

  1. >>> import hashlib
  2. >>> m = hashlib.md5()
  3. >>> m.update("Nobody inspects")
  4. >>> m.update(" the spammish repetition")
  5. >>> m.digest()
  6. '\xbbd\x9c\x83\xdd\x1e\xa5\xc9\xd9\xde\xc9\xa1\x8d\xf0\xff\xe9'
  7. >>> m.hexdigest()
  8. 'bb649c83dd1ea5c9d9dec9a18df0ffe9'



2.调用hashlib里的md5()生成一个md5 hash对象






  1. >>>print"md5", "Nobody inspects the spammish repetition").hexdigest()
  2. 'bb649c83dd1ea5c9d9dec9a18df0ffe9'


The following values are provided as constant attributes of the hash objects returned by the constructors:


The size of the resulting hash in bytes.


The internal block size of the hash algorithm in bytes.

A hash object has the following methods:


Update the hash object with the string arg. Repeated calls are equivalent to a single call with the concatenation of all the arguments: m.update(a); m.update(b) is equivalent to m.update(a+b).


Return the digest of the strings passed to the update() method so far. This is a string of digest_size bytes which may contain non-ASCII characters, including null bytes.


Like digest() except the digest is returned as a string of double length, containing only hexadecimal digits. This may be used to exchange the value safely in email or other non-binary environments.


Return a copy (“clone”) of the hash object. This can be used to efficiently compute the digests of strings that share a common initial substring.

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