In this lesson, we’ll make a few small changes to our scripts and add some environment variables that will be used at build time to get our application ready to be deployed to a production environment using the now service. Once properly configured, we’ll use the now CLI and publish our application to a production server.

React support .env file by default, add a .env file in the root folder:


which just holding our api configuration.

Also create a .env.production file:


Because we want json-server and our ui using the same domain & port, so here we can just use relative path.

To use the variable in .env, we can do:

const baseUrl = process.env.REACT_APP_BASE_URL;

export const getTodos = async () => {
return await fetch(baseUrl)
.then((response) => response.json());

Update package.json:

    "start": "json-server --static ./build db.json",
"dev": "react-scripts start",

We change the original "start" to "dev".

Because after "build", there will be a "build" folder, so tell json-server to server the build folder and use db.json file a db.

After everything set up, just run:


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