

Given a list of points that form a polygon when joined sequentially, find if this polygon is convex (Convex polygon definition).


  1. There are at least 3 and at most 10,000 points.
  2. Coordinates are in the range -10,000 to 10,000.
  3. You may assume the polygon formed by given points is always a simple polygon (Simple polygon definition). In other words, we ensure that exactly two edges intersect at each vertex, and that edges otherwise don’t intersect each other.

Example 1:


Answer: True


Example 2:


Answer: False







假设多边形的顶点是呈逆时针排列的,多边形是凸多边形的充要条件是:对于多边形的任何一条边,其下一条边必须是不朝右拐的(可以向左拐,也可以不拐)。那么如何判断下一条边是不朝右拐呢?假设假设当前边形成的向量是v1,下一条边形成的向量是v2,那么v2不朝右拐的充要条件是v1 x v2 >= 0,也就是它们形成的有向三角形的面积大于等于0,符合右手法则。


class Solution {
bool isConvex(vector<vector<int>>& points) {
int N = points.size();
long pre = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
long cur = angle({points[i], points[(i + 1) % N], points[(i + 2) % N]});
if (cur != 0) {
if (cur * pre < 0)
return false;
pre = cur;
return true;
int angle(vector<vector<int>> A) {
return (A[1][0] - A[0][0]) * (A[2][1] - A[0][1]) -
(A[1][1] - A[0][1]) * (A[2][0] - A[0][0]); }



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