Operating Systems (COMP2006) 1
st Semester 2019
Page 1, CRICOS Number: 00301J
Operating Systems (COMP2006)
Discipline of Computing
School of Electrical Engineering, Computing and Mathematical Sciences
Multiple-Processor Scheduling Simulation
Due Date: 4pm, Monday 6 May, 2019
The goal of this simulation is to give you some experiences using POSIX Pthreads library
functions for thread creations and synchronizations. You will learn how to solve the critical
section problems using pthread_mutex_lock(), pthread_mutex_unlock(), pthread_cond_wait(),
and pthread_cond_signal().
Write a program scheduler in C under Linux environment to simulate the operations of three
Processor Scheduling Simulation. The programs for this schedulershould include the following
1) There is one Ready-Queue that contains a list of tasks to be serviced by three CPUs:
CPU-1, CPU-2, and CPU-3. The Ready-Queue has a capacity for m tasks, and is initially
2) All CPUs are waiting for the arrival of the tasks in Ready-Queue. The arrival of a task
should interrupt any of the waiting CPUs, which will grab the task, and execute it.
3) Your scheduler includes a list of tasks, stored in file task_file. A task in the file is
represented by
task# cpu_burst
The task# is a positive integer, and the cpu_burst is another positive integer (in second).
Note that, each task may have different cpu_burst. Create yourself a task_file that contains
100 tasks with random cpu_burst (1 to 50).
4) Write a function task() that gets two tasks at a time from the task_file and puts it into the
Ready_Queue. For each task placed in the queue, the task() function should write this
activity into a file, simulation_log.
task#: cpu_burst
Arrival time: 13:42:51
The Arrival time is the time the task is placed into Ready-Queue (actual time).
Operating Systems (COMP2006) 1
st Semester 2019
Page 2, CRICOS Number: 00301J
5) Write a function cpu() that simulates the operations of each of the three CPUs. When there
is at least one task in Ready-Queue, one of the CPUs takes the task from Ready-Queue,
and executes it for its entire cpu_burst. In other words, it is a non pre-emptive scheduler.
Simulate this event, for example, using a sleep call, proportional to the length of cpu_burst.
6) Create three variables num_tasks, total_waiting_time and total_turnaround_time to be
shared by the three CPUs. The three variables are initialized to 0.
7) When CPU-1, for example, takes one task from the queue, CPU-1 should write the
following information in simulation_log:
Statistics for CPU-1:
Task #n
Arrival time: 13:42:55
Service time: 13:42:57
The Service time is the time the CPU picked up the task from the queue. Notice that the
task’s waiting time is its Service time minus Arrival time. CPU-1 then increases the value
of num_tasks by one, and total_waiting_time by the computed waiting time.
8) When CPU-1, for example, finishes with one task, CPU-1 should write the following
information in simulation_log:
Statistics for CPU-1:
Task #n
Arrival time: 13:42:55
Completion time: 13:42:59
The Completion time is the time when CPU-1 finished servicing the task #n. The
Completion time is computed from the Service time + cpu_burst. Notice that the task’s
Turnaround time is its Completion time minus its Arrival time. CPU-1 then increases the
value of total_turnaround_time by the computed Turnaround time.
9) The task() function terminates when all tasks in task_file have been placed in ReadyQueue.
The following information should be written in simulation_log:
Number of tasks put into Ready-Queue: #of tasks
Terminate at time: current time
The current time is the time it terminates, e.g., 13:52:55.
10) Each CPU terminates when there is no more task (NOT when Ready-Queue is empty). Each
terminating CPU, e.g., CPU-1 should write the following information into simulation_log:
CPU-1 terminates after servicing x tasks
Operating Systems (COMP2006) 1
st Semester 2019
Page 3, CRICOS Number: 00301J
where x is the total number of tasks the CPU has served.
11) Finally, after all CPUs and task have terminated, the scheduler should write the following
information to simulation_log:
Number of tasks: #of tasks
Average waiting time: w seconds
Average turn around time: t seconds
The Number of tasks is the total tasks serviced by the three CPUs, i.e, the value of
num_tasks. The Average waiting time, and the Average turn around time are computed by
dividing total_waiting_time and total_turnaround_time with num_tasks, respectively.
Note, the assignment does not require high degree of precision for the time.
Implementation (80%)

COMP2006作业代做、Operating Systems作业代写、c/c++程序设计作业调试
1. Your scheduler creates a thread task that runs the task() function, and three threads CPU-
1, CPU-2, and CPU-3 each runs the cpu() function. Each CPU thread blocks when ReadyQueue
is empty, and task thread blocks when the queue is full.
2. Create a First-In-First-Out Ready-Queue to be shared by threads task, CPU-1, CPU-2,
and CPU-3. You have to synchronize the four threads when accessing the Ready-Queue.
In essence, this is the bounded buffer producer-consumer problem.
3. Use pthread mutual exclusion functions, pthread_mutex_lock(), pthread_mutex_unlock(),
pthread_cond_wait(), and pthread_cond_signal() to solve the critical section and
synchronization problems in the scheduler. Make sure you consider all possible race
conditions in the scheduler.
4. You have to describe / discuss in detail each of the variables, including its data structure,
the threads that access them, and how mutual exclusion is achieved.
5. Remember to clean up all resources created in your program.
6. To test for the correctness of your program, you should run the program as follows:
scheduler task_file m
Set m to a value between 1 and 10.
Operating Systems (COMP2006) 1
st Semester 2019
Page 4, CRICOS Number: 00301J
Instruction for submission
1. Assignment submission is compulsory. Students will be penalized by a deduction of ten
percent per calendar day for a late submission. An assessment more than seven calendar
days overdue will not be marked and will receive a mark of 0.
2. You must (i) submit a hard copy of your assignment report, (ii) submit the soft copy of the
report to the unit Blackboard (in one zip file), and (iii) put your program files e.g.,
scheduler.c, makefile, and other files, such as test input, in your home directory, under a
directory named OS/assignment.
3. Your assignment report should include:
A signed cover page that includes the words “Operating Systems Assignment”, your
name in the form: family, other names, and a declaration stating the originality of the
submitted work, that it is your own work, etc. Your name should be as recorded in the
student database.
Software solution of your assignment that includes (i) all source code for the programs
with proper in-line and header documentation. Use proper indentation so that your code
can be easily read. Make sure that you use meaningful variable names, and delete all
unnecessary comments that you created while debugging your program; and (ii) readme
file that, among others, explains how to compile your program and how to run the
Detailed discussion on how any mutual exclusion is achieved and what threads access
the shared resources.
Description of any cases for which your program is not working correctly or how you
test your program that make you believe it works perfectly.
Sample inputs and outputs from your running programs.
Your report will be assessed (worth 20% of the ovrall assignment mark).
4. Due dates and other arrangements may only be altered with the consent of the majority of
the students enrolled in the unit and with the consent of the lecturer.
5. Demo requirements:
You may be required to demonstrate your program and/or sit a quiz during workshop
sessions (to be announced).
 the source code MUST be that submitted. The programs should run on any machine
in the department labs.
Failure to meet these requirements may result in the assignment not being marked

因为专业,所以值得信赖。如有需要,请加QQ:99515681 或邮箱:99515681@qq.com


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