

  1.Tell us about yourself;

  2.Why US;

  3.Tell us more about an extracurricular;

  4.Design a class/a major;

  5.Tell us about your major;

  6.Diversity-in-community essay;

  7.Quick hits

  Tell us about yourself

  这类Essay,基本上相当于再写一篇Common App的主文书,具体的答题思路和完成主文书一样,大家只需要把在写主文书时准备的故事再回顾下创作即可,具体的思路可以参考上一篇文章。


  Harvard University:You may wish to include an additional essay if you feel that the college application forms do not provide sufficient opportunity to convey important information about yourself or your accomplishments.You may write on a topic of your choice,or you may choose from one of the following topics:

  -Unusual circumstances in your life

  -Travel,living,or working experiences in your own or other communities

  -What you would want your future college roommate to know about you


  The‘why us’essay



  Northwestern University:Other parts of your application give us a sense for how you might contribute to Northwestern.But we also want to consider how Northwestern will contribute to your interests and goals.In 300 words or less,help us understand what aspects of Northwestern appeal most to you,and how you'll make use of specific resources and opportunities here.

  Davidson College:Why Davidson?(250-300 Suggested Word Limit)

  Dartmouth College:100 words or less:While arguing a Dartmouth-related case before the U.S.Supreme Court in 1818,Daniel Webster,Class of 1801,uttered this memorable line:''It is,Sir…a small college.And yet,there are those who love it!''As you seek admission to the Class of 2023,what aspects of the College’s program,community,or campus environment attract your interest?

  ‘Why us’essay的写作策略

  A.Work backward.Think about what your big dream is—what or who you hope to become—and identify a few specific things about each college you’re applying to,asking yourself how each one of those is going to help you get there.

  B.Have a‘mini-thesis’for each school rather than having a general list of qualities the school meets for you.

  C.Go beyond the website,and be specific.Don’t restate the“About Barnard”section of the Barnard brochure to the admissions committee—they already know why they offer you a great opportunity.Talk about your experiences with the college you’re applying to—did you visit and hear something from a tour guide,admissions officer,student,or professor?If you couldn’t visit,did you do some online research that got you in touch with some of the Big Themes a tour guide or info session would hit?Is there a particular class you’ve heard of that’s legendary on campus?A tradition at the school?An alumna/alumnus of the college whose work has inspired you?

  这里给大家看一篇范文,是一位学生写的Why Yale的文章。

  题目:What is it about Yale that has led you to apply?(125 words or less).

  I hope to study history or English,and Yale's departments in both are some of the best in the world.I am drawn to the interdisciplinary humanities offerings,including the Directed Studies program and the Humanities major.A writer,I also hope to work on the Yale Daily News or the Globalist.But it isn't just the caliber of academics that draws me to Yale.It's also the sense that the campus itself is comprised of history and knowledge.From Sterling Memorial Library,literally constructed as a cathedral to knowledge,to the buildings the architects poured acid on to make them look older,I felt a sense of almost ancient respect for intellect when I visited.


  Tell us more about an extracurricular



  Please briefly elaborate on one of your extracurricular activities or work experiences that was particularly meaningful to you.(About 150 words)


  A.Choose an activity that means something to you,or that could benefit from being livened up by your prose.选最有意义的一个活动,可以对其他申请材料起到很好补充的活动进行描述。这里提醒大家,这个活动Essay不是要总结你的活动有多厉害,或是得过什么奖,这些你的简历或者推荐信都已经可以说明了。这个Essay的目的是要告诉招生官他们无法在其他申请材料中可以了解到的信息。

  B.Don’t write about the same thing you’ve written your Common App Essay on!不要与主文书中提到的活动重复。


  I spend several Saturdays a semester in front of a room full of people,acting out a story.It is one of the greatest adrenaline rushes I can think of.My role:I am an attorney,for a few hours.My motivation:simple.To win the case.I’m not in the drama club.I’ve never been on a proper stage.I almost threw up as an eighth-grader at theater camp when I had to improvise a scene hotessay.cn.And yet,I thrive as a member of the mock trial team.That’s because when my job is to make sense of a series of arguments,to cross-examine my way to the heart of the trial,and to articulate a clear and powerful closing statement,I am inhabiting my best self.I am Atticus Finch and Clarence Darrow,and,most importantly,me.

  Design a class/a major


  The University of Chicago:Due to a series of clerical errors,there is exactly one typo(an extra letter,a removed letter,or an altered letter)in the name of every department at the University of Chicago.Oops!Describe your new intended major.Why are you interested in it and what courses or areas of focus within it might you want to explore?Potential options include Commuter Science,Bromance Languages and Literatures,Pundamentals:Issues and Texts,Ant History...a full list of unmodified majors ready for your editor’s eye is available here:collegeadmissions.uchicago.edu/majors-Inspired by Josh Kaufman,Class of 2018



  Boston College:Boston College strives to provide an undergraduate learning experience emphasizing the liberal arts,quality teaching,personal formation,and engagement of critical issues.If you had the opportunity to create your own college course,what enduring question or contemporary problem would you address and why?(400 words limit)




  Emory University:If you could create an academic course that is in the Emory University spirit of collaboration,creativity,entrepreneurship and inquiry,what would it be?What impact would the course have on you and your classmates’educational experience?(500 words)

  Why do I love chocolate while my brother gags at the scent of it?Why are some people more attracted to Italian food than Mexican food?Why do we like some foods during the summer,and others during the fall?Can we predict what people might find enjoyable based on their background and attitudes?As an avid foodie,I have always wondered what it is that attracts each person to different tastes.

  These are a few of the questions we would answer in my Freshman Seminar class on“Food for Thought.”

