· 一个特定的总线前缀,例如:PCI\, USB\
· 设备特定的厂商标识符。例如,厂商,型号,修正标识。这些格式(包括硬件ID)依赖于总线驱动
一个独立的硬件厂商可以为设备提供一个或者多个兼容ID,兼容ID的格式与硬件ID一样。然而,兼容ID比硬件ID更具有普适性(不依赖与特定的厂家和型号)。如果windows用这些硬件ID找不到匹配的驱动安装包,(Driver Package,一般有硬件厂商提供包含类协安装器,sys文件本身,cat数字签名文件,inf文件),那么就会用兼容ID继续查找匹配的安装包。硬件厂商可以在inf文件里面写入一个或者多个兼容ID。
when a user plugs a wireless local area network (WLAN) adapter into the port of a USB hub that is attached to the computer, the following steps occur:
The device is detected by the USB hub driver. Based on information that it queries from the adapter, the hub driver creates a hardware ID for the device.
For example, the USB hub driver could create a hardware ID of USB\VID_1234&PID_5678&REV_0001 for the WLAN adapter, where:
- VID_1234 is the identifier of the vendor.
- PID_5678 is the product, or model, identifier of the device.
- REV_0001 is the revision identifier of the device.
For more information about the format of USB hardware IDs, see Identifiers for USB Devices.
The USB hub driver notifies the Plug and Play (PnP) manager that a new device was detected. The PnP manager queries the hub driver for all of the device's hardware IDs. The hub driver can create multiple hardware IDs for the same device.
The PnP manager notifies Windows that a new device needs to be installed. As part of this notification, Windows is provided with the list of hardware IDs.
Windows starts a search for a driver package that matches one of the device's hardware IDs. If Windows cannot find a matching hardware ID, it searches for a driver package that has a matching compatible ID for the device.
windows根据inf文件中Models Section的硬件iD和兼容ID选择驱动程序(sys文件),以下时搜索路径:
Search phase | Windows Server 2003, Windows XP, and Windows 2000 | Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008 | Windows 7 and later versions of Windows |
Without user interaction | DevicePath | Driver store |
Windows Update DevicePath |
With user interaction |
Prompt for distribution media Windows Update |
DevicePath Windows Update Prompt for distribution media |
Not applicable |
if a user plugs a wireless local area network (WLAN) adapter into a port of a USB hub on a computer that is running Windows Vista, the following steps occur:
After the USB hub driver creates a list of hardware IDs for the WLAN adapter, Windows first searches the driver storefor a matching driver package for the device.
If a matching driver package is not found, Windows starts the Found New Hardware Wizard. The wizard prompts the user and displays an option to locate and install the driver software. If the user selects the option, the wizard searches for a matching driver package from one of the following locations:
The Universal Naming Convention (UNC) paths that are identified by the DevicePath registry value ofHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion.
Windows Update
The distribution medium that the independent hardware vendor (IHV) provided for the device.
If a driver package is found, Windows stages the package into the driver store from which the driver for the device will be installed.
Note Starting with Windows Vista, the operating system always installs a driver package from the driver store. If a matching driver package is found in another location, Windows first stages the package to the driver store before it installs the driver for the device.
As another example, if a user plugs a WLAN adapter into a port of a USB hub on a computer that is running Windows 7, the following steps occur:
After the USB hub driver creates a hardware ID for the WLAN adapter, Windows first searches Windows Update for a matching driver package for the device. If a driver package is found, Windows stages it into the driver store from which the driver for the device will be installed.
If a driver package is not found, Windows searches the driver store for a matching driver package for the device.
Windows also searches for a matching driver package that was preloaded in the locations that are identified by theDevicePath registry value. If a driver package is found, Windows stages it into the driver store from which the driver for the device will be installed.
