1.ANSI style 的代码比较紧凑。


下面是带有parameter的module header的完整规范

一般1bit ,大家都是wire signal1 = gen_signal1_logic; 这种写法。似乎也不是直接assign signal1=gen_signal1_logic,不声明wire signals;。


paper:synthesizable finit state machine design techniques using the new systemverilog 3.0 enhancements之enhanced coding styles的更多相关文章

  1. paper:synthesizable finit state machine design techniques using the new systemverilog 3.0 enhancements之onehot coding styles(index-parameter style with registered outputs)

    case语句中,对于state/next 矢量仅仅做了1-bit比较. parameter 值不是表示FSM的状态编码,而是表示state/next变量的索引.

  2. paper:synthesizable finit state machine design techniques using the new systemverilog 3.0 enhancements之onehot coding styles(encoded-parameter style with registered outputs不推荐但是经常有人写这样的代码)


  3. paper:synthesizable finit state machine design techniques using the new systemverilog 3.0 enhancements之fsm summary

    主要是1.不要用1段式写FSM 2.不要用状态编码写one-hot FSM ,要用索引编码写one-hot FSM.

  4. paper:synthesizable finit state machine design techniques using the new systemverilog 3.0 enhancements之全0/1/z/x的SV写法

  5. paper:synthesizable finit state machine design techniques using the new systemverilog 3.0 enhancements之fsm1各种style的timing/area比较

    整体说,一般还是用2段式,再加上output encodecd/default -X技巧.

  6. paper:synthesizable finit state machine design techniques using the new systemverilog 3.0 enhancements之output encoded style with registered outputs(Good style)


  7. paper:synthesizable finite state machine design techniques using the new systemverilog 3.0 enhancements 之 FSM Coding Goals

    1.the fsm coding style should be easily modifiable to change state encoding and FSM styles. FSM 的的 状 ...

  8. paper:synthesizable finite state machine design techniques using the new systemverilog 3.0 enhancements 之 standard verilog FSM conding styles(二段式)

    1.Two always block style with combinational outputs(Good Style) 对应的代码如下: 2段式总结: (1)the combinational ...

  9. paper:synthesizable finite state machine design techniques using the new systemverilog 3.0 enhancements 之 standard verilog FSM conding styles(三段式)

    Three always block style with registered outputs(Good style)


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