【spring data jpa】带有条件的查询后分页和不带条件查询后分页实现
一.不带有动态条件的查询 分页的实现
- @Controller
- @RequestMapping(value = "/egg")
- public class EggController {
- @ResponseBody
- @RequestMapping(value = "/statisticsList")
- public Page<StatisticsDto> statisticsList(@RequestParam("actId") Long actId,HttpServletRequest request,
- Pageable pageable){
- Long entId = CasUtils.getEntId(request);
- return eggService.findStatisticsWithPage(entId,actId,pageable) ;
- }
- }
serviceImpl中的实现方法:这里需要查询出数据的数量total,以及查询到的数据list,最后new一个实现类 new PageImpl(list,pageable,total)
Page 的实现类是PageImpl Pageable 的实现类是PagerRequest
- public Page<StatisticsDto> findStatisticsWithPage(Long entId, Long actId, Pageable pageable) {
- int total = wactPlayRecordDao.findDistinctPlayRecordTotal(entId, actId);
- // List<String> openIdList = wactPlayRecordDao.findDistinctPlayRecordList(entId, actId);
- List<WactPlayRecord> wactPlayRecordList = wactPlayRecordDao.findDistinctPlayRecordList(entId,actId);
- List<StatisticsDto> statisticsDtoList = new ArrayList<>();
- if (wactPlayRecordList.size()>0){
- // statisticsDtoList = new ArrayList<>(wactPlayRecordList.size());
- for (WactPlayRecord wactPlayRecord:wactPlayRecordList){
- StatisticsDto statisticsDto = new StatisticsDto();
- String openid = wactPlayRecord.getOpenid();
- Long playRecordId = wactPlayRecord.getId();
- Mpuser mpuser = mpuserDao.findMpUserByOpenId(openid);
- List<CustomerCollItemInfo> customerCollItemInfoList = customerCollitemInfoDao.findCustomerCollItemInfoByOpenId(openid,entId,actId,playRecordId);
- List<CustCollItemsInfoDto> custCollItemsInfoDtoList = new ArrayList<>();
- if (customerCollItemInfoList.size()>0){
- statisticsDto.setDetailIsShow("able");
- custCollItemsInfoDtoList = new ArrayList<>(customerCollItemInfoList.size());
- for (CustomerCollItemInfo customerCollItemInfo:customerCollItemInfoList){
- CustCollItemsInfoDto custCollItemsInfoDto = new CustCollItemsInfoDto(customerCollItemInfo);
- custCollItemsInfoDtoList.add(custCollItemsInfoDto);
- }
- }else{
- //已中奖但是未填写&&未中奖
- statisticsDto.setDetailIsShow("unable");
- }
- if (wactPlayRecord.getIsWin()==0){
- wactPlayRecord.setIsUse(2);
- }
- WactPlayRecordDto wactPlayRecordDto = new WactPlayRecordDto(wactPlayRecord);
- MpuserDto mpuserDto = null;
- if (mpuser!= null){
- mpuserDto = new MpuserDto(mpuser);
- }
- statisticsDto.setWactPlayRecordDto(wactPlayRecordDto);
- statisticsDto.setCustCollItemsInfoDtoList(custCollItemsInfoDtoList);
- statisticsDto.setMpuserDto(mpuserDto);
- statisticsDtoList.add(statisticsDto);
- }
- }
- return new PageImpl(statisticsDtoList,pageable,total);
- }
- public interface WactPlayRecordDao extends JpaRepository<WactPlayRecord, Long>{
- @Query("FROM WactPlayRecord w WHERE w.entId = :endId AND w.actId = :actId AND w.status = 1")
- List<WactPlayRecord> findDistinctPlayRecordList(@Param("endId") Long endId,@Param("actId") Long actId);
- <pre name="code" class="java">@Query("SELECT count(w.openid) FROM WactPlayRecord w WHERE w.entId = :endId AND w.actId = :actId AND w.status = 1")
- int findDistinctPlayRecordTotal(@Param("endId") Long endId,@Param("actId") Long actId);
controller:同样是返回的Page<>对象 ,增加了表单提交的数据对象
- @Controller
- @RequestMapping("/news")
- public class NewsController {
- private NewsService newsService;