Note Starting with Windows 7, the operating system performs the search for matching driver packages without requiring user interaction.
rule 1:
无论驱动是否带数字签名认证,从windows vista开始,windows会选择带数字签名的驱动进行安装。
rule 2:
· 多个同型号和同版本的设备连接到电脑,每个设备会被分配一个设备实例(可以理解成物理设备的抽象)
· 根据inf文件的信息拷贝在硬盘上的驱动的二进制文件(SYS文件)和一些关联文件。
· 根据inf文件的信息注册指定设备的协安装器
协安装器是一个win32 DLL形式的文件,以辅助安装。协安装器一般会在SYSTEM注册表下写入一些附加信息或者执行一些inf文件不能处理的安装任务。协安装器也能提供安装完成的页面向导(从VISTA开始)或安装完成后的行为(获取对设备请求的操作参数等)。
2.windows会根据inf文件Version Section里面的ClassGUID和Class确定特定设备安装类。为了完成安装,被安装和配置好的设备以同一种类别被归属到相应的设备安装类中。如果有需要的话,设备安装类指定了设备的类安装器和类协安装器。如果设备不属于系统定义的设备安装类,设备厂商就要创建在驱动安装包里面提供一个类安装器,这个类安装器会创建一个新的设备安装类。
4.PNP管理器会为设备加载恰当的功能驱动和可选的过滤驱动。PNP管理器会调用所请求,但还没有加载的驱动程序的Driver Entry例程。然后为每个驱动调用AddDevice例程,然后启动低层的过滤驱动,再然后是功能驱动,最后是上层的过滤驱动。PNP管理器为设备分配资源,如有需要,会发送一个IRP_MN_START_DEVICE给设备的驱动(包括过滤驱动等)
4.一个或多个协安装器-----------win32 DLL形式的方式提供
1.1 设备被总线驱动发现,并通知PNP管理器
1.2 PNP管理器发现inf文件里面与匹配设备的硬件ID
1.3 inf文件和驱动都带数字签名了
1.4 SetupAPI能在不需要提示用户媒体位置的情况下,定位所有的设备驱动。
2.1 PNP管理器不能找到包含匹配设备硬件ID的inf文件
2.2 PNP管理器不能定位所请求的驱动文件
2.3 inf文件和驱动文件没有经过数字签名
2.4 SetupAPI不得不以用户界面的方式提示用户媒体位置
2.5 类安装器和类协安装器会在安装的最后显示属性页
2.6 设备,总线或总线驱动不支持PNP
XP系统及以后的系统中,如果匹配的ID(在inf文件Models Section里面,指定了目标系统),那么设备就会在目标系统上安装;
1.2 windows怎样对驱动进行排名
从windows vista开始,windows会根据驱动是否带数字签名来排名,具体方式如下:
如果 AllSignersEqual Group Policy 这个策略关闭了,windows会把带微软数字签名的驱动排在带Authenticode 数字签名的驱动的前面(也就是说,带微软数字签名的整形值大于Authenicode数字签名驱动的整型值)。这样的一个方式只是为了选择一个更加匹配设备的驱动。
如果 AllSignersEqual Group Policy 这个策略打开了,windows会把所有带数字签名的驱动排在相等的位置(也就是说,名次的整型值相等)
注意:从windows 7开始,默认AllSignersEqual Group Policy 这个策略是打开的。在vista和windows server 2008中,这个策略默认是关闭的。
windows XP SP1和之后的系统:如果排名,日期和版本都相等,那windows可以选择任意一个驱动
windows XP和windows 2000:如果排名,日期和版本都相等,那windows可以选择任意一个驱动
另外,值得注意的是,只限windows 2000,只有在驱动包签名之后,windows才能选择一个最近日期的驱动。否则,windows就不能使用DriverVer这个项(此项在inf文件中定义),然后就会使用 00/00/0000这种默认的日期。
从windows 7开始,windows会自动从windows Update上下载匹配的驱动包(过程中不提示用户权限)。如果找到了,就把驱动包下载下来并安装到Driver Store中。(所谓的Driver Store是,从windows vista开始,Driver Store是一个第三方驱动包和微软自带驱动包的可信任的集合。操作系统把它们保存在一个硬盘上的安全位置。只有在Driver Store中的驱动包才能被安装。当驱动包被拷贝到Driver Store时,所有的驱动包相关文件都被拷贝进去了。驱动包中的文件对于设备驱动的安装都是至关重要的。inf文件必须引用到所有设备安装所要求的文件,它们才能被拷贝进Driver Store,反之,则不能拷贝进Driver Store。具体参考:
如果匹配的驱动包不能被下载下来,windows就会在Driver Store中搜索匹配的驱动包。这包含系统自带的驱动包,预安装好的驱动包,安装过了的驱动的驱动包。
CurrentVersion 默认情况下,DevicePath键值为 %SystemRoot%\INF 目录。 如果驱动包在windows Update或DevicePath下被找到,windows在驱动被安装前,首先会把驱动包安装到Driver Store 。换句话说,只有被安装进Driver Store中的驱动包,驱动才能被安装。 注意:
对于windows server 2008和windows vista,驱动包必须被安装进Driver Store中。
对于 Windows Server 2003, Windows XP, 和 Windows 2000,inf文件的路径必须被预先载入到DevicePath键值所指定的路径下。操作系统才能搜索到。 这些未安装的驱动包在无用户互交的情况下,在inf文件INF ControlFlags section里面不能指定InteractiveInstall 这个标记。 有用户互交下的驱动搜索: 如果windows在无用户互交的情况下不能定位能被安装驱动包的位置,就会弹出个“发现新硬件向导”的一个对话框。这个向导就是在用户互交下定位驱动包并安装驱动的(需要管理员权限)。如下:
For Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008, Windows first searches for driver packages that were preloaded in the Universal Naming Convention (UNC) paths that are specified by the DevicePath registry value. If a matching driver package is found in a location that is specified by the DevicePath value, Windows first stages the driver package to thedriver store before the driver is installed. In this way, Windows always installs drivers from the driver store.
If a matching driver package was not found and the user has enabled connecting to Windows Update to download matching drivers, the Found New Hardware Wizard accesses Windows Update to download matching drivers without displaying a wizard page. If the user has configured Windows Update to ask every time that a new device is connected, Windows displays a wizard page that prompts the user for permission to access Windows Update to download matching drivers. The Found New Hardware Wizard also searches for drivers that were preloaded in the locations that are specified by the DevicePath registry value.
For Windows Server 2003, Windows XP, and Windows 2000, the Found New Hardware Wizard prompts the user for a distribution medium and attempts to locate matching drivers on the medium. In addition to searching for matching drivers on the distribution medium, the Found New Hardware Wizard also searches for matching drivers that were preloaded in the locations that are specified by the DevicePath registry value.
On Windows Server 2003 and Windows XP SP2, if the user has enabled connecting to Windows Update to locate matching drivers, the wizard also attempts to access Windows Update to download matching drivers. If the user has configured Windows Update to ask every time that a new device is connected, Windows displays a wizard page that prompts the user for permission to access Windows Update to download matching drivers. On Windows XP SP1, Windows XP, and Windows 2000, the Found New Hardware Wizard automatically attempts to access Windows Update to download matching drivers.
注意:从windows 7开始,windows就不会在用户为管理员的互交情况下安装一个驱动了。这导致的结果就是,当设备插入PC的时候,windows再也不会弹出一个“发现新硬件向导”的对话框了。
这个值是个复合的值(通过各种信息源组合计算出来的),这个值依赖于驱动的签名,驱动的各种特性,还有设备的匹配类型(这些类型在device identification strings 中),这一系列的标识字符串组是在inf文件中的modules section中描述的。这个排名值是一个DWORD类型的值和一个 SP_DRVINSTALL_PARAMS结构体类型的Rank这个字段的值。 所以,排名值是一个签名的评分,一个特性的评分,一个标识符的评分的总和。这个排名值的格式为 0xSSGGTHHH,其中 S,G,T,H为4位宽,SS,GG,THHH这三个域与一个签名的评分,一个特性的评分,一个标识符的评分一一对应。以下是这三个评分的描述:
The signature score ranks a driver according to how a driver is signed. The signature score depends only on the value of the SS field. An unspecified signature score is represented as 0xSS0000000.
For an overview on how Windows Vista and later versions of Windows use a driver's signature to determine how the driver is installed, see Signature Categories and Driver Installation.
