
   flutter一个重要的特性就是组件化。组件分为两种状态,一种是StatefulWidget有状态组件,一种是StatelessWidget无状态组件。 无状态组件不能更新状态,有状态组件具有类似刷新的机制,可更改状态。

      • 父子组件通信
      • 兄弟组件通信       

二, 通信实现方式

  • 回调通信

    • 需求“点击子组件,修改父组件的背景颜色与子组件背景颜色一致”
    • 代码实现
      1. //父组件
      3. class ParentWidget extends StatefulWidget {
      4. final String title;
      5. ParentWidget({Key key,this.title}):super(key:key);
      7. @override
      8. State<StatefulWidget> createState() {
      9. return new ParentWidgetState();
      10. }
      11. }
      13. class ParentWidgetState extends State<ParentWidget> {
      14. Color containerBg = Colors.orange;
      15. void changeBackgroundColor(Color newColor){
      16. setState(() {
      17. containerBg = newColor;//修改状态
      18. });
      19. }
      21. @override
      22. Widget build(BuildContext context) {
      23. return new Scaffold(
      24. appBar: new AppBar(
      25. title: new Text(widget.title),
      26. ),
      27. body: new Center(
      28. child: new GestureDetector(
      29. onTap: (){
      30. changeBackgroundColor(Colors.orange);
      31. },
      32. child: new Container(
      33. width: 300,
      34. height: 300,
      35. color: containerBg,
      36. alignment: Alignment.center,
      37. child: new Row(
      38. mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.spaceEvenly,
      39. children: <Widget>[
      40. new childrenA(childrenACallBack: changeBackgroundColor),
      41. new childrenB(childrenBCallBack: changeBackgroundColor),
      42. ],
      43. ),
      44. ),
      45. )
      46. ),
      47. );
      48. }
      49. }
      51. //子组件(组件A)
      52. class childrenA extends StatelessWidget {
      1. final ValueChanged<Color> childrenACallBack;
      2. childrenA({Key key,this.childrenACallBack}):super(key:key);
      1. @override
      2. Widget build(BuildContext context) {
      3. return new GestureDetector(
      4. onTap: (){
      5. childrenACallBack(Colors.green);
      6. },
      7. child: new Container(
      8. width: 80,
      9. height: 80,
      10. color: Colors.green,
      11. child: new Text('ChildrenA'),
      12. ),
      13. );
      14. }
      15. }
      17. //子组件(组件B)
      18. class childrenB extends StatelessWidget {
      19. final ValueChanged<Color> childrenBCallBack;
      20. childrenB({Key key,this.childrenBCallBack}):super(key:key);
      22. @override
      23. Widget build(BuildContext context) {
      24. return new GestureDetector(
      25. onTap:(){
      26. childrenBCallBack(Colors.red);
      27. },
      28. child: new Container(
      29. width: 80,
      30. height: 80,
      31. color: Colors.red,
      32. child: new Text('ChildredB'),
      33. ),
      34. );
      35. }
      36. }
    • 功能实现

