

//iterative binary search which returns index of element
int binarySearchIterative(int arr[], int size, int data)
int low = 0;
int high = size-1;
int mid; while(low<=high)
mid = low + (high-low)/2; //To avoid overflow by (low + high) if(arr[mid] == data)
return mid;
if(arr[mid] < data)
low = mid + 1; // search in right half
high = mid - 1; // search in left half
} return -1;


//recursive binary search which returns index of element
int binarySearchRecursive(int arr[], int low, int high, int data)
int mid = low + (high-low)/2; // To avoid overflow if(arr[mid] == data)
return mid;
if(arr[mid] < data)
//search in right half.
return binarySearchRecursive(arr, mid+1, high, data);
//search in left half.
return binarySearchRecursive(arr, low, mid-1, data);
return -1;

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