基于之前写的vue2.0 + vue-cli + webpack 搭建项目( vue-awesome-swiper版本:3.1.3 ,swiper4,如果成功后没报错,但不显示分页样式,可能版本对不上)


npm install vue-awesome-swiper --save


import VueAwesomeSwiper from 'vue-awesome-swiper'

3.编辑组件(HelloWorld.vue文件或其他 .vue文件)

<swiper :options="swiperOption" ref="mySwiper">
<!-- slides -->
<swiper-slide>I'm Slide 1</swiper-slide>
<swiper-slide>I'm Slide 2</swiper-slide>
<swiper-slide>I'm Slide 3</swiper-slide>
<swiper-slide>I'm Slide 4</swiper-slide>
<swiper-slide>I'm Slide 5</swiper-slide>
<swiper-slide>I'm Slide 6</swiper-slide>
<swiper-slide>I'm Slide 7</swiper-slide> <div class="swiper-pagination" slot="pagination"></div>
<div class="swiper-button-prev" slot="button-prev"></div>
<div class="swiper-button-next" slot="button-next"></div> </swiper>
import { swiper, swiperSlide } from 'vue-awesome-swiper'
export default {
name: 'carrousel',
components: {
data() {
return {
swiperOption: { notNextTick: true, //循环
initialSlide:0, //自动播放
autoplay: {
delay: 3000,
disableOnInteraction: false,
}, //滑动速度
speed:400, //水平切换
direction : 'horizontal', //左右点击
navigation: {
nextEl: '.swiper-button-next',
prevEl: '.swiper-button-prev',
}, //滑动之后回调函数
on: {
slideChange: function () {
pagination: {
el: '.swiper-pagination',
clickable :true,
type: 'custom',
renderCustom: function (swiper, current, total) {
const activeColor = '#555555'
const normalColor = '#aeaeae'
let color = ''
let paginationStyle = ''
let html = ''
for (let i = 1; i <= total; i++) {
if (i === current) {
color = activeColor
} else {
color = normalColor
paginationStyle = `background:${color};opacity:1;margin-right:20px;width:20px;height:20px;transform:skew(15deg);border-radius:0;`
html += `<span class="swiper-pagination-bullet" style=${paginationStyle}></span>`
return html
}, }
}, // 如果你需要得到当前的swiper对象来做一些事情,你可以像下面这样定义一个方法属性来获取当前的swiper对象,同时notNextTick必须为true
computed: {
swiper() {
return this.$refs.mySwiper.swiper
mounted() { // 然后你就可以使用当前上下文内的swiper对象去做你想做的事了
// console.log('this is current swiper instance object', this.swiper)
// this.swiper.slideTo(3, 1000, false)
</script> <!-- Add "scoped" attribute to limit CSS to this component only -->
<style scoped>
overflow: hidden
float: left;
} </style>


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