B. s-palindrome




Let's call a string "s-palindrome" if it is symmetric about the middle of the string. For example, the string "oHo" is "s-palindrome", but the string "aa" is not. The string "aa" is not "s-palindrome", because the second half of it is not a mirror reflection of the first half.

English alphabet

You are given a string s. Check if the string is "s-palindrome".


The only line contains the string s (1 ≤ |s| ≤ 1000) which consists of only English letters.


Print "TAK" if the string s is "s-palindrome" and "NIE" otherwise.

Sample Input


Sample Output









using namespace std;
string a = "AbdHIMOopqTUVvWwXxY";
string b = "AdbHIMOoqpTUVvWwXxY";
bool check(char A,char B){
for(int i=0;i<a.size();i++){
if(A==a[i]&&B==b[i])return true;
return false;
string s;
int main(){
for(int i=0;i<s.size();i++){
if(!check(s[i],s[s.size()-i-1]))return puts("NIE");
return puts("TAK");

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