(九)Knockout 进一步技术
加载和保存 JSON 数据
Knockout 并不强制您使用任何特定的技术来加载或保存数据。您可以使用适合您所选择的服务器端技术的任何方便的机制。最常用的机制是jQuery的Ajax助手方法,如getJSON、post和Ajax。您可以从服务器获取数据:
$.getJSON("/some/url", function(data) {
// Now use this data to update your view models,
// and Knockout will update your UI automatically
… 或者可以将数据发送到服务器r:
var data = /* Your data in JSON format - see below */;
$.post("/some/url", data, function(returnedData) {
// This callback is executed if the post was successful
— 这个克隆您的view mode的对象图,替换每个可观察对象的当前值,这样您就得到了一个纯拷贝,它只包含您的数据,没有与Knockout相关的工件。ko.toJSON
— 这将生成一个JSON字符串,表示view model 的数据。在内部,它只是在view model上调用ko.toJS
var viewModel = {
firstName : ko.observable("Bert"),
lastName : ko.observable("Smith"),
pets : ko.observableArray(["Cat", "Dog", "Fish"]),
type : "Customer"
viewModel.hasALotOfPets = ko.computed(function() {
return this.pets().length > 2
}, viewModel)
var jsonData = ko.toJSON(viewModel);
// Result: jsonData is now a string equal to the following value
// '{"firstName":"Bert","lastName":"Smith","pets":["Cat","Dog","Fish"],"type":"Customer","hasALotOfPets":true}'
var plainJs = ko.toJS(viewModel);
// Result: plain js现在是一个纯JavaScript对象,其中没有任何可观察的内容。这只是数据。
// The object is equivalent to the following:
// {
// firstName: "Bert",
// lastName: "Smith",
// pets: ["Cat","Dog","Fish"],
// type: "Customer",
// hasALotOfPets: true
// }
接受与 JSON.stringify相同的参数。例如,在调试Knockout应用程序时,拥有视图模型数据的“实时”表示可能很有用。要为此生成格式良好的显示,您可以将spaces参数传递到ko.toJSON
<pre data-bind="text: ko.toJSON($root, null, 2)"></pre>
// Load and parse the JSON
var someJSON = /* 忽略: 从服务器上以您想要的方式获取它 */;
var parsed = JSON.parse(someJSON);
// Update view model properties
然而,许多开发人员更喜欢使用基于约定的方法来使用传入数据更新视图模型,而不需要为每个要更新的属性手动编写一行代码。如果视图模型具有许多属性或深度嵌套的数据结构,这将是有益的,因为它可以大大减少您需要编写的手工映射代码的数量。有关这项技术的更多细节,请参见 the knockout.mapping plugin插件。
使用扩展器来增强 observables
Knockout observables提供支持读/写值所需的基本功能,并在该值发生变化时通知订阅者。 但是,在某些情况下,您可能希望向可观察对象添加其他功能。 这可能包括向可观察对象添加附加属性,或者通过在可观察对象前面放置可写的计算可观察对象来拦截写入。 Knockout扩展器提供了一种简单灵活的方法来对可观察的这种类型的扩充。
创建扩展器需要向 ko.extenders
ko.extenders.logChange = function(target, option) {
target.subscribe(function(newValue) {
console.log(option + ": " + newValue);
return target;
this.firstName = ko.observable("Bob").extend({logChange: "first name"});
如果 firstName
,那么控制台将显示firstName: Ted
Live Example 1: 强制输入是数字
Source code: View
<p><input data-bind="value: myNumberOne" /> (round to whole number)</p>
<p><input data-bind="value: myNumberTwo" /> (round to two decimals)</p>
Source code: View model
ko.extenders.numeric = function(target, precision) {
//create a writable computed observable to intercept writes to our observable
var result = ko.pureComputed({
read: target, //always return the original observables value
write: function(newValue) {
var current = target(),
roundingMultiplier = Math.pow(10, precision),
newValueAsNum = isNaN(newValue) ? 0 : +newValue,
valueToWrite = Math.round(newValueAsNum * roundingMultiplier) / roundingMultiplier;
//only write if it changed
if (valueToWrite !== current) {
} else {
//if the rounded value is the same, but a different value was written, force a notification for the current field
if (newValue !== current) {
}).extend({ notify: 'always' });
//initialize with current value to make sure it is rounded appropriately
//return the new computed observable
return result;
function AppViewModel(one, two) {
this.myNumberOne = ko.observable(one).extend({ numeric: 0 });
this.myNumberTwo = ko.observable(two).extend({ numeric: 2 });
ko.applyBindings(new AppViewModel(221.2234, 123.4525));