- private NewsCategoryService newsCategoryService;
- @RequestMapping("/list")
- @ResponseBody
- public Page<NewsDto> list(Pageable pageable, NewsCondition newsCondition) {
- Long id = AppUtils.getBean("loginInfo", LoginInfo.class).getEntId();
- newsCondition.setEntId(id);
- return newsService.find(newsCondition, pageable);
- }
- @Service
- public class NewsServiceImpl implements NewsService {
- @Override
- @Transactional(readOnly = true)
- public Page<NewsDto> find(final NewsCondition condition, Pageable pageable) {
- Page<NewsEntity> page = newsDao.findAll(new Specification<NewsEntity>() {
- @Override
- public Predicate toPredicate(Root<NewsEntity> root, CriteriaQuery<?> query, CriteriaBuilder cb) {
- List<Predicate> list = new ArrayList<>();
- list.add(cb.equal(root.get("entId").as(Long.class), condition.getEntId()));
- list.add(cb.equal(root.get("deleted").as(Boolean.class), false));
- Join<NewsEntity, NewsCategoryEntity> newsCategoryJoin = root.join("newsCategory");
- list.add(cb.equal(newsCategoryJoin.get("enable").as(Boolean.class), true));
- list.add(cb.equal(newsCategoryJoin.get("deleted").as(Boolean.class), false));
- if (condition.getCategoryId() != null) {
- list.add(cb.equal(newsCategoryJoin.get("id").as(Long.class), condition.getCategoryId()));
- }
- if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(condition.getTitle())) {
- list.add(cb.like(root.get("title").as(String.class), "%" + condition.getTitle() + "%"));
- }
- if (condition.getFromDate() != null) {
- list.add(cb.greaterThanOrEqualTo(root.get("createdDate").as(Date.class), DateUtils.getDateWithStartSecond(condition.getFromDate())));
- }
- if (condition.getToDate() != null) {
- list.add(cb.lessThanOrEqualTo(root.get("createdDate").as(Date.class), DateUtils.getDateWithLastSecond(condition.getToDate())));
- }
- query.orderBy(cb.desc(root.get("top")), cb.desc(root.get("id")));
- Predicate[] predicates = new Predicate[list.size()];
- predicates = list.toArray(predicates);
- return cb.and(predicates);
- }
- }, pageable);
- if (page.hasContent()) {
- List<NewsEntity> newsEntities = page.getContent();
- List<NewsDto> newsDtos = new ArrayList<>(newsEntities.size());
- List<Long> pids = new ArrayList<>();
- for (NewsEntity newsEntity : newsEntities) {
- if (newsEntity.getTitleImage() != null) {
- pids.add(newsEntity.getTitleImage());
- }
- }
- Map<Long, MediaFileEntity> map = null;
- if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(pids)) {
- map = mediaFileDao.findWithMap(pids);
- }
- for (NewsEntity newsEntity : newsEntities) {
- newsDtos.add(new NewsDto(newsEntity, map != null ? map.get(newsEntity.getTitleImage()) : null));
- }
- return new PageImpl(newsDtos, pageable, page.getTotalElements());
- }
- return null;
- }
- }
- public interface NewsDao extends JpaRepository<NewsEntity, Long>, JpaSpecificationExecutor<NewsEntity> {
- }
方式二(查询条件在不同表中的情形):底层DAO使用sql拼装,service中仍然使用new PageImpl的方法
- @Controller
- @RequestMapping(value = "/egg")
- public class EggController {
- @ResponseBody
- @RequestMapping(value = "/statisticsList")
- public Page<StatisticsDto> statisticsList(@RequestParam("actId") Long actId,HttpServletRequest request,
- Pageable pageable,StatisticsCondition statisticsCondition){
