leetCode笔记--binary tree
993. Cousins in Binary Tree
In a binary tree, the root node is at depth 0
, and children of each depth k
node are at depth k+1
Two nodes of a binary tree are cousins if they have the same depth, but have different parents.
We are given the root
of a binary tree with unique values, and the values x
and y
of two different nodes in the tree.
Return true
if and only if the nodes corresponding to the values x
and y
are cousins.
Example 1:
Input: root = [1,2,3,4], x = 4, y = 3
Output: false
Example 2:
Input: root = [1,2,3,null,4,null,5], x = 5, y = 4
Output: true
Example 3:
Input: root = [1,2,3,null,4], x = 2, y = 3
Output: false
- The number of nodes in the tree will be between
. - Each node has a unique integer value from
* @ desc: initBinaryTree
* @ in :
* aiArr
* iSize
* @ out :
* target binary tree
* @ cautious :
* n pos in arr
* child pos is 2n + 1, 2n + 2
* 0
* 1 2
* 3 4 5 6
* ...
* Child poionter is null that arr value is 0.
* ele in aiArr is different.
struct TreeNode* initBinaryTree(int aiArr[], int iSize)
struct TreeNode *pstNode = NULL;
struct TreeNode *pstLeft = NULL;
struct TreeNode *pstRight = NULL;
struct TreeNode *pstRoot = NULL;
int i = ; for (; i < iSize; i++)
if ( == i)
/* as root */
if (!aiArr[]) return NULL;
pstNode = malloc(sizeof(struct TreeNode));
memset(pstNode, , sizeof(struct TreeNode));
pstNode->val = aiArr[];
pstNode->left = NULL;
pstNode->right = NULL;
pstRoot = pstNode;
if ( == aiArr[i])
pstNode = getNodeByVal(pstRoot, aiArr[i]);
if (!pstNode)
return NULL;
} /* construct child */
if (iSize >= * (i + ) - )
if (aiArr[ * i + ])
pstLeft = malloc(sizeof(struct TreeNode));
memset(pstLeft, , sizeof(struct TreeNode));
pstLeft->val = aiArr[ * i + ];
pstNode->left = pstLeft;
} if ((iSize >= * (i + ) ) && (aiArr[ * i + ]))
pstRight = malloc(sizeof(struct TreeNode));
memset(pstRight, , sizeof(struct TreeNode));
pstRight->val = aiArr[ * i + ];
pstNode->right = pstRight;
return pstRoot;
} /*
* @ desc: get binary tree height
* @ in :
* @ out :
* @ ret :
int getBinTreeHeight(struct TreeNode* root)
int iLeftHeight = ;
int iRightHeight = ; if (!root) return ; if (!root->left && !root->right) return ; if (root->left)
iLeftHeight = getBinTreeHeight(root->left);
} if (root->right)
iRightHeight = getBinTreeHeight(root->right);
return (MAX_INT(iLeftHeight, iRightHeight) + );
} /*
* @ desc: deserialization binary tree to arr
* @ in :
* root in_tree
* @ out :
* iSize arrSize
* @ ret :
* outPutArr
int* deserialBinTree(struct TreeNode* root, int* piSize)
int* piOut = NULL;
int iHeight = ;
int iSize = ;
int i = ;
int iStart = ;
struct TreeNode* pstNode = NULL; /* arrsize = 2 ^ iHeight - 1 */
iHeight = getBinTreeHeight(root);
if (iHeight > ) return NULL;
iSize = (<<iHeight) - ; piOut = malloc(sizeof(int) * iSize + );
memset(piOut, , sizeof(int) * iSize + ); piOut[] = root->val; for (i = ; i <= iSize; i++)
if (piOut[i])
pstNode = getNodeByVal(root, piOut[i]);
if (!pstNode)
goto error;
/* set val in arr by index */
if (pstNode->left)
piOut[i * + ] = pstNode->left->val;
} if (pstNode->right)
piOut[i * + ] = pstNode->right->val;
} *piSize = iSize;
return piOut; error:
piOut = NULL;
*piSize = ;
return NULL;
} struct TreeNode* getBinNodeParent(struct TreeNode* root, int iVal)
struct TreeNode* pstNode = NULL;
if (!root || (iVal == root->val))
return NULL;
} if (root->left)
if (iVal == root->left->val) return root;
pstNode = getBinNodeParent(root->left, iVal);
if (pstNode) return pstNode;
pstNode = getBinNodeParent(root->right, iVal);
if (pstNode) return pstNode;
if (root->right)
if (iVal == root->right->val) return root;
pstNode = getBinNodeParent(root->left, iVal);
if (pstNode) return pstNode;
pstNode = getBinNodeParent(root->right, iVal);
if (pstNode) return pstNode;
return pstNode;
int getBinNodeHeight(struct TreeNode* root, int iVal)
struct TreeNode* pstNode = NULL;
int iHeight = ;
if (root)
if (iVal == root->val) return iHeight;
if (root->left)
pstNode = getNodeByVal(root->left, iVal);
if (pstNode) return (getBinNodeHeight(root->left, iVal) + );
if (root->right)
pstNode = getNodeByVal(root->right, iVal);
if (pstNode) return (getBinNodeHeight(root->right, iVal) + );
return iHeight; }
struct TreeNode* getNodeByVal(struct TreeNode* root, int iVal)
struct TreeNode* pstNode = NULL;
if (root)
if (iVal == root->val) return root;
if (root->left)
pstNode = getNodeByVal(root->left, iVal);
if (pstNode) return pstNode;
if (root->right)
pstNode = getNodeByVal(root->right, iVal);
if (pstNode) return pstNode;
return pstNode; } struct TreeNode* postTravel(struct TreeNode* root)
if (root->left) postTravel(root->left);
if (root->right) postTravel(root->right);
printf("%d ", root->val);
return root;
struct TreeNode* getFistNodeByPostTravel(struct TreeNode* pstRoot)
return NULL;
struct TreeNode* getNextByPostTravel(struct TreeNode* pstRoot)
struct TreeNode* pstParentNode = NULL;
if (pstRoot->left) return pstRoot->left;
if (pstRoot->right) postTravel(pstRoot->right);
pstParentNode = getBinNodeParent(pstRoot, pstRoot->val);
if (!pstParentNode) return NULL;
return getNextByPostTravel(pstParentNode);
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