注意,为了自动从UI中删除被拒绝的值,必须在计算的观察对象上使用.extend({notify: 'always'})
。然后,由于模型值不会更改,所以不会有更新UI中的文本框的通知。使用{notify: 'always'}
Live Example 2: 向可观察对象添加验证
Source code: View
<p data-bind="css: { error: firstName.hasError }">
<input data-bind='value: firstName, valueUpdate: "afterkeydown"' />
<span data-bind='visible: firstName.hasError, text: firstName.validationMessage'> </span>
<p data-bind="css: { error: lastName.hasError }">
<input data-bind='value: lastName, valueUpdate: "afterkeydown"' />
<span data-bind='visible: lastName.hasError, text: lastName.validationMessage'> </span>
Source code: View model
ko.extenders.required = function(target, overrideMessage) {
//add some sub-observables to our observable
target.hasError = ko.observable();
target.validationMessage = ko.observable();
//define a function to do validation
function validate(newValue) {
target.hasError(newValue ? false : true);
target.validationMessage(newValue ? "" : overrideMessage || "This field is required");
//initial validation
//validate whenever the value changes
//return the original observable
return target;
function AppViewModel(first, last) {
this.firstName = ko.observable(first).extend({ required: "Please enter a first name" });
this.lastName = ko.observable(last).extend({ required: "" });
ko.applyBindings(new AppViewModel("Bob","Smith"));
this.firstName = ko.observable(first).extend({ required: "Please enter a first name", logChange: "first name" });
Deferred updates 推迟更新
Enabling deferred updates
Deferred updates are turned off by default to provide compatibility with existing applications. To use deferred updates for your application, you must enable it before initializing your viewmodels by setting the following option:
Example: Avoiding multiple UI updates
The following is a contrived example to demonstrate the ability of deferred updates to eliminate UI updates of intermediate values and how this can improve performance.
Using deferred updates for specific observables
Even if you don’t enable deferred updates for your whole application, you can still benefit from this feature by specifically making certain observables deferred. This is done using the deferred
Example: Avoiding multiple Ajax requests
The following model represents data that you could render as a paged grid:
Forcing deferred notifications to happen early
Although deferred, asynchronous notifications are generally better because of fewer UI updates, it can be a problem if you need to update the UI immediately. Sometimes, for proper functionality, you need an intermediate value pushed to the UI. You can accomplish this using the ko.tasks.runEarly
method. For example:
Forcing deferred notifications to happen early
Although deferred, asynchronous notifications are generally better because of fewer UI updates, it can be a problem if you need to update the UI immediately. Sometimes, for proper functionality, you need an intermediate value pushed to the UI. You can accomplish this using the ko.tasks.runEarly
method. For example:
Rate-limiting observable notifications 限速可观察量
Applying the rateLimit extender
supports two parameter formats:
Example 1: The basics
Consider the observables in the following code:
Example 2: Doing something when the user stops typing
In this live example, there’s an instantaneousValue
observable that reacts immediately when you press a key. This is then wrapped inside a delayedValue
computed observable that’s configured to notify only when changes stop for at least 400 milliseconds, using the notifyWhenChangesStop
rate-limit method.
