410. Split Array Largest Sum
所以返还失败的情况下 L = M + 1
反正我这里写了好久,一开始套用yes right, no left的二分判断,判断之后还要重新遍历一次,看看最后的值是否是正确的解,是的话返还R,不是的话返还R+1.
ref: leetcode discuss board
public class Solution
public int splitArray(int[] nums, int m)
long max = 0; // largest sum
long maxVal = -1; // smallest sum
for(int i = 0; i < nums.length;i++)
max += nums[i];
maxVal = Math.max(maxVal,nums[i]);
if(m == 1) return (int)max;
long res = search(nums,m,max,maxVal);
return (int)res;
public long search(int[] nums, int m, long max, long maxVal)
long L = maxVal;
long R = max;
while(L < R)
long M = L + (R - L)/2;
R = M;
L = M + 1;
return R;
public boolean isOK(long M, int[] nums, int m)
int num = 1;
long cur = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < nums.length;i++)
if(cur + nums[i] <= M)
cur += nums[i];
cur = nums[i];
if(num > m) return false;
return true;
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