The feature score ranks a driver based on the features that the driver supports. The feature score depends only on the value of the GG field. An unspecified feature score is represented as 0x00GG0000.
The identifier score ranks a driver based on the type of match between a device identification string that is reported by a device and a device identification string that is listed in an entry of an INF Models section of a driver INF file. The identifier score depends only on the value of the THHH field. An unspecified identifier score is represented as 0x0000THHH.
For a summary of valid driver ranks and their examples, see Driver Rank Ranges and Driver Rank Example.
For information about the system-defined constants that can be used to extract and compare rank values, see System-Defined Driver Rank Constants.
For information about entries in the SetupAPI log that indicate the rank of a driver and the type of driver signature, seeDriver Rank Information in the SetupAPI Log.
其实类安装器和协安装器也可以通过处理 DIF_SELECTBESTCOMPATDRV这个请求 (或者处理 DIF_SELECTDEVICE 这个请求,这个请求是手动安装设备的时候). windows会在没有选好最佳驱动之前和建立好一堆可能(潜在匹配)的驱动的列表之后发送这些DIF请求码。当处理这些DIF请求码的时候,类安装器和协安装器就会把DNF_BAD_DRIVER 这个标记设置到这些潜在的驱动节点上(前提是如果安装器能识别出这些驱动不支持该设备)。如果DNF_BAD_DRIVER 这个标记被设置到这些潜在的驱动节点上了,那么在windows选择驱动的过程中会忽略这些被标记为DNF_BAD_DRIVER这些驱动。
一个安装器也能通过改变这些潜在匹配的驱动排名来参与到驱动选择过程中来(前提是当安装器处理DIF_SELECTBESTCOMPATDRV (or DIF_SELECTDEVICE) 请求的时候)。然而,安装器只有一种方法能够修改一个驱动的排名就是把这个驱动的排名值设置为 0xFFFFFFFF。这个排名值意思是这个驱动能够被用于该设备,但这样的方法只是最后一种驱动选择选项(不得已之举,万般无奈才这么干)。一般情况下,安装器不应该动态修改基于类特定标准的排名值。如果安装器动态修改了驱动的排名值,安装器就会覆盖(破坏)系统基于inf文件一些信息定义的排名机制,如果安装器覆盖(破坏)了这一机制,Windows 和 Windows Update就不能够可靠的在这些潜在匹配设备的驱动列表中选择出最佳驱动。
在windows vista和之后的版本中,根据类特定标准的指示,使用特性评分是值得推荐的做法。一个驱动的特性评分是在inf文件中的 INFDDinstall section 节中的INF FeatureScore被指定的。
修改排名值来改变驱动选择过程的方法,类安装器和协安装器能覆盖(破坏)操作系统的整个驱动选择过程,强行为一个设备选择一个驱动。 (For more information, see DIF_SELECTBESTCOMPATDRVand DIF_SELECTDEVICE.) 然而,我们不推荐用以上的方法来做,因为在windows以后的版本中这一选择算法机制可能会被加强。当安装器直接选择一个驱动,那么操作系统的选择操作就被终止了。
AllSignersEqual Group Policy(所有签名商等价组策略)
从windows Vista开始,如果 AllSignersEqual Group Policy 被禁止(关闭)了,windows排名一个通过Windows signing authority (Microsoft signature)签名的驱动比以下两种都好(这个好是定义在哪个驱动更加适合设备的范畴):
An Authenticode signature.
A Microsoft signature for a Windows version earlier than the LowerLogoVersion value of the driver's device setup class.
如果 AllSignersEqual Group Policy 被禁止(关闭)了,windows就会选择一个Windows signing authority签名的驱动(如果有两种 Windows signing authority 和Authenticode-signed 签名类型的驱动),然后Authenticode-signed 签名类型的驱动选择优先级又比其他的高。
Windows signing authority 的排名值是相等的,并且它包含了以下签名类型:
Premium WHQL signatures and standard WHQL signatures
Signatures for inbox drivers
Windows Sustained Engineering (SE) signatures
A WHQL signature for a Windows version that is the same or later than the LowerLogoVersion value of the driver'sdevice setup class.
