area or lengthamount


We don't yet know the extent of his injuries (= how bad his injuriesare).我们还不知道他的伤势有多严重。

to do someone else's work for them because they cannot or will not do it themselves


She will fill in for him while he's at the conference.她会在他开会时代理他的工作。
Sometimes an office's culture can be so dysfunctional you can find itimpossible to do your job.

used to show that each person in a group of two or more people does something to the others


They kept looking at each other and smiling.他们一直微笑着看着对方。
相互关系存在于两个人或物之间用each other,存在于两个以上人和物之间用one another,所以选D
something of=to some degree
He is something  of an actor.


Dad is a bit of a stuffed shirt, but just the other day, he came to yourrescue when your car died at the mall.


Be man enough to do sth/for sth表示“有足够的意志和勇气做……”:

to be brave enough to do something


He was man enough to admit he had made a mistake.他敢于承认自己所犯的错误。

to stop someone doing or wanting something bad


ate so many sweets that day that I was cured of my sugar cravingfor months.有一天我吃糖吃得太多了,这让我好几个月都不想吃甜东西。

PHRASAL VERB 拉长,拖长(声音、单词等)If you draw out a sound or a word, you make it last longer than usual.

Liz drew the word out carefully.


PHRASAL VERB 仔细检查;认真讨论;用心思考If you go over a document, incident, or problem, you examine, discuss, or think about it very carefully.

I won't know how successful it is until an accountant has gone over the books.


PHRASAL VERB 向…走去;朝…前进If you make for a place, you move towards it.

He rose from his seat and made for the door.


PHRASAL VERB 为…送行;送别When you see someone off, you go with them to the station, airport, or port that they are leaving from, and say goodbye to them there.

Ben had planned a steak dinner for himself after seeing Jackie off on her plane.


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