- Long entId = CasUtils.getEntId(request);
- return eggService.findStatisticsWithPage(entId,actId,pageable,statisticsCondition) ;
- }
- @Override
- @Transactional
- public Page<StatisticsDto> findStatisticsWithPage(Long entId, Long actId, Pageable pageable, StatisticsCondition statisticsCondition) {
- Long total = wactPlayRecordDao.findTotalByCondition(entId,actId,
- statisticsCondition.getParticipateBegin(),statisticsCondition.getParticipateEnd()
- ,statisticsCondition.getTelephone(),statisticsCondition.getIsWin(),statisticsCondition.getIsUse());
- List<StatisticsDto> statisticsDtoList = new ArrayList<>();
- if (total >0){
- List<Object[]> objectList = wactPlayRecordDao.findStatisticsByConditionWithPage(entId,actId,
- statisticsCondition.getParticipateBegin(),statisticsCondition.getParticipateEnd()
- ,statisticsCondition.getTelephone(),statisticsCondition.getIsWin(),statisticsCondition.getIsUse(),pageable);
- for (Object[] obj:objectList){
- StatisticsDto statisticsDto = new StatisticsDto();
- Long id = new BigInteger(obj[0].toString()).longValue();
- Integer isWin = new Short(obj[1].toString()).intValue();
- Integer isUse = new Short(obj[2].toString()).intValue();
- String createdDateStr = com.raipeng.micro.core.utils.DateUtils.format((Date)obj[4], com.raipeng.micro.core.utils.DateUtils.PATTERN_2);
- WactAwards wactAwards = new WactAwards();
- Long awardsId = new BigInteger(obj[5].toString()).longValue();
- if (awardsId != 0l){
- wactAwards = wactAwardsDao.findAwardByAwardId(awardsId);
- }
- if (isWin == 0){
- isUse = 2;
- }
- WactPlayRecordDto wactPlayRecordDto = new WactPlayRecordDto(id,isWin,isUse,(String)obj[3],wactAwards.getName(),wactAwards.getGradeName(),createdDateStr);
- String openid = (String)obj[3];
- Long playRecordId = wactPlayRecordDto.getId();
- List<CustomerCollItemInfo> customerCollItemInfoList = customerCollitemInfoDao.findCustomerCollItemInfoByPlayRecordId(playRecordId);
- List<CustCollItemsInfoDto> custCollItemsInfoDtoList = new ArrayList<>();
- if (customerCollItemInfoList.size()>0){
- statisticsDto.setDetailIsShow("able");
- custCollItemsInfoDtoList = new ArrayList<>(customerCollItemInfoList.size());
- for (CustomerCollItemInfo customerCollItemInfo:customerCollItemInfoList){
- // customerCollItemsIds +=customerCollItemInfo.getCustomerCollectitemsId()+"#";
- CustCollItemsInfoDto custCollItemsInfoDto = new CustCollItemsInfoDto(customerCollItemInfo);
- custCollItemsInfoDtoList.add(custCollItemsInfoDto);
- }
- }else{
- //已中奖但是未填写&&未中奖
- statisticsDto.setDetailIsShow("unable");
- }
- Object[] object = wactPlayRecordDao.findUserInfoByOpenId(openid);
- MpuserDto mpuserDto = new MpuserDto();
- if (object[1] != null){
- mpuserDto.setHeadImg((String)object[1]);
- }else if (object[3] != null){
- mpuserDto.setHeadImg((String)object[3]);
- }else {
- mpuserDto.setHeadImg("");
- }
- if (object[2] != null){
- mpuserDto.setNickName((String)object[2]);
- }else if (object[4] != null){
- mpuserDto.setNickName((String)object[4]);
- }else {
- mpuserDto.setNickName("");
- }
- if (wactPlayRecordDto.getIsWin()=="已中奖" && custCollItemsInfoDtoList.size()==0){
- wactPlayRecordDto.setIsUse("");
- }
- if (mpuserDto.getHeadImg()==""){
- statisticsDto.setHeadImg("unable");
- }else{
