###############################   PART ONE   ###############################

#1. Introduction of the VisualSVN Server tool

VisualSVN Server is free to use for us. But VisualSVN client needs you to pay some money for it if you need it. VisualSVN just is a widget for Visual studio.

If you don't want to spend the money, I will suggest you to take place it instead of  AnkhSvn (VS2008 plug-in). It also provides you the same function to finish your work.

VisualSVN Server is distributed as an all-in-one standard Windows Installer package and the installation process is easy and painless: a ready-to-go server can be quickly installed in a Next-Next-Finish manner.

All in all, We always use the VisualSVN Server to setup our svn server environment. It's easy for us to do that, and you just need to click the next button by next button until you come across the finish button.

#2. download the VisualSVN Server tool

the available URL will be provided here, and you can visit its official website.


Click the download button to get your tools.

#3. Install the VisualSVN Server

After completing to download, you double click this executable program to run it.

Run the VisualSvn-Server-2.1.4.msi program, click Next, the following screenshot sequence is the installation steps:






#4.  How to use VisualSVN Server

After installing Server VisualSVN, run Server Manger VisualSVN, the following screenshot is the start GUI

1) Create a code Repository named Test , and related settings:

2) Add a user group and add some users into this group, by the way setup their permission what thing they can do.

###############################   PART TWO  ###############################

#1. Introduction of the TortoiseSVN tool

TortoiseSVN is a free open source windows platform Subversion client for version control system, and you do not need to pay any money for it. It's a pretty good thing for us.

#2. Download the TortoiseSVN tool

go access to its official webiste, you can copy this URL (https://tortoisesvn.net/downloads.html) to visit, and find a place to download it on your computer.

#3. Install TortoiseSVN

#step1 Click TortoiseSVN- and click the Next button

#step2  Accept the items in the License Agreements and Click the Next button to jump into the next part installation.

#step3 Click the Next button to go ahead

#step4 Click the Install button to go ahead

#step5 Wait for a moment to let it install on your system, it's a coffee time to have a break.

#step6 Click the finish button to end this process

NOTE: After the final installation is complete, the system prompts to restart.

It's up to you to choose it. but in my advice, you have bettr to click on Yes (because it does not restart may cause the display is not correct)

If you succed to install this software on your PC, you use this method to verify if you have installed it correctly. see the following screenshot.

You can click the right mouse button in any folder, if the display as shown below, indicating that the installation is successful.

#4. Use it in Eclipse IDE

#step1 Download the SVN plug-in for Eclipse, you can visit here the URL (http://subclipse.tigris.org)

#step2 Extract to a folder which you want to place


1) Enter in to your Eclipse installation directory

2) Find the special directory named dropins diretory

3) Create a new file and named subclipse.link (any names you want and you like)

4) type some informations into this file.

like this:

path=your plug-in extract directory

###############################   END HERE  ###############################

It's time to say goodbye. It's all I want to share with you. Hope you can enjoy your VisualSVN Server's journey. Thanks for your reading.

###############################   END HERE  ###############################

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