Try it:
Custom rate-limit methods
Knockout 3.5 introduced the ability to specify a custom rate-limit method by passing a function to the rateLimit
extender rather than just a string. The function is called with three parameters (function, timeout, options) and must return a new, rate-limited function. Whenever the observable has a possibly new value to notify, it will call the returned function, which should then call the original function after some delay based on the rules of the custom method. For example, here is a function that implements debounce but also immediately notifies the initial value:
Special consideration for computed observables
For a computed observable, the rate-limit timer is triggered when one of the computed observable’s dependencies change instead of when its value changes. The computed observable is not re-evaluated until its value is actually needed—after the timeout period when the change notification should happen, or when the computed observable value is accessed directly. If you need to access the value of the computed’s most recent evaluation, you can do so with the peek
Forcing rate-limited observables to always notify subscribers
When the value of any observable is primitive (a number, string, boolean, or null), the dependents of the observable are by default notified only when it is set to a value that is actually different from before. So, primitive-valued rate-limited observables notify only when their value is actually different at the end of the timeout period. In other words, if a primitive-valued rate-limited observable is changed to a new value and then changed back to the original value before the timeout period ends, no notification will happen.
If you want to ensure that the subscribers are always notified of an update, even if the value is the same, you would use the notify
extender in addition to rateLimit
Comparison with deferred updates
Knockout version 3.4.0 added support for deferred updates, which works similarly to rate-limiting by making notifications and updates asynchronous. But instead of using a timed delay, deferred updates are processed as soon as possible after the current task, before yielding for I/O, reflow, or redrawing. If you are upgrading to 3.4.0 and have code that uses a short rate-limit timeout (e.g., 0 milliseconds), you could modify it to use deferred updates instead:
Comparison with the throttle extender
If you’d like to migrate code from using the deprecated throttle
extender, you should note the following ways that the rateLimit
extender is different from the throttle
When using rateLimit
- Writes to observables are not delayed; the observable’s value is updated right away. For writable computed observables, this means that the write function is always run right away.
- All
notifications are delayed, including when callingvalueHasMutated
manually. This means you can’t usevalueHasMutated
to force a rate-limited observable to notify an un-changed value. - The default rate-limit method is different from the
algorithm. To match thethrottle
behavior, use thenotifyWhenChangesStop
method. - Evaluation of a rate-limited computed observable isn’t rate-limited; it will re-evaluate if you read its value.
Using unobtrusive event handlers
In most cases, data-bind attributes provide a clean and succinct way to bind to a view model. However, event handling is one area that can often result in verbose data-bind attributes, as anonymous functions were typically the recommended techinique to pass arguments. For example:
Live example: nested children
This example shows “add” and “remove” links on multiple levels of parents and children with a single handler attached unobtrusively for each type of link.
Note: 最好只将此可扩展性点用于真正适用于广泛场景的自定义函数。如果只打算使用一次,则不需要向这些名称空间添加自定义函数。
Example: 一个可观察数组的过滤视图
ko.observableArray.fn.filterByProperty = function(propName, matchValue) {
return ko.pureComputed(function() {
var allItems = this(), matchingItems = [];
for (var i = 0; i < allItems.length; i++) {
var current = allItems[i];
if (ko.unwrap(current[propName]) === matchValue)
return matchingItems;
}, this);
Source code: View
<h3>All tasks (<span data-bind="text: tasks().length"> </span>)</h3>
<ul data-bind="foreach: tasks">
<input type="checkbox" data-bind="checked: done" />
<span data-bind="text: title"> </span>
<h3>Done tasks (<span data-bind="text: doneTasks().length"> </span>)</h3>
<ul data-bind="foreach: doneTasks">
<li data-bind="text: title"></li>
Source code: View model
function Task(title, done) {
this.title = ko.observable(title);
this.done = ko.observable(done);
function AppViewModel() {
this.tasks = ko.observableArray([
new Task('Find new desktop background', true),
new Task('Put shiny stickers on laptop', false),
new Task('Request more reggae music in the office', true)
// Here's where we use the custom function
this.doneTasks = this.tasks.filterByProperty("done", true);
ko.applyBindings(new AppViewModel());
this.doneTasks = ko.pureComputed(function() {
var all = this.tasks(), done = [];
for (var i = 0; i < all.length; i++)
if (all[i].done())
return done;
}, this);
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