一个网络管理员可以通过打开AllSignersEqual Group Policy来改变这种行为,这种设置就是当windows选择一个最佳驱动匹配设备的时候,windows把 Windows signing authority 和Authenticode-signed 的签名排名值都相等了。
注意:从windows 7开始,AllSignersEqual Group Policy是默认打开的。
For example, consider the situation where a network administrator has to configure client computers on a network to install drivers as follows:
A client computer should install a new driver only if the driver has an Authenticode signature that is issued by an Enterprise Certificate Authority (CA) that is created for the network. An enterprise might want to do this in order to ensure that all drivers that are installed on client computers are signed and that the only trusted signing authority other than Microsoft is the CA managed by the enterprise.
For signed drivers, the signature score should not be used to determine the driver that has the best rank. Only the sum of the feature score and identifier score is used to compare driver ranks. For example, if the sum of the feature score and identifier score of a new driver is lower than the corresponding sum of an inbox driver, Windows installs the new driver.
To accomplish this, a network administrator:
Adds an Enterprise CA certificate to the Trusted Publisher Store of the client computers.
Enables the AllSignersEqual Group Policy on the client computers.
After the network administrator configures the client computers in this manner, the administrator can sign the driver that has the Enterprise CA certificate and distribute the driver to the client computers. In this configuration, Windows on client computers will install the new driver for a device instead of a Microsoft-signed driver if the sum of the feature score and the identifier score is lower than the corresponding sum for the Microsoft-signed driver.
Follow these steps to configure the AllSignersEqual Group Policy on Windows Vista and later versions of Windows:
On the Start menu, click Run.
Enter GPEdit.msc to execute the Group Policy editor, and click OK.
In the left pane of the Group Policy editor, click Computer Configuration.
On the Administrative Templates page, double-click System.
On the System page, double-click Device Installation.
Select Treat all digitally signed drivers equally in the driver ranking and selection process and then clickProperties.
On the Settings tab, select Enabled (to enable the AllSignersEqual Group Policy) or Disabled (to disable theAllSignersEqual Group Policy).
To ensure that the settings are updated on the target system, do the following:
Create a desktop shortcut to Cmd.exe, right-click the Cmd.exe shortcut, and select Run as administrator.
From the Command Prompt window, run the Group Policy update utility, GPUpdate.exe.
This configuration change is made one time and applies to all subsequent driver installations on the computer until AllSignersEqual is reconfigured.
1. 设备和驱动的注册表树
注意:HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet 下的那些驱动相关的键这这里非常安全,操作系统有相关机制,来保证这些数据的安全性。但是可以用Psexec提权来删除这些键。嘿嘿。
操作系统中的每个服务的信息都存储在HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services 下。每个驱动都有HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\DriverName.这样形式的一个键。(DriverName是驱动名)。当驱动程序的DriverEntry被调用时,PNP管理器会将这个注册表路径传进驱动的入口函数的RegistryPath 这个参数中。驱动要存储驱动定义好的全局数据在这个键下。这些全局信息数据在驱动初始化的时候是有作用的。 这个键以下的一些键驱动开发人员需要注意:
ImagePath-------- 驱动镜像文件(.sys文件)的路径,windows是通过inf文件中的 ServiceBinary 这个项来创建这个值的。详情参见:。这个值一般为,%SystemRoot%\system32\Drivers\DriverName.sys。
Performance------- 该键会指定关于可选择性能监视的一些信息,这个键下的值,一般是驱动性能DLL的名称和该DLL导出的一些函数名,你在inf文件中可以使用AddReg这个项为这个键添加新值。
HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control 注册表树下一般包含了控制系统启动和设备配置的一些信息。以下的子键开发人员需要注意:
CoDeviceInstallers------ 包含了已注册好的特定类的协安装器。
HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Enum 注册表树下一般包含了设备在系统上的信息。PNP管理器为每个设备创建一个子键,键名称时这样的形式:HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Enum\Enumerator\deviceID. 其中deviceID就是硬件ID,Enumerator一般是设备的归类,USB,PCI,IDE等等。这些键是表明正在挂载表现在系统上的设备实例,也就是说,当设备插入,这些键才会被创建,设备被拔出,键自动删除。这些键包含了设备描述,硬件ID,兼容ID,资源需求等。
这个Enum树一般被保留给操作系统的组件使用。驱动和应用程序不能直接访问这个树。驱动和用户模式的设备安装组件必须用系统提供的API来访问这个树并从中提取有用的信息。这些API是,驱动用这两个函数访问, IoGetDeviceProperty orIoOpenDeviceRegistryKey. 用户模式的安装组件用这两个函数访问,SetupDiGetDeviceRegistryProperty or SetupDiOpenDevRegKey.
HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\HardwareProfiles 注册表树包含一些在系统上的硬件资料。
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SuperIO相关资料下载: 1.1 开发准备 把“开发包”内的所有文件复制到项目的“bin”目录下,或项目下的专用生成目录.开发包 ...
- Windows网络驱动、NDIS驱动(微端口驱动、中间层驱动、协议驱动)、TDI驱动(网络传输层过滤)、WFP(Windows Filtering Platform)
catalog . 引言 . Windows 2000网络结构和OSI模型 . NDIS驱动 . NDIS微端口驱动编程实例 . NDIS中间层驱动编程实例 . NDIS协议层驱动编程实例 . TDI ...
- linux设备驱动概述,王明学learn
linux设备驱动学习-1 本章节主要学习有操作系统的设备驱动和无操作系统设备驱动的区别,以及对操作系统和设备驱动关系的认识. 一.设备驱动的作用 对设备驱动最通俗的解释就是“驱使硬件设备行动” .设 ...
- 字符设备驱动、平台设备驱动、设备驱动模型、sysfs的比较和关联
转载自: 学习Linux设备驱动开发的过程中自然会遇到字符设备驱动.平台设备驱动.设备驱动模型和sy ...
- Java继承与清理
[程序实例] import java.util.*; class Characteristic { private String s; Characteristic(String s) { this. ...
- appium新版本不支持findElementByName,切换到findElementByAndroidUIAutomator
appium 1.7.6 不支持findElementByName(locator) 不知道为什么? 脚本中许多这样的语句,麻烦事情多了 org.openqa.selenium.InvalidSel ...
BitLocker是什么? Windows BitLocker驱动器加密通过加密Windows操作系统卷上存储的所有数据可以更好地保护计算机中的数据.BitLocker使用TPM帮助保护Windows ...
System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException: 调用的目标发生了异常. ---> System.ArgumentException: 字体“Consol ...
- Engineering Economics
相关简介 工程经济学 –-研究各种技术在使用过程中如何以最小的投入获得预期产出或者说如何以等量的投入获得最大的产出: –-如何用最低的寿命周期成本实现产品.作业以及服务的必要功能. 软件工程经济学 工 ...
- iOS蓝牙4.0协议简单介绍
iOS开发蓝牙4.0的框架是CoreBluetooth,本文主要介绍CoreBluetooth的使用,关于本文中的代码片段大多来自github上的一个demo,地址是myz1104/Bluetooth ...
- setTimeout 理解
1.定义简介 setTimeout() 方法用于在指定的毫秒数后调用函数或计算表达式. function foo(){}; var id = setTimeout(foo,1000); //返回一 ...
- HTML与CSS入门——第四章 理解层叠样式表
知识点: 1.创建基本样式表的方法 2.使用样式类的方法 3.使用样式ID的方法 4.构建内部样式表和嵌入样式的方法 4.1 CSS工作原理: CSS:层叠样式表的缩写,是一种定义样式结构如字体.颜色 ...
- CSS3动画(360度旋转、旋转放大、放大、移动)
Title div { width: 120px; height: 120px; line-height: 120px; margin: 20px; background-color: #5cb85c ...
- 基于Spring MVC的简单HelloWorld实例
1.导包 2.web.xml文件配置 3.包结构定义以及控制器的编写 4.xxxx-servlet文件配置 5.返回的视图(jsp)编写 6.源码 下载:http://download.csdn. ...