Review Visual Rules
Incredible work! You used CSS to alter text and images throughout a website. Throughout this lesson, you learned concepts including:

CSS declarations are structured into property and value pairs.
The font-family property defines the typeface of an element.
font-size controls the size of text displayed.
font-weight defines how thin or thick text is displayed.
The text-align property places text in the left, right, or center of its parent container.
Text can have two different color attributes: color and background-color. color defines the color of the text, while background-color defines the color behind the text.
CSS can make an element transparent with the opacity property.
CSS can also set the background of an element to an image with the background-image property.


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  2. visual formatting model (可视化格式模型)【持续修正】

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  4. HTML和xhtml,CSS

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  7. 使用 “mini-css-extract-plugin” 提取css到单独的文件

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  8. 28. css样式中px转rem

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  9. webpack分离css单独打包

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