date: 2015/2/18

Enhanced Write Filter (or EWF) is a component of Windows XP

Embedded and Windows Embedded Standard 7 which filters writes to another medium instead of being physically written to the volume itself. EWF allows the writes to be discarded or committed to the physical volume later (either directly or through inaction based on the configuration). As this minimizes writes to a specified hard disk, EWF and FBWF (File-Based Write Filter) have become popular in enthusiast computing as a way to decrease wear of Solid State Drives on NetBooks

Enable / Disable EWF

Step 1: Click EWF icon in start menu.

Step 2: Click “EWF Utility” button.

Step 3: Switch tab to “EWF”, click “Enable”(or Disable) button.

Step 4: Confirm this message box, then reboot computer.

Flow chart of enable / disable EWF

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