Well, on Windows costs a little bit effort to run docker.

1. You need to enable Virtulization:

Oh hp Windows machine, you need to

  • Turn off you laptop
  • Start it and click 'esc' repeatly
  • Until if jumps a menu, you click F10 to enter 'BIOS setting'
  • Then find 'Virtualization Technoloy (VTx)' select it and save exists.

Computer will restart, finally go to the 'Task Manager' to check whether you have enabled it or not.

2. The following part is easy, go to the Docker webstie download docker-toolbox.

Install it (accept all default options).

3. Once it installed, open the Kitematic, you can search for any public container to run. Just simply click the 'create' button, you can remove the contianer later as your wish.

THis is just a simply way to check whether docker works or not on your machine.

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