hdu 3272 Mission Impossible
Mission Impossible
Time Limit: 2000/1000 MS (Java/Others) Memory Limit: 32768/32768 K (Java/Others)
Total Submission(s): 414 Accepted Submission(s):
obtained at any point in the X-axis. B can be obtained at any point in the
Y-axis. C and D each will only be able to achieve at a certain point. Giving the
coordinates of C and D, the coordinates of your current location. Find the
shortest path to obtain the four kinds of resources and go back.
cases(T<=150). Each of the following T lines consists of six integers cx, cy,
dx, dy, hx and hy. (cx, cy) is the coordinates of resource C, (dx, dy) is the
coordinates of resource D, (hx, hy) is the coordinates of your current
All the numbers of the input are in the range [-1000, 1000].
case containing the length of the shortest path. The answers should be rounded
to two digits after the decimal point.
- #include <iostream>
- #include <cstdio>
- #include <cstring>
- #include <cmath>
- using namespace std;
- struct Point
- {
- double x,y;
- }h,p[];
- double mins(double a,double b)
- {
- return a<b?a:b;
- }
- double dis(Point a, Point b) ///两点之间的距离
- {
- return sqrt((a.x-b.x)*(a.x-b.x)+(a.y-b.y)*(a.y-b.y));
- }
- double cale()
- {
- int a=,b=;
- double ret=dis(h,p[a])+dis(p[a],p[b])+dis(p[b],h);
- double ha,ab,bh;
- bool cx=,cy=;
- if(h.x*p[a].x<=||h.x*p[b].x<=||p[a].x*p[b].x<=)
- cx=;
- if(h.y*p[a].y<=||h.y*p[b].y<=||p[a].y*p[b].y<=)
- cy=;
- if(!cx&&!cy) ///三个点在同一个坐标系(看不懂后面的计算,需要自己画图理解)
- {
- Point t1,t2;
- t1.x=h.x;
- t1.y=-h.y;
- t2.x=-p[a].x;
- t2.y=p[a].y;
- ha=ret-dis(h,p[a])+dis(t1,t2);
- t1.x=p[b].x;
- t1.y=-p[b].y;
- t2.x=-p[a].x;
- t2.y=p[a].y;
- ab=ret-dis(p[a],p[b])+dis(t1,t2);
- t1.x=p[b].x;
- t1.y=-p[b].y;
- t2.x=-h.x;
- t2.y=h.y;
- bh=ret-dis(h,p[b])+dis(t1,t2);
- double ans=mins(ha,mins(ab,bh));
- t1.x=p[a].x;
- t1.y=-p[a].y;
- t2.x=-p[a].x;
- t2.y=p[a].y;
- ans=mins(ans,ret-dis(p[a],h)+dis(t1,h)-dis(p[a],p[b])+dis(t2,p[b]));
- ans=mins(ans,ret-dis(p[a],p[b])+dis(t1,p[b])-dis(p[a],h)+dis(t2,h));
- t1.x=h.x;
- t1.y=-h.y;
- t2.x=-h.x;
- t2.y=h.y;
- ans=mins(ans,ret-dis(p[a],h)+dis(t1,p[a])-dis(h,p[b])+dis(t2,p[b]));
- ans=mins(ans,ret-dis(h,p[b])+dis(t1,p[b])-dis(p[a],h)+dis(t2,p[a]));
- t1.x=p[b].x;
- t1.y=-p[b].y;
- t2.x=-p[b].x;
- t2.y=p[b].y;
- ans=mins(ans,ret-dis(p[a],p[b])+dis(t1,p[a])-dis(h,p[b])+dis(t2,h));
- ans=mins(ans,ret-dis(h,p[b])+dis(t1,h)-dis(p[a],p[b])+dis(t2,p[a]));
- ret=ans;
- }
- else if(cx==&&!cy)
- {
- Point tmp;
- tmp.x=p[a].x;
- tmp.y=-p[a].y;
- ha=ret-dis(h,p[a])+dis(h,tmp);
- ab=ret-dis(p[a],p[b])+dis(tmp,p[b]);
- tmp.x=p[b].x;
- tmp.y=-p[b].y;
- bh=ret-dis(h,p[b])+dis(h,tmp);
- ret=mins(ha,mins(ab,bh));
- }
- else if(!cx&&cy==)
- {
- Point tmp;
- tmp.x=-p[a].x;
- tmp.y=p[a].y;
- ha=ret-dis(h,p[a])+dis(h,tmp);
- ab=ret-dis(p[a],p[b])+dis(tmp,p[b]);
- tmp.x=-p[b].x;
- tmp.y=p[b].y;
- bh=ret-dis(h,p[b])+dis(h,tmp);
- ret=mins(ha,mins(ab,bh));
- }
- return ret;
- }
- int main()
- {
- int T;
- scanf("%d",&T);
- while(T--)
- {
- scanf("%lf%lf%lf%lf%lf%lf",&p[].x,&p[].y,&p[].x,&p[].y,&h.x,&h.y);
- printf("%.2lf\n",cale());
- }
- return ;
- }
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