    • 使用场景:一般用于子组件对父组件传值。
  • InheritedWidget 数据共享

    • 场景:业务开发中经常会碰到这样的情况,多个Widget需要同步同一份全局数据,比如点赞数、评论数、夜间模式等等。
    • 代码实现:
      1. import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
      3. void main() => runApp(MyApp());
      5. class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
      6. // This widget is the root of your application.
      7. @override
      8. Widget build(BuildContext context) {
      9. return MaterialApp(
      10. title: 'Flutter Demo',
      11. theme: ThemeData(
      12. primarySwatch: Colors.blue,
      14. ),
      15. home: new InheritedWidgetTestContainer(),
      16. );
      17. }
      18. }
      20. //模型数据
      21. class InheritedTestModel {
      22. final int count;
      23. const InheritedTestModel(this.count);
      24. }
      26. //哨所(自定义InheritedWidget类)
      27. class InheritedContext extends InheritedWidget {
      28. //构造函数
      29. InheritedContext({
      30. Key key,
      31. @required this.inheritedTestModel,
      32. @required this.increment,
      33. @required this.reduce,
      34. @required Widget child
      35. }):super(key:key,child:child);
      37. //变量
      38. final InheritedTestModel inheritedTestModel;
      39. final Function() increment;
      40. final Function() reduce;
      42. //静态方法
      43. static InheritedContext of(BuildContext context){
      44. InheritedContext contexts = context.inheritFromWidgetOfExactType(InheritedContext);
      45. return context.inheritFromWidgetOfExactType(InheritedContext);
      46. }
      47. //是否重建取决于Widget组件是否相同
      48. @override
      49. bool updateShouldNotify(InheritedContext oldWidget) {
      50. return inheritedTestModel != oldWidget.inheritedTestModel;
      51. }
      52. }
      54. class TestWidgetA extends StatelessWidget {
      55. @override
      56. Widget build(BuildContext context) {
      57. final inheritedContext = InheritedContext.of(context);
      58. return new Padding(
      59. padding: const EdgeInsets.only(left: 10.0,top: 10.0,right: 10.0),
      60. child: new RaisedButton(
      61. textColor: Colors.black,
      62. child: new Text('+'),
      63. onPressed:inheritedContext.increment
      64. ),
      65. );
      66. }
      67. }
      69. class TestWidgetB extends StatelessWidget {
      70. @override
      71. Widget build(BuildContext context) {
      72. final inheritedContext = InheritedContext.of(context);
      73. return new Padding(
      74. padding: const EdgeInsets.only(left: 10,top: 10,right: 10.0),
      75. child: new RaisedButton(
      76. textColor: Colors.black,
      77. child: new Text('-'),
      78. onPressed: inheritedContext.reduce
      79. ),
      80. );
      81. }
      82. }
      84. class TestWidgetC extends StatelessWidget {
      85. @override
      86. Widget build(BuildContext context) {
      87. final inheritedContext = InheritedContext.of(context);
      88. final inheritedTestModel = inheritedContext.inheritedTestModel;
      90. return new Padding(
      91. padding: const EdgeInsets.only(left: 10.0,top: 10.0,right: 10.0),
      92. child: new RaisedButton(
      93. textColor: Colors.black,
      94. child: new Text('${inheritedTestModel.count}'),
      95. onPressed: (){
      97. },
      98. ),
      99. );
      100. }
      101. }
      103. class InheritedWidgetTestContainer extends StatefulWidget {
      104. @override
      105. State<StatefulWidget> createState() {
      106. return new InheritedWidgetTestContainerState();
      107. }
      108. }
      110. class InheritedWidgetTestContainerState extends State<InheritedWidgetTestContainer> {
      112. InheritedTestModel _inheritedTestModel;
      114. _initData(){
      115. _inheritedTestModel = new InheritedTestModel(0);
      116. }
      118. @override
      119. void initState() {
      120. _initData();
      121. super.initState();
      122. }
      124. _incrementCount(){
      125. setState(() {
      126. _inheritedTestModel = new InheritedTestModel(_inheritedTestModel.count + 1);
      127. });
      128. }
      130. _reduceCount(){
      131. setState(() {
      132. _inheritedTestModel = new InheritedTestModel(_inheritedTestModel.count - 1);
      133. });
      134. }
      136. @override
      137. Widget build(BuildContext context) {
      138. return new InheritedContext(
      139. inheritedTestModel: _inheritedTestModel,
      140. increment: _incrementCount,
      141. reduce: _reduceCount,
      142. child: new Scaffold(
      143. appBar: new AppBar(
      144. title: new Text('InheritedWidgetTest'),
      145. ),
      146. body: new Center(
      147. child: new Column(
      148. children: <Widget>[
      149. new TestWidgetA(),
      150. new TestWidgetB(),
      151. new TestWidgetC(),
      152. ],
      153. ),
      154. )
      155. ),
      156. );
      157. }
      158. }
    • 功能实现
    • 使用场景

