吴裕雄--python学习笔记:通过sqlite3 进行文字界面学生管理
- import sqlite3
- conn = sqlite3.connect('E:\\student.db')
- print("Opened database successfully")
- c = conn.cursor()
- c.execute('''CREATE TABLE if not exists STUDENT
- ADDRESS CHAR(50));''')
- print ("Table created successfully")
- conn.commit()
- Opened database successfully
- Table created successfully
- print("Opened database successfully")
- c.execute("INSERT INTO STUDENT(ID,STU_NAME,AGE,ADDRESS) VALUES(20154071115,'dch',22,'1-223')")
- c.execute("INSERT INTO STUDENT(ID,STU_NAME,AGE,ADDRESS) VALUES(20154071112,'fwx',22,'1-222') ")
- c.execute("INSERT INTO STUDENT(ID,STU_NAME,AGE,ADDRESS) VALUES(20154071111,'cg',22,'1-223') ")
- c.execute("INSERT INTO STUDENT(ID,STU_NAME,AGE,ADDRESS) VALUES(20154071110,'wyf',22,'1-222') ")
- conn.commit()
- print("Records created successfully")
- Opened database successfully
- Records created successfully
- cursor = c.execute("SELECT id,STU_NAME,address FROM student")
- for row in cursor:
- print("ID = ",row[0])
- print("NAME = ",row[1])
- print("ADDRESS = ",row[2])
- print("Operation done successfully")
- #conn.close()
- def display_menu():
- print("学生表操作界面")
- print("---------------------")
- print("1.增添学生信息")
- print("2.查询学生有关资料")
- print("3.修改学生有关信息")
- print("4.删除学生信息")
- print("5.查询现在的学生信息")
- print("0.退出")
- print("---------------------")
- ID = 20154071115
- NAME = dch
- ADDRESS = 1-223
- ID = 20154071112
- NAME = fwx
- ADDRESS = 1-222
- ID = 20154071111
- NAME = cg
- ADDRESS = 1-223
- ID = 20154071110
- NAME = wyf
- ADDRESS = 1-222
- Operation done successfully
- def append_data():
- id = int(input("请输入新学生的学号:"))
- name = str(input("请输入新学生的名字"))
- age = int(input("请输入新学生的年龄"))
- address = str(input("请输入新学生的地址"))
- sqlStr = "select * from student where id = {};".format(id)
- cursor = conn.execute(sqlStr)
- if len(cursor.fetchall())>0:
- print("列表中已经有这个学生了")
- else:
- sqlStr = "insert into student(ID,STU_NAME,AGE,ADDRESS) VALUES ({},'{}',{},'{}')".format(id,name,age,address)
- conn.execute(sqlStr)
- conn.commit()
- def update_date():
- id = int(input("请输入你要修改的学号:"))
- sqlStr = "select * from student where id = {};".format(id)
- cursor = conn.execute(sqlStr)
- rows = cursor.fetchall()
- if len(rows) > 0:
- print("该学生的姓名是",rows[0][1])
- name = input("请输入学生的新名字")
- age = int(input("请输入学生的新年龄"))
- address = input("请输入学生的新地址")
- sqlStr = "update student set STU_NAME = '{}',age = '{}',address = '{}' where id = {}".format(name,age,address,id)
- conn.execute(sqlStr)
- conn.commit()
- print("修改成功")
- else:
- print("不存在该学生")
- def delete_data():
- id = int(input("请输入要删除的学生id:"))
- sqlStr = "select * from student where id = {};".format(id)
- cursor = conn.execute(sqlStr)
- rows = cursor.fetchall()
- if len(rows) > 0:
- print("该学生的姓名是",rows[0][1])
- s = int(input("请确认删除(如果删除请输入'1',不删除请输入'0'):"))
- if s == 1:
- sqlStr = "delete from student where id = {}".format(id)
- conn.execute(sqlStr)
- print("删除成功")
- else:
- return display_menu()
- def select_data():
- id = int(input("请输入要修改的学生id:"))
- sqlStr = "select * from student where id = {};".format(id)
- cursor = conn.execute(sqlStr)
- rows = cursor.fetchall()
- if len(rows) > 0:
- print("该学生信息如下:")
- print(rows)
- else:
- print("该学生不存在")
- def display_data():
- cursor = conn.execute('SELECT * FROM student;')
- for row in cursor:
- print(row)
- while True:
- display_menu()
- choice = int(input("请输入你的选择"))
- if choice == 0:
- conn.close()
- break
- elif choice == 2:
- select_data()
- elif choice == 3:
- update_date()
- elif choice == 4:
- delete_data()
- elif choice == 5:
- display_data()
- elif choice == 1:
- append_data()
- else:break
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