Print Numbers by Recursion
Print numbers from 1 to the largest number with N digits by recursion.
It's pretty easy to do recursion like:
recursion(i) {
if i > largest number:
recursion(i + 1)
however this cost a lot of recursion memory as the recursion depth maybe very large. Can you do it in another way to recursive with at most N depth?
Given N = 1
, return [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]
Given N = 2
, return [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,...,99]
第一层 1 - 9 = 1 to (pow(10, 1) - pow(10, 0))
第二层: 10 - 99 = 10 to (pow(10, 2) - pow(10, 1))
第三层: 100 - 999 = 100 to (pow(10, 3) - pow(10, 2))
- public class Solution {
- /**
- * @param n: An integer.
- * return : An array storing 1 to the largest number with n digits.
- */
- public List<Integer> numbersByRecursion(int n) {
- List<Integer> list = new ArrayList<Integer>();
- if (n <= ) return list;
- // start[0] refers to the start number for the current levevl.
- // start[1] refers to the exponent.
- int[] start = {, };
- helper(n, list, start);
- return list;
- }
- public void helper(int n, List<Integer> list, int[] start) {
- if (n == ) return;
- for (int i = ; i <= (int)(Math.pow(, start[]) - Math.pow(, start[] - )); i++) {
- list.add(start[]++);
- }
- start[]++;
- helper(n - , list, start);
- }
- }
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