










2.1 安装mds包

[root@ceph2 ~]#  yum -y install ceph-mds


[root@ceph2 ~]# ceph auth get-or-create mds.ceph2 mon 'allow profile mds' osd 'allow rwx' msd 'allow' -o /etc/ceph/ceph.mds.ceph2.keyring

[root@ceph2 ~]# systemctl restart ceph-mds@ceph2

[root@ceph2 ~]# mkdir /var/lib/ceph/mds/ceph-ceph2

[root@ceph2 ~]# mv /etc/ceph/ceph.mds.ceph2.keyring /var/lib/ceph/mds/ceph-ceph2/keyring

[root@ceph2 ~]# chown ceph.ceph /var/lib/ceph/mds/ceph-ceph2/keyring

[root@ceph2 ~]# /usr/bin/ceph-mds -f --cluster ceph --id ceph2  --setuser ceph --setgroup ceph

  1. starting mds.ceph2 at -

[root@ceph2 ~]# systemctl restart ceph-mds@ceph2

[root@ceph2 ~]# ps -ef |grep mds

  1. ceph : ? :: /usr/bin/ceph-mds -f --cluster ceph --id ceph2 --setuser ceph --setgroup ceph

2.2 创建Ceph文件系统


  1. [root@ceph2 ~]# ceph osd pool create cephfs_metadata
  2. pool 'cephfs_metadata' created
  3. [root@ceph2 ~]# ceph osd pool create cephfs_data
  4. pool 'cephfs_data' created


  1. [root@ceph2 ~]# ceph fs new cephfs cephfs_metadata cephfs_data
  2. new fs with metadata pool and data pool
  3. [root@ceph2 ~]# ceph -s
  4. cluster:
  5. id: 35a91e48--4e96-a7ee-980ab989d20d
  6. health: HEALTH_OK
  8. services:
  9. mon: daemons, quorum ceph2,ceph3,ceph4
  10. mgr: ceph4(active), standbys: ceph2, ceph3
  11. mds: cephfs-// up {=ceph2=up:active}
  12. osd: osds: up, in
  13. rbd-mirror: daemon active
  15. data:
  16. pools: pools, pgs
  17. objects: objects, MB
  18. usage: MB used, GB / GB avail
  19. pgs: active+clean
  21. io:
  22. client: B/s rd, B/s wr, op/s rd, op/s wr

2.4 查看

[root@ceph2 ~]# ceph fs status

2.5 在ceoh3上安装MDS

  1. [root@ceph3 ~]# yum -y install ceph-mds
  2. [root@ceph3 ~]# mkdir /var/lib/ceph/mds/ceph-ceph3
  3. [root@ceph3 ~]# ceph auth get-or-create mds.ceph3 mon 'allow profile mds' osd 'allow rwx' mds 'allow' -o /var/lib/ceph/mds/ceph-ceph3/keyring
  4. [root@ceph3 ~]# chown ceph.ceph /var/lib/ceph/mds/ceph-ceph3/keyring
  5. [root@ceph3 ~]# systemctl restart ceph-mds@ceph3
  6. [root@ceph3 ~]# ps -ef|grep mds
  7. ceph : ? :: /usr/bin/ceph-mds -f --cluster ceph --id ceph3 --setuser ceph --setgroup ceph

[root@ceph3 ~]# ceph fs status


2.5 创建授权用户进行挂载操作

  1. [root@ceph2 ~]# ceph auth get-or-create client.cephfs mon 'allow r' osd 'allow rw pool=cephfs_metadata,allow rw pool=cephfs_data' -o /etc/ceph/ceph.client.cephfs.keyring
  2. [root@ceph2 ~]# ll /etc/ceph/ceph.client.cephfs.keyring
  3. -rw-r--r-- root root Mar : /etc/ceph/ceph.client.cephfs.keyring
  4. [root@ceph2 ~]# scp /etc/ceph/ceph.client.cephfs.keyring root@ceph1:/etc/ceph/
  5. root@ceph1's password:
  6. ceph.client.cephfs.keyring

2.6 在ceph1上测试秘钥环是否可用

  1. [root@ceph1 ~]# ceph -s --id cephfs
  2. cluster:
  3. id: 35a91e48--4e96-a7ee-980ab989d20d
  4. health: HEALTH_OK
  6. services:
  7. mon: daemons, quorum ceph2,ceph3,ceph4
  8. mgr: ceph4(active), standbys: ceph2, ceph3
  9. mds: cephfs-// up {=ceph2=up:active}, up:standby #一个主,一个备
  10. osd: osds: up, in
  11. rbd-mirror: daemon active
  13. data:
  14. pools: pools, pgs
  15. objects: objects, MB
  16. usage: MB used, GB / GB avail
  17. pgs: active+clean
  19. io:
  20. client: B/s wr, op/s rd, op/s wr

2.7 使用cephfs挂载


  1. [root@ceph2 ~]# cd /etc/ceph/
  2. [root@ceph2 ceph]# rm -rf ceph.client.cephfs.keyring
  3. [root@ceph2 ceph]# ceph auth caps client.cephfs mon 'allow r' mds 'allow' osd 'allow rw pool=cephfs_metadata, allow rw pool=cephfs_data' -o /etc/ceph/ceph.client.cephfs.keyring
  4. updated caps for client.cephfs
  5. [root@ceph2 ceph]# ceph auth get-or-create client.cephfs -o /etc/ceph/ceph.client.cephfs.keyring
  6. [root@ceph2 ceph]# cat /etc/ceph/ceph.client.cephfs.keyring
  7. [client.cephfs]
  8. key = AQAl8Zlcdbt/DRAA3cHKjt2BFSCY7cmio6mrXw==
  9. [root@ceph2 ceph]# scp /etc/ceph/ceph.client.cephfs.keyring ceph1:/etc/ceph/
  10. root@ceph1's password:
  11. ceph.client.cephfs.keyring