- statisticsDto.setHeadImg("able");
- }
- if (wactPlayRecordDto.getIsUse()=="已领取"){
- statisticsDto.setHaveReceived("able");
- }else {
- statisticsDto.setHaveReceived("unable");
- }
- statisticsDto.setWactPlayRecordDto(wactPlayRecordDto);
- statisticsDto.setCustCollItemsInfoDtoList(custCollItemsInfoDtoList);
- statisticsDto.setMpuserDto(mpuserDto);
- if (wactPlayRecordDto.getIsUse()=="未领取"){
- statisticsDto.setSetReceive("able");
- }else {
- statisticsDto.setSetReceive("unable");
- }
- String customerCollItemsIds = "";
- List<CustomerCollectItems> customerCollectItemsList = customerCollectItemsDao.findListByActivityId(actId);
- if (customerCollectItemsList != null && customerCollectItemsList.size()>0){
- for (CustomerCollectItems customerCollectItems:customerCollectItemsList){
- customerCollItemsIds += customerCollectItems.getCollectItemsId()+"#";
- }
- }
- statisticsDto.setCustomerCollectItemsIds(customerCollItemsIds);
- statisticsDtoList.add(statisticsDto);
- }
- }
- return new PageImpl<StatisticsDto>(statisticsDtoList,pageable,total);
- }
dao daoplus daoImpl(dao继承daoPlus,daoImpl实现daoPlus)
- public interface WactPlayRecordPlusDao {
- Long findTotalByCondition(Long entId,Long actId,Date participateBegin,Date participateEnd,String telephone,Integer isWin,Integer isUse);
- List<Object[]> findStatisticsByConditionWithPage(Long entId, Long actId, Date participateBegin, Date participateEnd, String telephone, Integer isWin, Integer isUse,Pageable pageable);
- }
- public class WactPlayRecordDaoImpl implements WactPlayRecordPlusDao {
- @PersistenceContext
- private EntityManager entityManager;
- public void setEntityManager(EntityManager entityManager) {
- this.entityManager = entityManager;
- }
- @Override
- public Long findTotalByCondition(Long entId, Long actId, Date participateBegin, Date participateEnd, String telephone, Integer isWin, Integer isUse) {
- StringBuffer sql = null;
- if (telephone != null && !"".equals(telephone)){
- // hql = new StringBuffer("SELECT w.id,w.isWin,w.isUse,W.openid " +//表没有关联所以不能使用面向对象语句的left outer join inner join 等
- // "FROM WactPlayRecord w inner join CustomerCollItemInfo c " +
- // "ON w.id = c.playRecordId" +
- // "WHERE w.entId = :entId AND w.actId = :actId AND w.status = 1 " +
- // "AND c.entId = :entId AND c.actId = :actId AND c.status = 1 And c.val = :telephone ");
- sql =new StringBuffer("SELECT count(p.id)" +
- "FROM rp_act_play_record p inner join rp_act_customer_collitem_info c " +
- "ON p.id = c.play_record_id " +
- "WHERE p.ent_id = :entId AND p.act_id = :actId AND p.status = 1 " +
- "AND c.ent_id = :entId AND c.act_id = :actId AND c.status = 1 And c.val = :telephone ");
- }else {
- // hql = new StringBuffer("SELECT w.id,w.isWin,w.isUse,w.openid " +
- // "FROM WactPlayRecord w " +
- // "WHERE w.entId = :entId AND w.actId = :actId AND w.status = 1 " );
- sql = new StringBuffer("SELECT count(p.id) " +
- "FROM rp_act_play_record p " +
- "WHERE p.ent_id = :entId AND p.act_id = :actId AND p.status = 1 " );
- }
- if (participateBegin != null){
- sql.append("AND p.created_date >= :participateBegin ");
- }
- if (participateEnd != null){
- sql.append("AND p.created_date <= :participateEnd ");
- }
- if (isWin == 0){
- sql.append("AND p.is_win = 0 ");
- }else if (isWin ==1){
