;
- begin
- init;
- main;
- end.
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