1048. Longest String Chain


Let's say word1 is a predecessor of word2 if and only if we can add exactly one letter anywhere in word1 to make it equal to word2.  For example, "abc" is a predecessor of "abac".

word chain is a sequence of words [word_1, word_2, ..., word_k] with k >= 1, where word_1 is a predecessor of word_2word_2 is a predecessor of word_3, and so on.

Return the longest possible length of a word chain with words chosen from the given list of words.


对于任意word,任意删去其中一个字母后为word',若word'在words中,则dp[word] = max(dp[word], dp[word'] + 1)。


class Solution
int longestStrChain(vector<string>& words)
vector<vector<string>> len_word(, vector<string>());
for(auto word:words)
map<string,int> dp;
int res=;
for(int i=;i>=;i--)
for(auto word:len_word[i])
res = max(res,dfs(len_word,word,dp));
return res;
int dfs(vector<vector<string>>& len_word,string& nowword, map<string,int>& dp)
return dp[nowword];
set<string> Set;
for(auto word:len_word[nowword.size()-])
int nowres=;
for(int i=; i<nowword.size(); i++)
string temp=nowword;
nowres = max(nowres,dfs(len_word,temp,dp)+);
return dp[nowword]=nowres;

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