- sql.append("AND p.is_win = 1 ");
- }
- if (isUse == 0){
- sql.append("AND p.is_use = 0 ");
- }else if (isUse == 1){
- sql.append("AND p.is_use = 1 ");
- }
- sql.append("order by p.created_date ASC");
- Query query = entityManager.createNativeQuery(sql.toString());
- query.setParameter("entId", entId).setParameter("actId", actId);
- if (participateBegin != null){
- query.setParameter("participateBegin", participateBegin);
- }
- if (participateEnd != null){
- query.setParameter("participateEnd", participateEnd);
- }
- if (telephone != null && !"".equals(telephone)){
- query.setParameter("telephone",telephone);
- }
- Long total = new BigInteger(query.getSingleResult().toString()).longValue();
- return total;
- }
- @Override
- public List<Object[]> findStatisticsByConditionWithPage(Long entId, Long actId, Date participateBegin, Date participateEnd, String telephone, Integer isWin, Integer isUse,Pageable pageable) {
- StringBuffer sql = null;
- if (telephone != null && !"".equals(telephone)){
- // hql = new StringBuffer("SELECT w.id,w.isWin,w.isUse,W.openid " +
- // "FROM WactPlayRecord w inner join CustomerCollItemInfo c " +
- // "ON w.id = c.playRecordId" +
- // "WHERE w.entId = :entId AND w.actId = :actId AND w.status = 1 " +
- // "AND c.entId = :entId AND c.actId = :actId AND c.status = 1 And c.val = :telephone ");
- sql =new StringBuffer("SELECT p.id,p.is_win,p.is_use,p.openid,p.created_date,p.awards_id " +
- "FROM rp_act_play_record p inner join rp_act_customer_collitem_info c " +
- "ON p.id = c.play_record_id " +
- "WHERE p.ent_id = :entId AND p.act_id = :actId AND p.status = 1 " +
- "AND c.ent_id = :entId AND c.act_id = :actId AND c.status = 1 And c.val = :telephone ");
- }else {
- // hql = new StringBuffer("SELECT w.id,w.isWin,w.isUse,w.openid " +
- // "FROM WactPlayRecord w " +
- // "WHERE w.entId = :entId AND w.actId = :actId AND w.status = 1 " );
- sql = new StringBuffer("SELECT p.id,p.is_win,p.is_use,p.openid,p.created_date,p.awards_id " +
- "FROM rp_act_play_record p " +
- "WHERE p.ent_id = :entId AND p.act_id = :actId AND p.status = 1 " );
- }
- if (participateBegin != null){
- sql.append("AND p.created_date >= :participateBegin ");
- }
- if (participateEnd != null){
- sql.append("AND p.created_date <= :participateEnd ");
- }
- if (isWin == 0){
- sql.append("AND p.is_win = 0 ");
- }else if (isWin ==1){
- sql.append("AND p.is_win = 1 ");
- }
- if (isUse == 0){
- sql.append("AND p.is_use = 0 ");
- }else if (isUse == 1){
- sql.append("AND p.is_use = 1 ");
- }
- sql.append("order by p.created_date DESC");
- Query query = entityManager.createNativeQuery(sql.toString());
- query.setParameter("entId", entId).setParameter("actId", actId);
- if (participateBegin != null){
- query.setParameter("participateBegin", participateBegin);
- }
- if (participateEnd != null){
- query.setParameter("participateEnd", participateEnd);
- }
- if (telephone != null && !"".equals(telephone)){
- query.setParameter("telephone",telephone);
- }
- query.setFirstResult(pageable.getPageNumber() * pageable.getPageSize());
- query.setMaxResults(pageable.getPageSize());
- List<Object[]> objectList = query.getResultList();
- return objectList;
- }
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