Keyword Research

***The Theory Behind Keyword Research***
1.When users go to search engines and type out their search query, they may use language that is entirely different from what you expect.

2.Take the time to go beyond the surface and use the tools to learn how your customers think, get your thinking in alignment with theirs, and then build your website strategy.

3.Understanding the Long Tail of the Keyword Demand Curve.

4.Understanding the Impact of Google Hummingbird

5.In terms of Hummingbird’s impact on keyword research, it’s also important to consider co-occurrence analysis:He shows how on a sample page terms such as women, shoes, boots, and shoe co-occur on an ecommerce page with words like view, sale, cart, shipping, and other ecommerce-related terms. This sends a signal to the search engine that this should be a page where users can shop for and buy women’s footwear. If an ecommerce page lacks those words and phrases that help to signal that the page’s intent is to sell products, it might lower the chances of that page ranking for purchase-oriented search phrases.
Ultimately, in both cases, the goal is for the search engines to understand the user’s intent and to return a set of results that satisfy that intent, regardless of whether the exact phrase searched for explicitly appears on the pages returned as results for a given query.
What this means from an SEO perspective is that the exact query a user may be searching for is less important than the intent behind it.
While keyword research is still crucial, creating pages highly optimized to a specific keyword is less important than creating extremely high-quality, unique content that answers the need or question behind the keyword query.
Rather than highly optimizing each page on your site for one or two specific keyword phrases, think about which phrases might belong together on a page and identify the page’s theme and intent. Consider each page more holistically and how you might improve the page to better answer your users’ needs.

Traditional Approaches: Domain Expertise and Site Content Analysis
1.One of the smartest things you can do when initially conducting keyword research is to brainstorm original ideas with the participants in the business before getting keyword tools involved.Your internal team has a rich array of knowledge that the keyword tools do not:they know where to start. Keyword tools require the initial input of information,and the quality of the data they provide is only as good as the quality of the “seeds” you give them.

***Keyword Research Options***
1.Keyword Research Data from Search Engines:
Related terms;
Common usage and phrase combinations(Using a search with the * (asterisk) character);

2.Keyword Research Data from Tools:
Google AdWords Keyword Planner and Traffic Estimator;
Bing Keyword Research tool;
KeywordDiscovery(not free);
Experian Hitwise(not free);
comScore Search Planner(not free);
WordStream(not free);
SEMrush(not free);
Searchmetrics(not free);
Google Suggest;
Soovle(Suggest from many engine);
Ubersuggest(Google Suggest tool)

3.Keyword Research Data Analysis(Once you have the raw keyword data from the research you’ve done with your favorite tools, you need to analyze which keywords have the highest value, relevance, and potential conversion rate):
Moz offers a Keyword Difficulty tool that does a good job collecting all of these metrics and providing a comparative score for any given search term or phrase.

***Leveraging the Long Tail of Keyword Demand***
1.Extracting Terms from Relevant Web Pages
2.Identifying Long-Tail Patterns

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