  • Global Key通信
    • 需求“点击A子组件,修改B子组件的背景颜色为指定的‘蓝色”
    • 代码实现
      1. //父组件
      2. class ParentWidget extends StatefulWidget {
      3. @override
      4. State<StatefulWidget> createState() {
      5. return new ParentWidgetState();
      6. }
      7. }
      9. class ParentWidgetState extends State<ParentWidget> {
      10. @override
      11. Widget build(BuildContext context) {
      13. return new Scaffold(
      14. appBar: new AppBar(
      15. title: new Text('组件化'),
      16. ),
      17. body: new Center(
      18. child: new Container(
      19. color: Colors.grey,
      20. width: 200,
      21. height: 200,
      22. child: new Row(
      23. mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.spaceEvenly,
      24. children: <Widget>[
      25. new SubWidgetA(key: subAkey),
      26. new SubWidgetB(key: subBkey)
      27. ],
      28. ),
      29. ),
      30. ),
      31. );
      32. }
      33. }
      35. //子组件A
      37. class SubWidgetA extends StatefulWidget {
      38. SubWidgetA({Key key}):super(key:key);
      39. @override
      40. State<StatefulWidget> createState() {
      41. return new SubWidgetAState();
      42. }
      43. }
      45. class SubWidgetAState extends State <SubWidgetA> {
      47. Color _backgroundColors = Colors.red;//红色
      48. void updateBackGroundColors(Color colos){
      49. setState(() {
      50. _backgroundColors = colos;
      51. });
      52. }
      54. @override
      55. Widget build(BuildContext context) {
      56. return new GestureDetector(
      57. onTap: (){
      58. subBkey.currentState.updateBackGroundColors(Colors.blue);
      59. setState(() {
      60. _backgroundColors = Colors.red;
      61. });
      62. },
      63. child: new Container(
      64. width: 80,
      65. height: 80,
      66. color:_backgroundColors,
      67. alignment: Alignment.center,
      68. child: new Text('SubWidgetA'),
      69. ),
      70. );
      71. }
      72. }
      74. //子组件B
      75. class SubWidgetB extends StatefulWidget {
      76. SubWidgetB({Key key}):super(key:key);
      77. @override
      78. State<StatefulWidget> createState() {
      79. // TODO: implement createState
      80. return new SubWidgetBState();
      81. }
      82. }
      84. class SubWidgetBState extends State<SubWidgetB> {
      86. Color _backgroundColors = Colors.green;//绿色
      87. void updateBackGroundColors(Color colos){
      88. setState(() {
      89. _backgroundColors = colos;
      90. });
      91. }
      93. @override
      94. Widget build(BuildContext context) {
      95. return new GestureDetector(
      96. onTap: (){
      97. subAkey.currentState.updateBackGroundColors(Colors.blue);
      98. setState(() {
      99. _backgroundColors = Colors.green;
      100. });
      102. },
      103. child: new Container(
      104. width: 80,
      105. height: 80,
      106. color: _backgroundColors,
      107. alignment: Alignment.center,
      108. child: new Text('SubWidgetB'),
      109. ),
      110. );
      111. }
      112. }
    • 功能实现
    • 使用场景:一般用于跨组件访问状态
  • ValueNotifier通信 


    1. 定义ValueNotifierData类,继承ValueNotifier

      1. class ValueNotifierData extends ValueNotifier<String> {
      2. ValueNotifierData(value) : super(value);
      3. }
    1. 定义_WidgetOne,包含一个ValueNotifierData的实例。

      1. class _WidgetOne extends StatefulWidget {
      2. _WidgetOne({this.data});
      3. final ValueNotifierData data;
      4. @override
      5. _WidgetOneState createState() => _WidgetOneState();
      6. }
    1. _WidgetOneState中给ValueNotifierData实例添加监听。

      1. @override
      2. initState() {
      3. super.initState();
      4. widget.data.addListener(_handleValueChanged);
      5. info = 'Initial mesage: ' + widget.data.value;
      6. }
      8. void _handleValueChanged() {
      9. setState(() {
      10. info = 'Message changed to: ' + widget.data.value;
      11. });
    1. ValueNotifierCommunication组件中实例化_WidgetOne,可以通过改变ValueNotifierData实例的value来触发_WidgetOneState的更新。

      1. @override
      2. Widget build(BuildContext context) {
      3. ValueNotifierData vd = ValueNotifierData('Hello World');
      4. return Scaffold(
      5. appBar: AppBar(title: Text('Value Notifier Communication'),),
      6. body: _WidgetOne(data: vd),
      7. floatingActionButton: FloatingActionButton(child: Icon(Icons.refresh),onPressed: () {
      8. vd.value = 'Yes';
      9. }),
      10. );
      11. }
  • 第三方插件
    • event_bus 

      • 引入插件

        1. import 'package:event_bus/event_bus.dart';
      • event_bus用法。

        • 新建消息监测类

          1. import 'package:event_bus/event_bus.dart';
          2. EventBus eventBus = new EventBus();
          3. class TransEvent{
          4. String text;
          5. TransEvent(this.text);
          6. }
        • 监测类变化

          1. eventBus.on<TransEvent>().listen((TransEvent data) => show(data.text));
          2. void show(String val) {
          3. setState(() {
          4. data = val;
          5. });
          6. }
        • 触发消息变化

          1. eventBus.fire(new TransEvent('$inputText'));
      • 使用场景:这样我们就可以根据这些来实现组件之间的传值。


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