
Module 2 Implementing Transparent Data Encryption
*/ -- 2.1 Create DataBase Master Key
USE Master;
GO Create Master Key Encryption By Password='SuperKey@currentMachine'
-- The password above must adhere to the windows password policy
-- could also use a hardware encryption module. -- 2.2 Create a Srever Certificate Derived from Database Master Key
USE master;
GO Create Certificate TDE_Cert with subject='TDE_Encryption_Cert' -- 2.3 Create Database Encryption key for a User Database
GO Create Database Encryption Key with Algorithm=AES_256
Encryption by Server Certificate TDE_Cert
-- The are other algorithm choices but AES_256 is the STRONGEST -- 2.4 Protect User Database
GO Alter Database TinyDB
Set ENCRYPTION ON -- 2.5 FollowUp
Back up all keys in the hierarchy to a safe place
In practice TEST moving/restoring the database to another instance.

2. 压缩数据

Implementing Data Compression
*/ Create Database DBWithRedundantData
GO USE DBWithRedundantData
GO --Create a Table Assigning Row Compression Create Table GreatForRowCompression
Col1 int
,Col2 char(5)
,Col3 char(3)
,Col4 char(2)
) WITH (DATA_Compression=ROW) --Create a Table Assigning Page Compression Create Table GreatForPageCompression
Col1 int
,Col2 char(5)
,Col3 char(3)
,Col4 char(2)
) WITH (DATA_Compression=PAGE) /*
Keep in mind ALTER TABLE and ALTER INDEX can be used
to implement compression when those obects already exist.

3. 数据库可用性

Change various database option and refresh the Mgmt
*/ -- 2.1 Setup: Add a Table and a couple of rows.
GO Create Table dbo.T1 (Col1 int Identity, COl2 Varchar(20) default 'T1')
Insert T1 default values
GO 5 -- 2.2 Chnage Avalablity options
Alter database TinyDB
-- The Database is Absolutely inaccessible
--Cleanly shus down the database without having to DETACH
--Refresh the Databasees node in Mgmt Studio to notice the change --Try this query to see what happens... Select * from T1 Alter database TinyDB
-- limited access (Only SysAdmins). This might be useful for
-- Transaction Log repairs with DBCC.
--Try this query to see what happens... Select * from T1 Alter database TinyDB
Set ONLINE -- The Default Option Alter database TinyDB
-- Cannot make changes to the database -- Try this query to see what happens... UPDATA T1 set Col2='dd' where Col1=1 Alter database TinyDB
Set READ_WRITE -- the Default Option Alter database TinyDB
-- Only one authoritative user can connect to the database
-- Userd when DBCC CheckD repair_allow_data_loss is used Alter database TinyDB
Set RESTRICTED_USER Alter database TinyDB
Set MULTI_USER -- the Default Option

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