2.8 挂载

  1. root@ceph1 ~]# ceph-fuse --keyring /etc/ceph/ceph.client.cephfs.keyring --name client.cephfs -m ceph2:,ceph3:,ceph4: /mnt/cephfs/
  2. ceph-fuse[]: starting ceph client
  3. -- ::26.351649 7f4a3242b040 - init, newargv = 0x55bc8e6bba40 newargc=
  4. ceph-fuse[]: starting fuse
  5. [root@ceph1 ~]# df -hT
  6. Filesystem Type Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
  7. /dev/vda1 xfs 40G .7G 39G % /
  8. devtmpfs devtmpfs 893M 893M % /dev
  9. tmpfs tmpfs 920M 920M % /dev/shm
  10. tmpfs tmpfs 920M 25M 896M % /run
  11. tmpfs tmpfs 920M 920M % /sys/fs/cgroup
  12. /dev/rbd1 xfs .0G 33M .0G % /mnt/ceph2
  13. /dev/rbd0 xfs .0G 33M .0G % /mnt/ceph
  14. tmpfs tmpfs 184M 184M % /run/user/
  15. ceph-fuse fuse.ceph-fuse 43G 43G % /mnt/cephfs #挂载成功
  16. [root@ceph1 ~]# cd /mnt/cephfs/
  17. [root@ceph1 cephfs]# touch 111 #尝试写数据,正常
  18. [root@ceph1 cephfs]# echo sucessfull >>
  19. [root@ceph1 cephfs]# cat
  20. sucessfull

2.9 写进启动文件

  1. [root@ceph1 cephfs]# cd
  2. [root@ceph1 ~]# umount /mnt/cephfs
  3. [root@ceph1 ~]# echo "id=cephfs,keyring=/etc/ceph/ceph.client.cephfs.keyring /mnt/cephfs fuse.ceph defaults,_netdev 0 0 " >> /etc/fstab
  4. [root@ceph1 ~]# mount -a
  5. mount: special device /dev/rbd/rbd/testimg-copy does not exist
  6. ceph-fuse[]: starting ceph client
  7. -- ::57.070081 7f25f0c5c040 - init, newargv = 0x55aa8aab30a0 newargc=
  8. ceph-fuse[]: starting fuse
  9. [root@ceph1 ~]# df -hT
  10. Filesystem Type Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
  11. /dev/vda1 xfs 40G .7G 39G % /
  12. devtmpfs devtmpfs 893M 893M % /dev
  13. tmpfs tmpfs 920M 920M % /dev/shm
  14. tmpfs tmpfs 920M 25M 896M % /run
  15. tmpfs tmpfs 920M 920M % /sys/fs/cgroup
  16. /dev/rbd1 xfs .0G 33M .0G % /mnt/ceph2
  17. /dev/rbd0 xfs .0G 33M .0G % /mnt/ceph
  18. tmpfs tmpfs 184M 184M % /run/user/
  19. ceph-fuse fuse.ceph-fuse 43G 43G % /mnt/cephfs #成功
  20. [root@ceph1 ~]# cd /mnt/cephfs/
  21. [root@ceph1 cephfs]# ll
  22. total
  23. -rw-r--r-- root root Mar :

2.10 使用内核挂载

  1. ceph auth get-key client.cephfs -o /etc/ceph/cephfskey
  2. [root@ceph2 ceph]# ll /etc/ceph/cephfskey
  3. -rw-r--r-- root root Mar : /etc/ceph/cephfskey
  4. [root@ceph2 ceph]# scp /etc/ceph/cephfskey ceph1:/etc/ceph/
  5. root@ceph1's password:
  6. cephfskey
  7. [root@ceph1 ~]# mount -t ceph ceph2:,ceph3:,ceph4::/ /mnt/cephfs -o name=cephfs,secretfile=/etc/ceph/cephfskey
  8. [root@ceph1 ~]# df -hT
  9. Filesystem Type Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
  10. /dev/vda1 xfs 40G .7G 39G % /
  11. devtmpfs devtmpfs 893M 893M % /dev
  12. tmpfs tmpfs 920M 920M % /dev/shm
  13. tmpfs tmpfs 920M 25M 896M % /run
  14. tmpfs tmpfs 920M 920M % /sys/fs/cgroup
  15. /dev/rbd1 xfs .0G 33M .0G % /mnt/ceph2
  16. /dev/rbd0 xfs .0G 33M .0G % /mnt/ceph
  17. tmpfs tmpfs 184M 184M % /run/user/
  18.,, ceph 135G .8G 134G % /mnt/cephfs
  19. [root@ceph1 ~]# echo "ceph2:6789,ceph3:6789,ceph4:6789:/ /mnt/cephfs ceph name=cephfs,secretfile=/etc/ceph/cephfskey,noatime,_netdev 0 0" >> /etc/fstab



ceph osd crush tunables hammer

ceph osd crush reweight-all



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