  We would purchase,cook,and taste foods from all around the world and observe the neurological effects that each has.While there is common knowledge of the basic proteins,carbohydrates,and fats,along with how a good balance should be struck in order to maintain a healthy lifestyle,this new class would focus on the subtle differences in types of signals emitted by the brain when different foods are consumed.Students would be exposed to the theory and practice of neuroimaging techniques such as fMRI and PET scans.We would identify neurotransmitters emitted as a result of the food ingested and study if different parts of the brain“light up”in response to different foods.

  Along with creating a brain-food map,students would learn how to use statistically sound methods to study how variables such as a subject’s ethnic background,age,gender,and social attitudes such as open mindedness,correlate with the subject’s likes and dislikes.

  This class will also address cultural elements of food.When eating foods from around the world,in order to fully appreciate the dish as a whole,it is important to understand the context surrounding what lands on our plates.We would read short stories or passages and watch excerpts of popular film focused on food from the countries whose cuisine we are testing.Cooking and tasting food together are great ways to bring people together,as seen in many movies such as Ratatouille and The Hundred-Foot Journey.

  Not only would this class be informative,but it would also be an engaging,hands-on experience,and would provide freshmen with two valuable experiences during their first year at college—forming community and rethinking their fundamental approaches to academics by introducing them to interdisciplinary thought.“Food for Thought”would expose freshmen to an integrated approach to science while providing a fun environment for freshmen to get to know each other.At the end of the class,all students would have a better understanding of neuroscience as well as an appreciation for different cultures and their unique foods.



  Tell us about your major



  Cornell University:Why are you drawn to studying the major you have selected?Please discuss how your interests and related experiences have influenced your choice.Specifically,how will an education from the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences(CALS)and Cornell University help you achieve your academic goals?(Please limit your response to 650 words.)

  Brown University:Why are you drawn to the area(s)of study you indicated earlier in this application?If you are"undecided"or not sure which Brown concentrations match your interests,consider describing more generally the academic topics or modes of thought that engage you currently.(150 word limit)

  USC:Describe how you plan to pursue your academic interests at USC.Please feel free to address your first-and second-choice major selections.(250 word limit)

  这种类型的文章中包含着两部分的内容–一是这是一篇“Why US?”类型的文章;另外,学校还希望了解你说明你在5到10年左右的一个打算。


  A.首先,使用你写“Why US”类型的文章(具体细节)所采取的策略。访问本科课程的网站或你正在申请或感兴趣的专业,了解在校生或校友的情况。遇到感兴趣的内容就记下来。仔细查看,学校网站是否有暑期课程、实习、科研或是海外交换等任何与你刚兴趣的专业相关的并且吸引你的活动。



  I am interested in studying International Relations or East Asian Studies.My mother is Chinese and my father is American.When they met,their two countries could not have been more distant.But today,China and America have to increasingly understand one another,economically,politically,and culturally.I am able to stand at the crossroads of these two countries,and I hope to use my time at Brown to learn Mandarin and to study abroad in China.I am also excited about the East Asian Studies requirement to engage with countries beyond China;learning about migratory patterns and cultural conversations in the region and studying Korea and Japan will help me crystallize my sense of the region.

  Diversity-in-community essay



  Rice University:The quality of Rice's academic life and the Residential College System are heavily influenced by the unique life experiences and cultural traditions each student brings.What personal perspective do you feel that you will contribute to life at Rice?(500)

  Duke University:Optional essay:Duke University seeks a talented,engaged student body that embodies the wide range of human experience;we believe that the diversity of our students makes our community stronger.If you'd like to share a perspective you bring or experiences you've had to help us understand you better-perhaps related to a community you belong to or your family or cultural background-we encourage you to do so.Real people are reading your application,and we want to do our best to understand and appreciate the real people applying to Duke.(250 word limit)




  I was born and raised in a small town in southern California and attended a big public high school.Here,everyone is racially mixed-up.Black,Asian,Hapa,Hispanic,and other combinations mingle in our loud school hallways.I never had much of a reason to think about my ethnic heritage until recently.My maternal grandfather is Hawaiian,and he married a‘haole,’or a white person.My paternal grandparents are white Californians.I look almost entirely white,and I get to move through the world feeling like any old white guy.But when my grandfather got sick and eventually passed away at the end of high school,I became interested in that part of my background.

  I learned about the state’s history and the colonial presence that white people had.I also learned how many people in Hawaii now serve in the Armed Forces.This is a complicated history,and one I am interested in exploring more in college.Though I don’t know if I will ever live in Hawaii long-term,I want to study history or anthropology to write about this part of American history,which I never knew about growing up.I think this cultural background could bring something unique to the Duke community.I also think it can contribute to conversations about social justice,which are big in my high school,but which entirely white people sometimes struggle to contribute to.My sense of containing multiple racial identities now will shape me and the school I attend.

  Quick hits

  一些大学会让你回答一些“Short Takes”的问题,字数一般限制在35个左右或者更少。



  What is the most significant challenge that society faces today?(50 word limit)

  When the choice is yours,what do you read,listen to,or watch?(50 word limit)

  Princeton University:

  Two adjectives your friends would use to describe you:

  Your favorite word:


  What is your favorite snack?

  What TV show will you binge watch next?


  Be authentic,original,and don’t overthink it.essay writing service on repor t.lxws.n et回答这种问题不用想的过于复杂,说自己最真实的想法就行。你甚至可以让你的同学或者家人突然提问,然后看看你的第一反应。真实最重要,一定不要试图去编一些你认为招生官会喜欢的答案。这个题目我就不举例子了,因为实在是太个性化了,每个人的答案都不一样!

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