LeetCode OJ-- Simplify Path **
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std; class Solution {
string simplifyPath(string path) {
if(path == "/../")
return "/"; int len = path.length();
// if last was ..,then regard it as ../
if(len>= && path[len-]=='.'&& path[len-] == '.')
len = path.length(); string ans = "/";
int pos = ;
int pos2;
//unfind is -1
pos2 = path.find_first_of('/',pos); //two '//', ignore
if(pos2!= - && path[pos2-]=='/')
pos = pos2+;
//exit test,means not find
//handle the left eg:/a/b/cc
if(pos2 == - )
string subStr = path.substr(pos,pos2-pos+);
if(subStr == "." || subStr == "..")
break; ans.append(subStr);
//if ../
if(pos2>= && path[pos2-] == '.' && path[pos2-] == '.' && pos2- == pos)
int pos3 = ans.rfind('/',ans.size()-);
ans = ans.substr(,pos3+);
pos = pos2 +;
//if ./
if(pos2>=&&path[pos2-] == '.'&& pos == pos2-)
pos = pos2+;
} string subStr = path.substr(pos,pos2 - pos +);
pos = pos2 + ; }
//remove the last /
int t = ans.length()-;
} ans = ans.substr(,t+); return ans;
}; int main()
class Solution myS;
return ;
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