





  1 #include <iostream>
2 #include <cstdio>
3 #include <cstring>
4 using namespace std;
5 #define MaxLen 100
6 #define hp_Len 100
7 typedef int hp[hp_Len];
8 char str[MaxLen];
9 int n,Len;
10 hp ans_Max,ans_Min;
11 void hp_Add(hp a,hp b,hp &ans)
12 {
13 hp c;
14 int i,len=max(a[0],b[0])+3;
15 memset(c,0,sizeof(c));
16 if(a[0]>=b[0])
17 {
18 for(i=1;i<=b[0];++i)
19 {
20 c[i]+=a[i]+b[i];
21 c[i+1]+=c[i]/10;
22 c[i]%=10;
23 }
24 for(;i<=a[0];++i)
25 {
26 c[i]+=a[i];
27 c[i+1]+=c[i]/10;
28 c[i]%=10;
29 }
30 }
31 else
32 {
33 for(i=1;i<=a[0];++i)
34 {
35 c[i]+=a[i]+b[i];
36 c[i+1]+=c[i]/10;
37 c[i]%=10;
38 }
39 for(;i<=b[0];++i)
40 {
41 c[i]+=b[i];
42 c[i+1]+=c[i]/10;
43 c[i]%=10;
44 }
45 }
46 while(len>1&&c[len]==0)
47 len--;
48 c[0]=len;
49 memcpy(ans,c,sizeof(c));
50 }
51 void hp_Mul(hp a,hp b,hp &ans)
52 {
53 hp c;
54 int i,j,len=a[0]+b[0]+5;
55 memset(c,0,sizeof(c));
56 for(i=1;i<=a[0];++i)
57 for(j=1;j<=b[0];++j)
58 c[i+j-1]+=(a[i]*b[j]);
59 for(i=1;i<=len;++i)
60 {
61 c[i+1]+=c[i]/10;
62 c[i]%=10;
63 }
64 while(len>1&&c[len]==0)
65 len--;
66 c[0]=len;
67 memcpy(ans,c,sizeof(c));
68 }
69 inline void Put_in_hp(hp &ans,int a)
70 {
71 hp c;
72 memset(c,0,sizeof(c));
73 while(a)
74 {
75 c[0]++;
76 c[c[0]]=a%10;
77 a/=10;
78 }
79 memcpy(ans,c,sizeof(c));
80 }
81 void Get_Max()
82 {
83 Len+=2;
84 str[Len-2]='*';str[Len-1]='1';
85 int i,tmp=0;
86 hp Pre,Cur;
87 Pre[0]=1;Pre[1]=0;//Pre=0;
88 ans_Max[0]=1;ans_Max[1]=1;//ans_Max=1;
89 for(i=0;i<Len;++i)
90 {
91 if('0'<=str[i]&&str[i]<='9')
92 {
93 tmp=tmp*10+str[i]-'0';
94 continue;
95 }
96 Put_in_hp(Cur,tmp);
97 hp_Add(Pre,Cur,Pre);//Pre+=Cur;
98 if(str[i]=='*')
99 {
100 hp_Mul(ans_Max,Pre,ans_Max);//ans_Max*=Pre;
101 Pre[0]=1;Pre[1]=0;//Pre=0;
102 }
103 tmp=0;
104 }
105 }
106 void Get_Min()
107 {
108 str[Len-2]='+';str[Len-1]='0';
109 int i,tmp=0;
110 hp Pre,Cur;
111 Pre[0]=1;Pre[1]=1;//Pre=1;
112 ans_Min[0]=1;ans_Min[1]=0;//ans_Min=0;
113 for(i=0;i<Len;++i)
114 {
115 if('0'<=str[i]&&str[i]<='9')
116 {
117 tmp=tmp*10+str[i]-'0';
118 continue;
119 }
120 Put_in_hp(Cur,tmp);
121 hp_Mul(Pre,Cur,Pre);//Pre*=Cur;
122 if(str[i]=='+')
123 {
124 hp_Add(ans_Min,Pre,ans_Min);//ans_Min+=Pre;
125 Pre[0]=1;Pre[1]=1;//Pre=1;
126 }
127 tmp=0;
128 }
129 }
130 void hp_Print(hp c)
131 {
132 int i;
133 for(i=c[0];i>=1;--i)
134 printf("%d",c[i]);
135 }
136 inline void Print()
137 {
138 printf("The maximum and minimum are ");
139 hp_Print(ans_Max);
140 printf(" and ");
141 hp_Print(ans_Min);
142 printf(".\n");
143 }
144 int main()
145 {
146 scanf("%d",&n);
147 for(int i=1;i<=n;++i)
148 {
149 scanf("%s",str);
150 Len=strlen(str);
151 Get_Max();
152 Get_Min();
153 Print();
154 }
155 return 0;
156 }

实现二(long long版,之前因为%I64d的原因WA了,改成%lld就AC了):

 1 #include <iostream>
2 #include <cstdio>
3 #include <cstring>
4 using namespace std;
5 #define MaxLen 100
6 char str[MaxLen];
7 typedef long long llt;
8 llt n,Len,ans_Max,ans_Min;
9 void Get_Max()
10 {
11 Len+=2;
12 str[Len-2]='*';str[Len-1]='1';
13 llt i;
14 llt Pre=0,Cur=0;
15 ans_Max=1;
16 for(i=0;i<Len;++i)
17 {
18 if('0'<=str[i]&&str[i]<='9')
19 {
20 Cur=Cur*10+str[i]-'0';
21 continue;
22 }
23 Pre+=Cur;
24 if(str[i]=='*')
25 {
26 ans_Max*=Pre;
27 Pre=0;
28 }
29 Cur=0;
30 }
31 }
32 void Get_Min()
33 {
34 str[Len-2]='+';str[Len-1]='0';
35 llt i;
36 llt Pre=1,Cur=0;
37 ans_Min=0;
38 for(i=0;i<Len;++i)
39 {
40 if('0'<=str[i]&&str[i]<='9')
41 {
42 Cur=Cur*10+str[i]-'0';
43 continue;
44 }
45 Pre*=Cur;
46 if(str[i]=='+')
47 {
48 ans_Min+=Pre;
49 Pre=1;
50 }
51 Cur=0;
52 }
53 }
54 int main()
55 {
56 scanf("%I64d",&n);
57 for(int i=1;i<=n;++i)
58 {
59 scanf("%s",str);
60 Len=strlen(str);
61 Get_Max();
62 Get_Min();
63 printf("The maximum and minimum are %I64d and %I64d.\n",ans_Max,ans_Min);
64 }
65 return 0;
66 }

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