vi /etc/selinux/config



Step 1:

#rpm -Uvh
#rpm -Uvh
#yum -y update
#yum repolist

Step 2:

#yum install -y xrdp tiger-vncserver autoconf automake libtool openssl-devel pam-devel libX11-devel libXfixes-devel

Step 3:

Download the latest version of xrdp. That’s probably going to be 0.6.0. Unzip/tar it to a folder on your desktop

#cd /home/username/Destkop/xrdp-v0.6.6/
#chmod u+x bootstrap
#chmod u+x configure
#make install

This will compile a bunch of stuff.

#groupadd tsusers
#groupadd tsadmins

Fantastic. All the easy work is done, now let’s modify a bunch of config files manually.

Step 4:

#nano -w /etc/group

Now add these two lines to the group file. Note it is group, not groups.


Setting up the password for xrdp/vnc

Insert your password twice
To return root user

Edit VNC server files

#nano -w /etc/sysconfig/vncservers

Add to end of vncservers file. You can adjust the resolution from
microsoft’s RDC app, but it’s good to have a resolution to start with.

VNCSERVERARGS[1]=”-geometry 1355×768 -depth 16″

Edit another text file

#nano -w /etc/rc.local

Dump this line at the end on a new line

/etc/xrdp/ start

And then start up the service. Awesome. You shouldn’t need to muck
around with the firewall, but if you do the port number is 3389

#chkconfig vncserver on
#service vncserver start
#/etc/xrdp/ start

And… behold! Hopefully it was worth it.

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