Unity3D - 图形性能优化:优化着色器载入时间
Optimizing Shader Load Time 优化着色器载入时间
Shaders are small programs that execute on the GPU, and loading them can take some time. Each individual GPU program typically does not take much time to load, but shaders often have a lot of “variants” internally.
For example, the Standard shader, if fully compiled, ends up being many thousands of slightly different GPU programs.
This creates two potential problems:
- Large numbers of these shader variants increase game build time, and game data size.
- Loading large numbers of shader variants during game is slow and takes up memory.
- 这些着色器的大量变体会添加游戏打包时间。使游戏包变大。
- 在游戏中载入大量的着色器变体非常慢,而且消耗内存。
Shader build time stripping 着色器生成时去除
While building the game, Unity can detect that some of the internal shader variants are not used by the game, and skip them from build data. Build-time stripping is done for:
- Individual shader features, for shaders that use
#pragma shader_feature
. If none of the used materials use a particular variant, then it is not included into the build. Seeinternal
shader variants documentation. Out of built-in shaders, the Standard shader uses this. - Shader variants to handle Fog and Lightmapping modes not used by any of the scenes are not included into the game data. See Graphics
Settings if you want to override this behavior. - 个别着色器特性,使用#pragma着色器特性的着色器。假设一个变体没有被不论什么用到的材质使用,那么生成时就不把它打进去。
- 没被不论什么场景使用的处理雾和光照贴图模式的着色器变体,也不会打包到游戏数据中。
Combination of the above often substantially cuts down on shader data size. For example, a fully compiled Standard shader would take several hundred megabytes, but in typical projects it often ends up taking just a couple megabytes (and is often compressed
further by the application packaging process).
Default Unity shader loading behavior 默认Unity着色器载入行为
Under all default settings, Unity loads the shaderlab Shader object into memory, but does not create the internal
shader variants until they are actually needed.
This means that shader variants that are included into the game build can still potentially be used, but there’s no memory or load time cost paid until they are needed. For example, shaders always include a variant to handle point lights with shadows, but if
you never end up using a point light with shadows in your game, then there’s no point in loading this particular variant.
One downside of this default behavior, however, is a possible hiccup for when some shader variant is needed for the first time - since a new GPU program code has to be loaded into the graphics driver. This is often undesirable during gameplay, so Unity has ShaderVariantCollection assets
to help solve that.
Shader Variant Collections 着色器变体群
ShaderVariantCollection is an asset that is basically a list of Shaders, and for each of them, a list of Pass types and
shader keyword combinations to load.
To help with creating these assets based on actually used shaders and their variants, the editor can track which shaders and their variants are actually used. In Graphics Settings, there is a button to create a new ShaderVariantCollection out of currently tracked
shaders, or to clear the currently tracked shader list.
Once you have some ShaderVariantCollection assets, you can set for these variants to be automatically preloaded while loading the game (under Preloaded Shaders list in Graphics
Settings), or you can preload an individual shader variant collection from a script. See ShaderVariantCollection scripting
See Also 另外可參考
- Optimizing Graphics Performance. 中文翻译:Unity3D
- 图形性能优化。 - Graphics Settings. 图形设置。
- Shaders reference. 着色器參考。
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