#include <iostream>
#include <string> using namespace std;
int main()
string s("hello");
string s2("abcdef"); string::iterator p = s.begin();
cout << *p << endl;
s.insert(p, 'A'); //插入之后,p指向新插入的数据
cout << *p << endl;
cout << s << endl; //每执行插入操作一次,gcc下必须重新给迭代器赋值
// 为什么呢?不明白
p = s.begin();
cout << *p << endl;
cout << s << endl; string::iterator b = s2.begin();
string::iterator e = s2.end(); p = s.begin();
s.insert(p, b, e);
cout << s << endl; s = "hello";
cout << s <<endl;
s.assign(b, e);
cout << s <<endl; s.assign(, 'k');
cout << s <<endl; s = "abcdef";
p = s.begin();
s.erase(p); //删除
cout << s <<endl; p = s.begin();
string::iterator p2 = s.end();
s.erase(p, p2);
cout << s <<endl; s = "hello";
s2 = "abc";
s.insert(, , 'A');
cout << s <<endl; s.insert(, s2); //位置从0开始,第6个元素之前
cout << s <<endl; s2 = "";
s.insert(, s2, , );
cout << s <<endl; char *cp = "Stately plump Buck";
s.assign(cp, );
cout << s <<endl;
cout << s <<endl; s = "hello";
s.insert(, cp, );
cout << s <<endl;
s = "hello";
s.insert(, cp);
cout << s <<endl; s = "hello";
s2 = "abcdef";
s.assign(s2, , );
cout << s << endl; s.erase(, );
cout << s <<endl; s = "";
s.erase(s.size()-, ); //删除字符串的倒数第5个;
cout << s <<endl; s.insert(s.size(), , '!'); //size()最后一个的后一个,insert在size()之前插入;
cout << s <<endl; s = "abc";
s.erase(, ).insert(, "A");
cout << s <<endl; s = "abc";
s[] = 'A';
cout << s <<endl;
return ;





 #include <iostream>
#include <string> using namespace std; int main()
string s("hello world");
string s2 = s.substr(, ); //从第7个位置开始的5个字符;
string s3 = s.substr(, ); //从第7个位置开始的50个字符,实际上达不到50个;
cout << s3 << endl; s2 = s.substr();
cout << s2 << endl; s = "C++ Primer";
s.append(" 3rd Ed. ");
cout << s << endl; s.insert(s.size(), " 3rd Ed. ");
cout << s << endl; s.replace(, , "4th"); //字符串替换
cout << s << endl; s.replace(, , "AAAAAA");
cout << s << endl; return ;
 #include <iostream>
#include <string> using namespace std; int main()
string name("AnnmaBelle");
string::size_type pos1= name.find("Bell");
if(pos1 == string::npos){
cout << "not find" << endl;
cout << "find it, pos: " << pos1 << endl; //pos1 = 4;
} name = "r2d3";
string num("");
string::size_type pos = ;
//find_first_of(), 查找name中的任意一个字符即返回;
while((pos = name.find_first_of(num, pos))!=string::npos){
cout << name[pos] << endl;
} //find_first_not_of(),从num中查找name中字符,没有找到即返回string::npos
pos = ;
while((pos=name.find_first_not_of(num, pos))!=string::npos){
cout << name[pos] << endl;
} string river("Mississippi");
string::size_type first_pos = river.find("is"); //从前向后操作,找到第一个即返回,返回值是下标
if(first_pos != string::npos)
cout <<"first_pos: "<< first_pos << endl;
first_pos = river.rfind("is"); //从后向前操作,找到第一个即返回,返回值是下标
if(first_pos != string::npos)
cout <<"last_pos: "<< first_pos << endl; return ;


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