package com.ctl.util;

import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.DriverManager;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import com.ctl.util.ConfigUtils;
import com.ctl.util.LogUtil; public class ThreadLocalBlockingQueueUtils {
private static ThreadLocal<LinkedBlockingQueue<Connection>> queueHoder = new ThreadLocal<LinkedBlockingQueue<Connection>>();
public static int num = 0;
private static String driver;
private static String url;
private static String username;
private static String password;
private static int threadPoolMaxNum; private static int threadPoolMinNum;
private static LogUtil log;
// \u6570\u636E\u5E93\u7C7B\u578Boracle mysql db2
private static String databasetype;
public static int getThreadPoolMaxNum() {
return threadPoolMaxNum;
} public static int getThreadPoolMinNum() {
return threadPoolMinNum;
} public static String getUrl() {
return url;
} public static String getUsername() {
return username;
} public static String getPassword() {
return password;
} static {
log = new LogUtil();
databasetype = ConfigUtils.getType("databasetype");
threadPoolMaxNum = Integer.parseInt(ConfigUtils
threadPoolMinNum = Integer.parseInt(ConfigUtils
if (databasetype.equals("mysql")) {
driver = ConfigUtils.getType("mysql.driver");
url = ConfigUtils.getType("mysql.url");
username = ConfigUtils.getType("mysql.username");
password = ConfigUtils.getType("mysql.password");
} else if (databasetype.equals("oracle")) {
driver = ConfigUtils.getType("oracle.driver");
url = ConfigUtils.getType("oracle.url");
username = ConfigUtils.getType("oracle.username");
password = ConfigUtils.getType("oracle.password");
try {
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
CreateConnection createConn = new CreateConnection();
} public static synchronized LinkedBlockingQueue<Connection> getQueue() {
LinkedBlockingQueue<Connection> queue = queueHoder.get();
if (queue == null) {
queue = new LinkedBlockingQueue<Connection>(threadPoolMaxNum);
return queue;
return queue;
} // static void start() {
// Tom tom = new Tom();
// tom.start();
// for(;;){
// try {
// Thread.sleep(200);
// System.out.println("/*************"+getConnection()+"*************/");
// } catch (InterruptedException e) {
// }
// }
// }
// public static void main(String[] args) {
// ThreadLocalBlockingQueueUtils.start();
// } public static Connection getConnection() {
// System.out.println("进入getConnection");
class GetConnectionClazz extends Thread {
LinkedBlockingQueue<Connection> queue = ThreadLocalBlockingQueueUtils
private Connection conn;
private int queueSize;
public int getQueueSize() {
return queueSize;
public Connection getConn() {
return conn;
public synchronized void run() {
// System.out.println("进入getConnection run()");
try {
// System.err.println("-----"+conn+"--------");
while (conn == null) {// 非常重要没有该while循环当按F5不断刷新时,仅仅要有一个取出来为空后面的全为空
conn = queue.poll(2, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
// System.err.println("*******"+conn+"*********");
// if (conn != null) {
// System.err.println("\u3010" + queue.size() + "\u3011"
// + "getConnecion\u6210\u529F\uFF1A" + conn);
// }
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
log.WriteLine("getConnection", e.getMessage());
GetConnectionClazz jj = new GetConnectionClazz();
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
log.WriteLine("getConnection()", e.getMessage());
log.WriteLine("getConnection()","\u3010" + jj.getQueueSize() + "\u3011"+ "getConnecion\u6210\u529F\uFF1A" + jj.getConn());
return jj.getConn();
} } // class GG extends Thread {
// public void run() {
// for (;;){
// try {
// ThreadLocalBlockingQueueUtils.getConnection();
// Thread.sleep(300);
// } catch (Exception e) {
// }
// }
// }
// }
* @descritpion 创建数据库连接的线程类
* @author Administrator
class CreateConnection extends Thread {
LinkedBlockingQueue<Connection> queue = ThreadLocalBlockingQueueUtils
LogUtil log = new LogUtil(); public synchronized void run() {
boolean result = false;
while (true) {
try {
Random rand=new Random();
int num=ThreadLocalBlockingQueueUtils.getThreadPoolMaxNum()-ThreadLocalBlockingQueueUtils.getThreadPoolMinNum();
int randSize=rand.nextInt(num)+1;
Connection conn = null;
conn = DriverManager.getConnection(
if (conn != null) {
result = queue.offer(conn, 1, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
} else {
// System.out.println("DriverManager.getConnection is null");
"DriverManager.getConnection()返回 null");
if (result == false) {
"已达到最大连接数queue.size()=" + queue.size());
// System.out.println("已经满了size=【" + queue.size() + "】");
} else {
"\u3010" + queue.size() + "\u3011"
+ "createConnection success:" + conn);
// System.out.println("\u3010" + queue.size() + "\u3011"
// + "createConnection success:" + conn);
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
// e.printStackTrace();
log.WriteLine("getConnection", e.getMessage());
// System.err.println(e.getMessage());
} catch (SQLException e) {
log.WriteLine("getConnection", e.getMessage());
// e.printStackTrace();
// System.err.println(e.getMessage());

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