''' 四分历''' #
zq = 0
month = 0 def main():
global month
year = 1
rb_year = 0
moon = 0 # number of new moon since beginning of ru bu year.
tmonth = 0
continues = False while year != 0:
year = int(input("\nPlease Enter a year to do computation (range:85~236, 0 to exit):")) if year == 0:
if year < 85 or year > 236:
print("\nCalculation of Si Fen Li doesn't apply to your input value.")
input("\nPress Enter to continue.")
continue rb_year = (year + 9281) % 76
tmonth = 14 + Leap_y(rb_year) print("月\t朔\t望\t长度\t中气\t时间\t时间\t时间")
print("- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -") month = 11
#zq = 0
for moon in range(1, tmonth + 1):
if moon % 8 == 0:
print_s(rb_year, moon)
month += 1
if month > 12:
month = 1 input("\nPress Enter to continue.") # 润年
def Leap_y( rbyear):
isLeap = 0
if ((rbyear - 1) * 235 ) % 19 >= 12:
isLeap = 1
return isLeap # 润月
def Leap_m(rbyear, month):
isLeap = 0
completed_month = (rbyear - 1) * (235.0/19.0) + (month - 1)
acd_first = (completed_month * (29.0+499.0/940.0) )
acd_last = ((completed_month + 1.0) * (29.0+499.0/940.0) )
qi_first = int(acd_first)/(30.0+14.0/32.0)
qi_last = int(acd_last) / (30.0+14.0/32.0) if qi_first - int(qi_first) != 0:
if int(qi_first) == int(qi_last) or qi_last == int(qi_last):
isLeap = 1 return isLeap # 打印结果
def print_s(rbyear, moon):
global zq
global month
name_s = acd_shuo(rbyear, moon)
name_w = acd_wang(rbyear, moon)
time_s = ( acd_shuo(rbyear, moon) - float(name_s) ) * 24.0
time_w = ( acd_wang(rbyear, moon) - float(name_w) ) * 24.0
length = int(acd_shuo(rbyear, moon + 1)) - name_s if Leap_m(rbyear, moon) == 0: #if is not a leap month.
zq += 1
name_q = acd_qi(rbyear, zq);
time_q = ( acd_qi(rbyear, zq) - (float)(name_q) ) * 24.0
print("{}\t1\t{:.1f}\t{:.3f}\t{:.1f}\t{:.3f}\t{:.3f}\t{:.1f}".format(month, time_s, name_w - name_s + 1, time_w, length, name_q - name_s + 1, time_q))
month -= 1
print("{}(Leap)\t1\t{:.1f}\t{:.3f}\t{:.1f}\t{:.3f}".format(month, time_s, name_w - name_s + 1, time_w, length)) # 朔
def acd_shuo(rbyear, moon):
completed_month = ((rbyear - 1) * 235 / 19) + moon - 1
return completed_month * (29.0+499.0/940.0) # 望
def acd_wang(rbyear, moon):
completed_month = ((rbyear - 1) * 235 / 19) + moon - 1
return (completed_month + 0.5) * (29.0+499.0/940.0) # 气
def acd_qi(rbyear, qi):
completed_qi = ((rbyear - 1) * 12) + qi - 1
return completed_qi * (30.0+14.0/32.0) if __name__ == '__main__':
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