定义 | 说明 |
%@ | Objective-C object, printed as the string returned by descriptionWithLocale: if available, or description otherwise. Also works with CFTypeRef objects, returning the result of the CFCopyDescription function. |
%% | ‘%’ character |
%d, %D, %i | Signed 32-bit integer (int) |
%u, %U | Unsigned 32-bit integer (unsigned int) |
%hi | Signed 16-bit integer (short) |
%hu | Unsigned 16-bit integer (unsigned short) |
%qi | Signed 64-bit integer (long long) |
%qu | Unsigned 64-bit integer (unsigned long long) |
%x | Unsigned 32-bit integer (unsigned int), printed in hexadecimal using the digits 0–9 and lowercase a–f |
%X | Unsigned 32-bit integer (unsigned int), printed in hexadecimal using the digits 0–9 and uppercase A–F |
%qx | Unsigned 64-bit integer (unsigned long long), printed in hexadecimal using the digits 0–9 and lowercase a–f |
%qX | Unsigned 64-bit integer (unsigned long long), printed in hexadecimal using the digits 0–9 and uppercase A–F |
%o, %O | Unsigned 32-bit integer (unsigned int), printed in octal |
%f | 64-bit floating-point number (double) |
%e | 64-bit floating-point number (double), printed in scientific notation using a lowercase e to introduce the exponent |
%E | 64-bit floating-point number (double), printed in scientific notation using an uppercase E to introduce the exponent |
%g | 64-bit floating-point number (double), printed in the style of %e if the exponent is less than –4 or greater than or equal to the precision, in the style of %f otherwise |
%G | 64-bit floating-point number (double), printed in the style of %E if the exponent is less than –4 or greater than or equal to the precision, in the style of %f otherwise |
%c | 8-bit unsigned character (unsigned char), printed by NSLog() as an ASCII character, or, if not an ASCII character, in the octal format \\ddd or the Unicode hexadecimal format \\udddd, where d is a digit |
%C | 16-bit Unicode character (unichar), printed by NSLog() as an ASCII character, or, if not an ASCII character, in the octal format \\ddd or the Unicode hexadecimal format \\udddd, where d is a digit |
%s | Null-terminated array of 8-bit unsigned characters. %s interprets its input in the system encoding rather than, for example, UTF-8. |
%S | Null-terminated array of 16-bit Unicode characters |
%p | Void pointer (void *), printed in hexadecimal with the digits 0–9 and lowercase a–f, with a leading 0x |
%L | Length modifier specifying that a following a, A, e, E, f, F, g, or G conversion specifier applies to a long double argument |
%a | 64-bit floating-point number (double), printed in scientific notation with a leading 0x and one hexadecimal digit before the decimal point using a lowercase p to introduce the exponent |
%A | 64-bit floating-point number (double), printed in scientific notation with a leading 0X and one hexadecimal digit before the decimal point using a uppercase P to introduce the exponent |
%F | 64-bit floating-point number (double), printed in decimal notation |
%z | Length modifier specifying that a following d, i, o, u, x, or X conversion specifier applies to a size_t or the corresponding signed integer type argument |
%t | Length modifier specifying that a following d, i, o, u, x, or X conversion specifier applies to a ptrdiff_t or the corresponding unsigned integer type argument |
%j | Length modifier specifying that a following d, i, o, u, x, or X conversion specifier applies to a intmax_t or uintmax_t argument |
类型 | 定义 | 建议 |
NSInteger | %ld or %lx | Cast the value to long |
NSUInteger | %lu or %lx | Cast the value to unsigned long |
CGFloat | %f or %g | %f works for floats and doubles when formatting; but see below warning when scanning |
CFIndex | %ld or %lx | The same as NSInteger |
pointer | %p | %p adds 0x to the beginning of the output. If you don’t want that, use %lx and cast to long. |
long long | %lld or %llx | long long is 64-bit on both 32- and 64-bit platforms |
unsigned long long | %llu or %llx | unsigned long long is 64-bit on both 32- and 64-bit platforms |
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